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#ifndef _ELM_MAP_EO_H_
#define _ELM_MAP_EO_H_
typedef Eo Elm_Map;
* @brief Set type of a external source (provider).
* See @ref elm_obj_map_sources_get() See @ref elm_obj_map_source_get() See
* @ref elm_obj_map_source_set()
* @ingroup Elm_Map
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_TILE = 0, /**< Map tile provider. */
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTE, /**< Route service provider. */
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME, /**< Name service provider. */
ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field
* during iteration */
} Elm_Map_Source_Type;
* @brief Set type of transport used on route.
* See @ref elm_obj_map_route_add()
* @ingroup Elm_Map
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_MOTOCAR = 0, /**< Route should consider an automobile will
* be used. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_BICYCLE, /**< Route should consider a bicycle will be used
* by the user. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT, /**< Route should consider user will be walking. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during
* iteration */
} Elm_Map_Route_Type;
* @brief Set the routing method, what should be prioritized, time or distance.
* See @ref elm_obj_map_route_add()
* @ingroup Elm_Map
typedef enum
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_FASTEST = 0, /**< Route should prioritize time. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_SHORTEST, /**< Route should prioritize distance. */
ELM_MAP_ROUTE_METHOD_LAST /**< Sentinel value to indicate last enum field
* during iteration */
} Elm_Map_Route_Method;
/** Elementary map class
* @ingroup Elm_Map
#define ELM_MAP_CLASS elm_map_class_get()
EWAPI const Efl_Class *elm_map_class_get(void) EINA_CONST;
* @brief Set the minimum zoom of the source.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] zoom Minimum zoom value to be used.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_zoom_min_set(Eo *obj, int zoom);
* @brief Get the minimum zoom of the source.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return Minimum zoom value to be used.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI int elm_obj_map_zoom_min_get(const Eo *obj);
* @brief Rotate the map.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] degree Angle from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate around Z axis.
* @param[in] cx Rotation's center horizontal position.
* @param[in] cy Rotation's center vertical position.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_rotate_set(Eo *obj, double degree, int cx, int cy);
* @brief Get the rotate degree of the map.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[out] degree Angle from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate around Z axis.
* @param[out] cx Rotation's center horizontal position.
* @param[out] cy Rotation's center vertical position.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_rotate_get(const Eo *obj, double *degree, int *cx, int *cy);
* @brief Set the user agent used by the map object to access routing services.
* User agent is a client application implementing a network protocol used in
* communications within a clientserver distributed computing system
* The @c user_agent identification string will transmitted in a header field
* @c User-Agent.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] user_agent The user agent to be used by the map.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_user_agent_set(Eo *obj, const char *user_agent);
* @brief Get the user agent used by the map object.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The user agent to be used by the map.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI const char *elm_obj_map_user_agent_get(const Eo *obj);
* @brief Set the maximum zoom of the source.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] zoom Maximum zoom value to be used.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_zoom_max_set(Eo *obj, int zoom);
* @brief Get the maximum zoom of the source.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return Maximum zoom value to be used.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI int elm_obj_map_zoom_max_get(const Eo *obj);
* @brief Get the current geographic coordinates of the map.
* This gets the current center coordinates of the map object. It can be set by
* @ref elm_obj_map_region_bring_in and @ref elm_obj_map_region_show.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[out] lon Pointer to store longitude.
* @param[out] lat Pointer to store latitude.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_region_get(const Eo *obj, double *lon, double *lat);
* @brief Return all overlays in the map object.
* This list includes group overlays also. So this can be changed dynamically
* while zooming and panning.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The list of all overlays or @c null upon failure.
* @since 1.7
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Eina_List *elm_obj_map_overlays_get(const Eo *obj);
* @brief Get the information of tile load status.
* This gets the current tile loaded status for the map object.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[out] try_num Pointer to store number of tiles download requested.
* @param[out] finish_num Pointer to store number of tiles successfully
* downloaded.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_tile_load_status_get(const Eo *obj, int *try_num, int *finish_num);
* @brief Set the current source of the map for a specific type.
* Map widget retrieves tile images that composes the map from a web service.
* This web service can be set with this method for #ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_TILE
* type. A different service can return a different maps with different
* information and it can use different zoom values.
* Map widget provides route data based on a external web service. This web
* service can be set with this method for #ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTE type.
* Map widget also provide geoname data based on a external web service. This
* web service can be set with this method for #ELM_MAP_SOURCE_TYPE_NAME type.
* The @c source_name need to match one of the names provided by
* @ref elm_obj_map_sources_get.
* The current source can be get using @ref elm_obj_map_source_get.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] type Source type.
* @param[in] source_name The source to be used.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_source_set(Eo *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type, const char *source_name);
* @brief Get the name of currently used source for a specific type.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] type Source type.
