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2008-07-16 12:45:12 -07:00
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et: */
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "Efreet.h"
#include "Efreet_Trash.h"
#include "efreet_private.h"
static const char *efreet_trash_dir = NULL;
* @return Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
* @brief Initializes the efreet trash system
EAPI int
return 1;
* @return Returns no value
* @brief Cleans up the efreet trash system
EAPI void
* @return Returns the XDG Trash local directory or NULL on errors
* @brief Retrieves the XDG Trash local directory
EAPI const char*
char buf[PATH_MAX];
if (efreet_trash_dir && ecore_file_exists(efreet_trash_dir))
return efreet_trash_dir;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Trash", efreet_data_home_get());
if (!ecore_file_exists(buf) && !ecore_file_mkpath(buf))
return NULL;
efreet_trash_dir = ecore_string_instance(buf);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/files", efreet_trash_dir);
if (!ecore_file_exists(buf) && !ecore_file_mkpath(buf))
return NULL;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/info", efreet_trash_dir);
if (!ecore_file_exists(buf) && !ecore_file_mkpath(buf))
return NULL;
return efreet_trash_dir;
* @param uri: The local uri to move in the trash
* @param force_delete: If you set this to 1 than files on different filesystems
* will be deleted permanently
* @return Return 1 on success, 0 on failure or -1 in case the uri is not on the
* same filesystem and force_delete is not set.
* @brief This function try to move the given uri to the trash. Files on
* different filesystem can't be moved to trash. If force_delete
* is 0 than non-local files will be ignored and -1 is returned, if you set
* force_delete to 1 non-local files will be deleted without asking.
EAPI int
efreet_trash_delete_uri(Efreet_Uri *uri, int force_delete)
char dest[PATH_MAX];
char times[64];
const char *fname;
const char *escaped;
int i = 1;
time_t now;
FILE *f;
if (!uri || !uri->path || !ecore_file_can_write(uri->path)) return 0;
fname = ecore_file_file_get(uri->path);
snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s/files/%s", efreet_trash_dir_get(), fname);
/* search for a free filename */
while (ecore_file_exists(dest))
snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s/files/%s$%d",
efreet_trash_dir_get(), fname, i++);
fname = ecore_file_file_get(dest);
/* move file to trash dir */
if (rename(uri->path, dest))
if (errno == EXDEV)
if (!force_delete) return -1;
if (!ecore_file_recursive_rm(uri->path))
printf("EFREET TRASH ERROR: Can't delete file.\n");
return 0;
printf("EFREET TRASH ERROR: Can't move file to trash.\n");
return 0;
/* create info file */
snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s/info/%s.trashinfo",
efreet_trash_dir_get(), fname);
if (f = fopen(dest, "w"))
fputs("[Trash Info]\n", f); //TODO is '\n' right?? (or \r\c??)
fputs("Path=", f);
escaped = efreet_uri_escape(uri);
fputs(escaped + 7, f); // +7 == don't write 'file://'
strftime(times, sizeof(times), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));
fputs("\nDeletionDate=", f);
fputs(times, f);
fputs("\n", f);
printf("EFREET TRASH ERROR: Can't create trash info file.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
* @return Return 1 if the trash is empty or 0 if some file are in.
* @brief Check if the trash is currently empty
EAPI int
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/files", efreet_trash_dir_get());
/* TODO Check also trash in other filesystems */
return ecore_file_dir_is_empty(buf);
* @return Return 1 on success or 0 on failure
* @brief Delete all the files inside the trash.
EAPI int
char buf[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/info", efreet_trash_dir_get());
if (!ecore_file_recursive_rm(buf)) return 0;
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/files", efreet_trash_dir_get());
if (!ecore_file_recursive_rm(buf)) return 0;
/* TODO Empty also trash in other filesystems */
return 1;
* @return Return a list of strings with filename (remember to free the list
* when you don't need anymore)
* @brief List all the files and directory currently inside the trash.
EAPI Ecore_List*
char *infofile;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
Ecore_List *files;
// TODO read the name from the infofile instead of the filename
snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/files", efreet_trash_dir_get());
files = ecore_file_ls(buf);
while (infofile = ecore_list_next(files))
printf("FILE: %s\n", infofile);
return files;
* @param val: a valid uri string to parse
* @return Return The corresponding Efreet_Uri structure. Or NULL on errors.
* @brief Parse a single uri and return an Efreet_Uri struct. If there's no
* hostname in the uri then the hostname parameter is NULL. All the uri escaped
* chars will be converted back.
EAPI Efreet_Uri *
efreet_uri_parse(const char *val)
Efreet_Uri *uri;
const char *p;
char protocol[64], hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX], path[PATH_MAX];
int i = 0;
/* An uri should be in the form <protocol>://<hostname>/<path> */
p = strstr(val, "://");
if (!p) return NULL;
memset(protocol, 0, 64);
memset(hostname, 0, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
memset(path, 0, PATH_MAX);
/* parse protocol */
p = val;
for (i = 0; *p != ':' && *p != '\0' && i < 64; p++, i++)
protocol[i] = *p;
protocol[i] = '\0';
/* parse hostname */
p += 3;
if (*p != '/')
for (i = 0; *p != '/' && *p != '\0' && i < _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX; p++, i++)
hostname[i] = *p;
hostname[i] = '\0';
hostname[0] = '\0';
/* parse path */
/* See http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738.html for the escaped chars */
for (i = 0; *p != '\0' && i < PATH_MAX; i++, p++)
if (*p == '%')
path[i] = *(++p);
path[i + 1] = *(++p);
path[i] = (char)strtol(&(path[i]), NULL, 16);
path[i + 1] = '\0';
path[i] = *p;
uri = NEW(Efreet_Uri, 1);
if (!uri) return NULL;
uri->protocol = ecore_string_instance(protocol);
uri->hostname = ecore_string_instance(hostname);
uri->path = ecore_string_instance(path);
return uri;
* @param uri: The uri structure to escape
* @return The string rapresentation of an uri (ex: 'file:///home/my%20name')
* @brief Get the string rapresentation of the given uri struct escaping
* illegal caracters. The resulting string will contain the protocol but not the
* hostname, as many apps doesn't handle it.
EAPI const char *
efreet_uri_escape(Efreet_Uri *uri)
char dest[PATH_MAX * 3 + 4];
const char *p;
int i;
if (!uri || !uri->path || !uri->protocol) return NULL;
memset(dest, 0, PATH_MAX * 3 + 4);
snprintf(dest, strlen(uri->protocol) + 4, "%s://", uri->protocol);
/* Most app doesn't handle the hostname in the uri so it's put to NULL */
for (i = strlen(uri->protocol) + 3, p = uri->path; *p != '\0'; p++, i++)
if (isalnum(*p) || strchr("/$-_.+!*'()", *p))
dest[i] = *p;
snprintf(&(dest[i]), 4, "%%%02X", *p);
i += 2;
return ecore_string_instance(dest);
* @param uri: The uri to free
* @brief Free the given uri structure.
EAPI void
efreet_uri_free(Efreet_Uri *uri)
if (!uri) return;
2008-08-02 15:09:04 -07:00
2008-07-16 12:45:12 -07:00