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@brief Ecore Library Public API Calls
These routines are used for Ecore Library interaction
@mainpage Ecore
2004-05-07 21:44:04 -07:00
@image latex ecore_big.eps width=5cm
@image html ecore.png
2004-05-07 21:44:04 -07:00
@version 1.0.0
@author Carsten Haitzler <raster\@rasterman.com>
@author Tom Gilbert <tom\@linuxbrit.co.uk>
@author Burra <burra\@colorado.edu>
@author Chris Ross <chris\@darkrock.co.uk>
@author Term <term\@twistedpath.org>
@author Tilman Sauerbeck <tilman\@code-monkey.de>
@author Nathan Ingersoll <rbdpngn\@users.sourceforge.net>
@date 2000-2004
@section intro Introduction
Ecore is a library of convenience functions.
Currently, Ecore provides the following modules:
@li @ref Ecore_Main_Loop_Page
@li @ref Ecore_Config_Page
@li @ref X_Window_System_Page
@section compiling How to compile using Ecore?
This section has to be documented. Below is just a quick line to handle all
Ecore modules at once.
gcc *.c \
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include \
-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
-lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_x -lecore_fb -lecore_job \
`evas-config --cflags --libs`
@section install How is it installed?
Suggested configure options for evas for a Linux desktop X display:
./configure \
--enable-ecore-x \
--enable-ecore-fb \
--enable-ecore-evas \
--enable-ecore-evas-gl \
--enable-ecore-job \
--enable-ecore-con \
--enable-ecore-ipc \
make CFLAGS="-O9 -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -mcpu=pentiumpro"
@section tutorial Ecore Tutorial
You will find a more comprehensive @ref tut here, going through many examples
with tips and hints as to how best do some things.
@todo (1.0) Document API
/** @page tut Ecore Tutorial
Here is a tutotial for using Ecore...
@page Ecore_Main_Loop_Page The Ecore Main Loop
@section intro What is Ecore?
Ecore is a clean and tiny event loop library with many modules to do lots of
convenient things for a programmer, to save time and effort.
It's small and lean, designed to work on embedded systems all the way to
large and powerful multi-cpu workstations. It serialises all system signals,
events etc. into a single event queue, that is easily processed without
needing to worry about concurrency. A properly written, event-driven program
using this kind of programming doesn't need threads, nor has to worry about
concurrency. It turns a program into a state machine, and makes it very
robust and easy to follow.
Ecore gives you other handy primitives, such as timers to tick over for you
and call specified functions at particular times so the programmer can use
this to do things, like animate, or time out on connections or tasks that take
too long etc.
Idle handlers are provided too, as well as calls on entering an idle state
(often a very good time to update the state of the program). All events that
enter the system are passed to specific callback functions that the program
sets up to handle those events. Handling them is simple and other Ecore
modules produce more events on the queue, coming from other sources such as
file descriptors etc.
Ecore also lets you have functions called when file descriptors become active
for reading or writing, allowing for streamlined, non-blocking IO.
Here is an exmaple of a simple program and its basic event loop flow:
@image html prog_flow.png
@section work How does Ecore work?
Ecore is very easy to learn and use. All the function calls are designed to
be easy to remember, explicit in describing what they do, and heavily
name-spaced. Ecore programs can start and be very simple.
For example:
#include <Ecore.h>
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
ecore_app_args_set(argc, argv);
return 0;
This program is very simple and does't check for errors, but it does start up
and begin a main loop waiting for events or timers to tick off. This program
doesn't set up any, but now we can expand on this simple program a little
more by adding some event handlers and timers.
#include <Ecore.h>
Ecore_Timer *timer1 = NULL;
Ecore_Event_Handler *handler1 = NULL;
double start_time = 0.0;
int timer_func(void *data)
printf("Tick timer. Sec: %3.2f\n", ecore_time_get() - start_time);
return 1;
2004-07-07 23:08:27 -07:00
int exit_func(void *data, int ev_type, void *ev)
Ecore_Event_Signal_Exit *e;
e = (Ecore_Event_Signal_Exit *)ev;
if (e->interrupt) printf("Exit: interrupt\n");
else if (e->quit) printf("Exit: quit\n");
else if (e->terminate) printf("Exit: terminate\n");
return 1;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
ecore_app_args_set(argc, argv);
start_time = ecore_time_get();
handler1 = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_EXIT, exit_func, NULL);
timer1 = ecore_timer_add(0.5, timer_func, NULL);
return 0;
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In the previous example, we initialize our application and get the time at
which our program has started so we can calculate an offset. We set
up a timer to tick off in 0.5 seconds, and since it returns 1, will
keep ticking off every 0.5 seconds until it returns 0, or is deleted
by hand. An event handler is set up to call a function - exit_func(),
whenever an event of type ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_EXIT is received (CTRL-C
on the command line will cause such an event to happen). If this event
occurs it tells you what kind of exit signal was received, and asks
the main loop to quit when it is finished by calling
The handles returned by ecore_timer_add() and ecore_event_handler_add() are
only stored here as an example. If you don't need to address the timer or
event handler again you don't need to store the result, so just call the
function, and don't assign the result to any variable.
This program looks slightly more complex than needed to do these simple
things, but in principle, programs don't get any more complex. You add more
event handlers, for more events, will have more timers and such, BUT it all
follows the same principles as shown in this example.
@page Ecore_Con_Page The Ecore Connection Library
The Ecore Connection Library ( @c Ecore_Con ) provides simple mechanisms
for communications between programs using reliable sockets. It saves
the programmer from having to worry about file descripters and waiting
for incoming connections.