* @return The name of the source in use.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI const char *elm_obj_map_source_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type);
* @brief Add a new route to the map object.
* A route will be traced by point on coordinates ($flat, @c flon) to point on
* coordinates ($tlat, @c tlon), using the route service set with
* @ref elm_obj_map_source_set.
* It will take @c type on consideration to define the route, depending if the
* user will be walking or driving, the route may vary. One of
* #ELM_MAP_ROUTE_TYPE_FOOT need to be used.
* Another parameter is what the route should prioritize, the minor distance or
* the less time to be spend on the route. So @c method should be one of
* Routes created with this method can be deleted with @ref elm_map_route_del
* and distance can be get with @ref elm_map_route_distance_get.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] type The type of transport to be considered when tracing a route.
* @param[in] method The routing method, what should be prioritized.
* @param[in] flon The start longitude.
* @param[in] flat The start latitude.
* @param[in] tlon The destination longitude.
* @param[in] tlat The destination latitude.
* @param[in] route_cb The route to be traced.
* @param[in] data A pointer of user data.
* @return The created route or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Route *elm_obj_map_route_add(Eo *obj, Elm_Map_Route_Type type, Elm_Map_Route_Method method, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat, Elm_Map_Route_Cb route_cb, void *data);
* @brief Add a track on the map.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] emap The emap route object.
* @return The route object. This is an elm object of type Route.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Efl_Canvas_Object *elm_obj_map_track_add(Eo *obj, void *emap);
* @brief Convert geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude) into canvas
* coordinates.
* This gets canvas x, y coordinates from longitude and latitude. The canvas
* coordinates mean x, y coordinate from current viewport.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] lon The longitude to convert.
* @param[in] lat The latitude to convert.
* @param[out] x A pointer to horizontal coordinate.
* @param[out] y A pointer to vertical coordinate.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_region_to_canvas_convert(const Eo *obj, double lon, double lat, int *x, int *y);
* @brief Add a new circle overlay to the map object. This overlay has a circle
* type.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] lon The center longitude.
* @param[in] lat The center latitude.
* @param[in] radius The pixel length of radius.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_circle_add(Eo *obj, double lon, double lat, double radius);
* @brief Add a new class overlay to the map object. This overlay has a class
* type.
* This overlay is not shown before overlay members are appended. if overlay
* members in the same class are close, group overlays are created. If they are
* far away, group overlays are hidden. When group overlays are shown, they
* have default style layouts at first.
* You can change the state (hidden, paused, etc.) or set the content or icon
* of the group overlays by changing the state of the class overlay. Do not
* modify the group overlay itself.
* Also these changes have a influence on the overlays in the same class even
* if each overlay is alone and is not grouped.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_class_add(Eo *obj);
* @brief Add a new bubble overlay to the map object. This overlay has a bubble
* type.
* A bubble will not be displayed before geographic coordinates are set or any
* other overlays are followed.
* This overlay has a bubble style layout and icon or content can not be set.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_bubble_add(Eo *obj);
* @brief Get the names of available sources for a specific type.
* It will provide a list with all available sources. Current source can be set
* by @ref elm_obj_map_source_set, or get with @ref elm_obj_map_source_get.
* At least available sources of tile type are "Mapnik", "Osmarender",
* "CycleMap" and "Maplint".
* At least available sources of route type are "Yours".
* At least available sources of name type are "Nominatim".
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] type Source type.
* @return The char pointer array of source names.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI const char **elm_obj_map_sources_get(const Eo *obj, Elm_Map_Source_Type type);
* @brief Add a new polygon overlay to the map object. This overlay has a
* polygon type.
* At least 3 regions should be added to show the polygon overlay.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_polygon_add(Eo *obj);
* @brief Add a new line overlay to the map object. This overlay has a line
* type.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] flon The start longitude.
* @param[in] flat The start latitude.
* @param[in] tlon The destination longitude.
* @param[in] tlat The destination latitude.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_line_add(Eo *obj, double flon, double flat, double tlon, double tlat);
* @brief Show the given coordinates at the center of the map, immediately.
* This causes map to redraw its viewport's contents to the region containing
* the given @c lat and @c lon, that will be moved to the center of the map.
* See @ref elm_obj_map_region_bring_in for a function to move with animation.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] lon Longitude to center at.
* @param[in] lat Latitude to center at.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_region_show(Eo *obj, double lon, double lat);
* @brief Request a address or geographic coordinates(longitude, latitude) from
* a given address or geographic coordinate(longitude, latitude).
* If you want to get address from geographic coordinates, set input @c address
* as @c null and set @c lon, @c lat as you want to convert. If address is set
* except NULL, @c lon and @c lat are checked.
* To get the string for this address, @ref elm_map_name_address_get should be
* used after callback or "name,loaded" signal is called.
