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import eina_types;
struct Efl.Net.Ip_Address.Resolve_Results {
[[The results of @Efl.Net.Ip_Address.resolve call.
This structure is created by @Efl.Net.Ip_Address.resolve.
@since 1.19
request_address: string; [[The 'address' argument given to Efl.Net.Ip_Address.resolve]]
canonical_name: string; [[The canonical name, if it was requested in flags]]
results: array<Efl.Net.Ip_Address>; [[The resolved objects. Do not modify this array, but you can keep reference to elements using efl_ref() and efl_unref()]]
class Efl.Net.Ip_Address (Efl.Object) {
[[An Internet Protocol (IP) Address.
This class is a set of helpers to translate to and from address
strings used in Efl.Net. For IP they take the formats:
- IPv4 complete:
- IPv4 no port:
- IPv6 complete: [::1]:1234
- IPv6 no port: [::1]
- IPv6 no braces (implies no port): ::1
However in other libraries one may use the address numbers or
even a 'struct sockaddr' handle and translating by yourself may
be too much work. To convert to a string, just create an
instance with @.create or @.create_sockaddr and then query
@.string. To convert from numeric string to sockaddr, create an
instance with @.parse and then query @.sockaddr.
To resolve a host and port name to numbers use @.resolve, this
will asynchronously resolve and return the results in a promise.
The result of @.string can be passed to @Efl.Net.Dialer.dial and
@since 1.19
methods {
create @class {
[[Creates an object given family, port and address.
This is a convenience to create an object in a single
call. To create based on 'struct sockaddr', see
@.create_sockaddr. To create from string, see @.parse.
params {
port: uint16; [[Port number in Host/Native endianess]]
address: const(Eina.Slice); [[Address bytes. If 4 bytes, AF_INET will be used. If 16 bytes, AF_INET6 will be used. All other sizes will result in failure.]]
return: own(Efl.Net.Ip_Address); [[Newly created object or $NULL if parameters were invalid.]]
create_sockaddr @class {
[[Creates an object given sockaddr
This is a convenience to create an object in a single call.
To create based on native port and address bytes,
use @.create, to create from string use @.parse.
params {
sockaddr: const(void_ptr) @nonull; [[The pointer to struct sockaddr-compatible handle as per <netinet/in.h>.]]
return: own(Efl.Net.Ip_Address); [[Newly created object or $NULL if parameter was invalid.]]
parse @class {
[[Parses a numeric address and return an object representing it.
This parses a numeric IPv4 or IPv6 address and optional
port, returning an object representing it on success or
$NULL on failure.
The address may be in the formats:
- IPv4 complete:
- IPv4 no port:
- IPv6 complete: [::1]:1234
- IPv6 no port: [::1]
- IPv6 no braces (implies no port): ::1
If you want to translate address and port to numbers use
params {
numeric_address: string; [[The numeric address to parse, such as '' or '[::1]:1234']]
return: own(Efl.Net.Ip_Address); [[The new IP address object or NULL if it failed to parse]]
resolve @class {
[[Asynchronously resolves host and port names.
This will resolve the host and port names, returning the
results asynchronously in a Future.
It's based on getaddrinfo() and will receive extra flags
to change its behavior.
Ports can also be named, for example http resolves to
80. Your system database is used (see getaddrinfo()).
You may try @.parse if you have numeric values for host
and port.
params {
address: string @nonull; [[The address such as enlightenment.org:http or enlightenment.org (port=0)]]
family: int @optional; [[Preferred family. AF_UNSPEC or 0 for both, otherwise one of AF_INET or AF_INET6]]
flags: int @optional; [[Flags to use with getaddrinfo(). If 0, default flags are used (AI_V4MAPPED | AI_ADDRCONFIG, if these exist in your system).]]
return: future<const(Efl.Net.Ip_Address.Resolve_Results)>; [[The resolve results. It contains a list of Efl.Net.Ip_Address, they will be automatically deleted unless you keep a reference to it.]]
@property string {
[[Returns the numeric address formatted as a string.
The format will be:
- IPv4 with port > 0:
- IPv4 with port == 0:
- IPv6 with port > 0: [::1]:1234
- IPv6 with port == 0: [::1]
get { }
values {
str: string @nonull; [[Numeric address as string]]
@property family {
[[The address family, one of AF_INET6 or AF_INET.
May only be set once, afterwards the object is not changing.
values {
family: int; [[AF_INET or AF_INET6]]
@property port {
[[The address port in Host/Native endianess.
May only be set once, afterwards the object is not changing.
Must be set after @.family.
values {
port: uint16; [[Port number in Host/Native endianess]]
@property address {
[[The bytes representing the address.
May only be set once, afterwards the object is not changing.
Must be set after @.family.
values {
// TODO: eolian generates wrong type for getter with const(Eina.Slice)
address: Eina.Slice; [[Address bytes. If AF_INET it's 4 bytes. If AF_INET6, it's 16 bytes. This matches exactly what is in struct sockaddr_in::sin_addr or struct sockaddr_in6:sin6_addr, see @.sockaddr]]
@property sockaddr {
[[The <netinet/in.h>-compatible 'struct sockaddr'.
May only be set once, afterwards the object is not changing.
values {
sockaddr: const(void_ptr) @nonull; [[Sockaddr struct. As usual with struct sockaddr, the first field, struct sockaddr::sa_family, defines the rest of the structure and how the whole structure must be interpreted. If AF_INET is struct sockaddr_in, AF_INET6 is struct sockaddr_in6.]]
ipv4_class_a_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv4 and is CLASS-A]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a CLASS-A IPv4 address]]
ipv4_class_b_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv4 and is CLASS-B]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a CLASS-B IPv4 address]]
ipv4_class_c_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv4 and is CLASS-C]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a CLASS-C IPv4 address]]
ipv4_class_d_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv4 and is CLASS-D]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a CLASS-D IPv4 address]]
ipv6_v4mapped_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv6 is mapping an IPv4.
If the IPv6 server is not IPv6-only, then it will take
IPv4 addresses and map them inside IPv6. This checks if
the given address is an IPv4 mapped inside IPv6.
return: bool(false); [[$true if is the IPv6 is IPv4 mapped inside IPv6 address]]
ipv6_v4compat_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv6 is compatible with IPv4.
This happens if the first 12 bytes of IPv6 are 0.
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a IPv6 address is IPv4 compatible.]]
ipv6_local_link_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv6 is link-local.]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a IPv6 address is link-local]]
ipv6_local_site_check @const {
[[Checks if IPv6 is site-local.]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a IPv6 address is site-local]]
multicast_check @const {
[[Checks if multicast]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a multicast address]]
loopback_check @const {
[[Checks if loopback "" (IPv4) or "::1" (IPv6)]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if is a multicast address]]
any_check @const {
[[Checks if "" (IPv4) or "::" (IPv6)]]
return: bool(false); [[$true if address means "any"]]
implements {