There are two main objects in the @c Ecore_Con library: the @c
Ecore_Con_Server and the @c Ecore_Con_Client.
The @c Ecore_Con_Server represents a server to connect to. It is
represents a server that can be connected to. It is used regardless
of whether the program is acting as a server or client itself.
To create a listening server, call @c ecore_con_server_add().
To connect to a server, call @c ecore_Con_server_connect(). Data can
then be sent to the server using the @c ecore_con_server_send().
Whenever a client connection is made to an @c Ecore_Con_Server, a
@c ECORE_CON_CLIENT_ADD event is emitted. Any event callbacks that are
called receive a @c Ecore_Con_Client object, which represents a
connection that that particular client.
@page Ecore_Config_Page The Enlightened Property Library
The Enlightened Property Library (Ecore_Config) is an adbstraction
from the complexities of writing your own configuration. It provides
many features using the Enlightenment 17 development libraries.
To use the library, you:
@li Set the default values of your properties.
@li Load the configuration from a file. You must set the default values
first, so that the library knows the correct type of each argument.
See @ref config_basic_example.c for an example.
@page Ecore_ADT_Page Ecore Abstract Data Types
This page briefly describes the different abstract data types
that are provided by the Ecore library for general usage. You need to
include the @link Ecore_Data.h Ecore_Data.h @endlink to use them.
@section Ecore_ADT_List List
A list is a simple data type where one each piece of data points to
another piece of data.
Associated modules include the following:
@li @ref Ecore_Data_List_Add_Item_Group
@section Ecore_ADT_DList Doubly Linked List
A doubly linked list is like a linked list, only each piece of data
can also point to the piece before it.
@section Ecore_ADT_Hash Hash
@todo Finish this.
@page X_Window_System_Page X Window System
The Ecore library includes a wrapper for handling the X window system.
This page briefly explains what the X window system is and various terms
that are used.
@defgroup Ecore_Main_Loop_Group Main Loop Functions
Functions used to control the main loop.
@defgroup Ecore_Timer_Group Ecore Timer
The timer allows callbacks to be called at specific intervals.
@defgroup Ecore_Job_Group Ecore Jobs
You can queue jobs that are to be done by the main loop when the current
event is dealt with.
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@defgroup Idle_Group Idle Handlers
Callbacks that are called when the program enters or exits an idle state.
The ecore main loop enters an idle state when it is waiting for timers
to time out, data to come in on a file descriptor or any other event
to occur. You can set callbacks to be called when the main loop
enters an idle state, during an idle state or just after the program
wakes up.
Enterer callbacks are good for updating your program's state, if it
has a state engine. Once all of the enterer handlers are called, the
program will enter a "sleeping" state.
Idler callbacks are called when the main loop has called all enterer
handlers. They are useful for interfaces that require polling and
timers would be too slow to use.
If no idler callbacks are specified, then the process literally goes
to sleep. Otherwise, the idler callbacks are called continuously
while the loop is "idle", using as much CPU as is available to the
Exiter callbacks are called when the main loop wakes up from an idle
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2004-05-07 21:44:04 -07:00
@defgroup Ecore_Data_List_Creation_Group List Creation/Destruction Functions
Functions that create, initialize and destroy Ecore_Lists.
@defgroup Ecore_Data_List_Add_Item_Group List Item Adding Functions
Functions that are used to add nodes to an Ecore_List.
@defgroup Ecore_Data_List_Remove_Item_Group List Item Removing Functions
Functions that remove nodes from an Ecore_List.
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@defgroup Ecore_Data_List_Traverse_Group List Traversal Functions
Functions that can be used to traverse an Ecore_List.
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@defgroup Ecore_Data_List_Node_Group List Node Functions
Functions that are used in the creation, maintenance and destruction of
Ecore_List nodes.
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@defgroup Ecore_Config_Lib_Group Ecore Config Library Functions
Functions that are used to start up and shutdown the Ecore Configuration
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Property_Group Ecore Config Property Functions
Functions that retrieve or set the attributes relating to a property.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Get_Group Ecore Config Retrievers
Functions that return the value of a property, based on its key.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Default_Group Ecore Config Defaults
Functions that are used to set the default values of properties.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Create_Group Ecore Config Create Functions
Convenience functions that set default values, bounds, option values and
descriptions in one call.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Set_Group Ecore Config Setters
Functions that set the value of a property.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_Listeners_Group Ecore Config Listeners
Functions that set and unset property listener callbacks.
@defgroup Ecore_Config_File_Group Ecore Config File Functions
Functions that are used to load and save properties from and to files.
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@example args_example.c
Shows how to set and retrieve the program arguments.
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@example con_server_example.c
Shows how to write a simple server using the Ecore_Con library.
@example con_client_example.c
Shows how to write a simple client, that connects to the example server.
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@example event_handler_example.c
Shows how to use event handlers.
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@example timer_example.c
Demonstrates use of the ecore_timer.
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@example config_basic_example.c
Provides an example of how to use the basic configuration functions.
See the file Ecore_Config.h for the full list of available functions.
@example config_listener_example.c
Shows how to set up a listener to listen for configuration changes.
@example list_example.c
Provides a basic example of how to append to and traverse a list.
@example list_destroy_example.c
Shows how to set and use a destructor for an Ecore_List.
@example x_window_example.c
Shows the basics of using the X Windows system through Ecore functions.