* To get the longitude and latitude, @ref elm_map_region_get should be used.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] address The address.
* @param[in] lon The longitude.
* @param[in] lat The latitude.
* @param[in] name_cb The callback function.
* @param[in] data The user callback data.
* @return A #Elm_Map_Name handle for this coordinate.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Name *elm_obj_map_name_add(const Eo *obj, const char *address, double lon, double lat, Elm_Map_Name_Cb name_cb, void *data);
* @brief Requests a list of addresses corresponding to a given name.
* @internal
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] address The address.
* @param[in] name_cb The callback function.
* @param[in] data The user callback data.
* @since 1.8
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_name_search(const Eo *obj, const char *address, Elm_Map_Name_List_Cb name_cb, void *data);
* @brief Animatedly bring in given coordinates to the center of the map.
* This causes map to jump to the given @c lat and @c lon coordinates and show
* it (by scrolling) in the center of the viewport, if it is not already
* centered. This will use animation to do so and take a period of time to
* complete.
* See @ref elm_obj_map_region_show for a function to avoid animation.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] lon Longitude to center at.
* @param[in] lat Latitude to center at.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_region_bring_in(Eo *obj, double lon, double lat);
* @brief Animatedly set the zoom level of the map and bring in given
* coordinates to the center of the map.
* This causes map to zoom into specific zoom level and also move to the given
* @c lat and @c lon coordinates and show it (by scrolling) in the center of
* the viewport concurrently.
* See also @ref elm_obj_map_region_bring_in.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] zoom The zoom level to set.
* @param[in] lon Longitude to center at.
* @param[in] lat Latitude to center at.
* @since 1.11
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_region_zoom_bring_in(Eo *obj, int zoom, double lon, double lat);
* @brief Remove a track from the map.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] route The track to remove.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_track_remove(Eo *obj, Efl_Canvas_Object *route);
* @brief Add a new route overlay to the map object. This overlay has a route
* type.
* This overlay has a route style layout and icon or content can not be set.
* The color scheme can be changed by @ref elm_map_overlay_content_set.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] route The route object to make a overlay.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_route_add(Eo *obj, const Elm_Map_Route *route);
* @brief Add a new scale overlay to the map object. This overlay has a scale
* type.
* The scale overlay shows the ratio of a distance on the map to the
* corresponding distance.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted with @ref
* elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] x horizontal pixel coordinate.
* @param[in] y vertical pixel coordinate.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_scale_add(Eo *obj, int x, int y);
* @brief Add a new overlay to the map object. This overlay has a default type.
* A overlay will be created and shown in a specific point of the map, defined
* by @c lon and @c lat.
* The created overlay has a default style layout before content or icon is
* set. If content or icon is set, those are displayed instead of default style
* layout.
* You can set by using @ref elm_map_overlay_content_set or @ref
* elm_map_overlay_icon_set. If @c null is set, default style is shown again.
* Overlay created with this method can be deleted by @ref elm_map_overlay_del.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] lon The longitude of the overlay.
* @param[in] lat The latitude of the overlay.
* @return The created overlay or @c null upon failure.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI Elm_Map_Overlay *elm_obj_map_overlay_add(Eo *obj, double lon, double lat);
* @brief Convert canvas coordinates into geographic coordinates (longitude,
* latitude).
* This gets longitude and latitude from canvas x, y coordinates. The canvas
* coordinates mean x, y coordinate from current viewport.
* @param[in] obj The object.
* @param[in] x Horizontal coordinate of the point to convert.
* @param[in] y Vertical coordinate of the point to convert.
* @param[out] lon A pointer to the longitude.
* @param[out] lat A pointer to the latitude.
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EOAPI void elm_obj_map_canvas_to_region_convert(const Eo *obj, int x, int y, double *lon, double *lat);
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_PRESS;
/** Called when map was pressed
* @return Evas_Event_Mouse_Down
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_LOADED;
/** Called when map loaded
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_TILE_LOAD;
/** Called when title load started
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_TILE_LOADED;
/** Called when title load finished
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_TILE_LOADED_FAIL;
/** Called when title load failed
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_ROUTE_LOAD;
/** Called when route load started
* @return Elm_Map_Route
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_ROUTE_LOADED;
/** Called when route load finished
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_ROUTE_LOADED_FAIL;
/** Called when route load failed
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_NAME_LOAD;
/** Called when name load started
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_NAME_LOADED;
/** Called when name load finished
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_NAME_LOADED_FAIL;
/** Called when name load failed
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_OVERLAY_CLICKED;
/** Called when overlay was clicked
* @return Elm_Map_Overlay
* @ingroup Elm_Map
EWAPI extern const Efl_Event_Description _ELM_MAP_EVENT_OVERLAY_DEL;
/** Called when overlay was deleted
* @return Elm_Map_Overlay
* @ingroup Elm_Map