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import eina_types;
interface @beta Efl.Layout.Group
[[APIs representing static data from a group in an edje file.
@since 1.21
methods {
@property group_size_min {
get {
[[Gets the minimum size specified -- as an EDC property -- for a
given Edje object
This function retrieves the obj object's minimum size values, as
declared in its EDC group definition. For instance, for an Edje
object of minimum size 100x100 pixels:
collections {
group {
name: "a_group";
min: 100 100;
Note: If the $min EDC property was not declared for this object,
this call will return 0x0.
Note: On failure, this function also return 0x0.
See also @.group_size_max.
values {
min: Eina.Size2D; [[The minimum size as set in EDC.]]
@property group_size_max {
get {
[[Gets the maximum size specified -- as an EDC property -- for a
given Edje object
This function retrieves the object's maximum size values, as
declared in its EDC group definition. For instance, for an Edje
object of maximum size 100x100 pixels:
collections {
group {
name: "a_group";
max: 100 100;
Note: If the $max EDC property was not declared for the object,
this call will return the maximum size a given Edje object may
have, for each axis.
Note: On failure, this function will return 0x0.
See also @.group_size_min.
values {
max: Eina.Size2D; [[The maximum size as set in EDC.]]
@property group_data {
get {
[[Retrives an EDC data field's value from a given Edje object's group.
This function fetches an EDC data field's value, which is declared
on the objects building EDC file, under its group. EDC data blocks
are most commonly used to pass arbitrary parameters from an
application's theme to its code.
EDC data fields always hold strings as values, hence the return
type of this function. Check the complete "syntax reference" for
EDC files.
This is how a data item is defined in EDC:
collections {
group {
name: "a_group";
data {
item: "key1" "value1";
item: "key2" "value2";
Warning: Do not confuse this call with edje_file_data_get(), which
queries for a global EDC data field on an EDC declaration file.
legacy: edje_object_data_get;
keys {
key: string; [[The data field's key string]]
values {
val: string; [[The data's value string.]]
@property part_exist {
[[Whether the given part exists in this group.
This is mostly equivalent to verifying the part type on the object
as would be done in C as follows:
(efl_canvas_layout_part_type_get(efl_part(obj, "partname")) !=
The differences are that will silently return $false if the part
does not exist, and this will return $true if the part is of type
$SPACER in the EDC file ($SPACER parts have type $NONE).
See also @Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part.part_type.
get { [[Returns $true if the part exists in the EDC group.]] }
keys {
part: string @nonull; [[The part name to check.]]
values {
exists: bool; [[$true if the part exists, $false otherwise.]]