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enum Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction {
[[Those values are desribing a direction from the position of view from one item]]
right = 0, [[Coorinate-wise the next element on the right hand side ]]
left = 1, [[Coorinate-wise the next element on the left hand side ]]
down = 2, [[Coorinate-wise the next element on the down hand side ]]
up = 3, [[Coorinate-wise the next element on the up hand side ]]
next = 4, [[Logically-wise the next item in the logical tree]]
prev = 5, [[Logically-wise the prev item in the logical tree]]
last = 6
struct Efl.Ui.Focus.Relations{
right : list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
left : list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
top : list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
down : list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
next : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
prev : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
type : string;
parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
redirect : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager;
class Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager (Efl.Object) {
[[Calculates the directions of Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction
Each registered item will get a other registered object into each direction, you can get those items for the currently focused item if you call request move
methods {
move {
[[Move the focus into the given direction
This call flushes all changes.
This means all changes between the last flush and now are computed
params {
direction : Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction; [[The direction to move to]]
return : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object; [[The element which is now focused]]
request_move {
[[Returns the object which would be the next object to focus in the given direction]]
params {
direction : Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction;
return : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
register {
[[Register a new item in the graph.
The parent has to be none null, it will be used as the parent in the logical tree.
The redirect argument will be set as redirect property on that manager, once child gets focused.
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[The object to register]]
parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[The parent to use in the logical tree]]
redirect : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager; [[The redirect manager to set once this child is focused can be NULL for no redirect]]
return : bool; [[$true if it was successfull $false if not]]
register_logical {
[[Register a new item just for the logical parent.
The item can never get focus, it just help to build a tree out of the items who are getting focus.
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull;
parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull;
redirect : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager; [[The redirect manager to set once this child is focused can be NULL for no redirect]]
return : bool; [[$true if it was successfull $false if not]]
update_redirect {
[[Set a new redirect object for the given child
Once the child is focused the redirect manager will be set in the redirect property.
Set to $null if nothing should happen
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull;
redirect : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager; [[Once $child got focused this element will be set as redirect]]
return : bool;
update_parent {
[[Set a new logical parent for the given child]]
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[The child to update]]
parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[The parent which now will be the logical parent of child]]
return : bool;
update_children {
[[Give the list of children a different order]]
params {
parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[the parent to update]]
children : list<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>; [[the list with the new order]]
return : bool;
unregister {
[[unregister the given item from the graph]]
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
focus {
[[Make the given object the currently focused object in this manager.
The object has to be part of this manager object.
If you want to focus something in the redirect manager, just call the function on the redirect manager]]
params {
focus : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull;
focused {
[[Return the current focused element of this manager]]
return : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
@property redirect {
[[Add a another manager to serve the move requests.
If this value is set all move requests are redirected to this manager object.
Set it to $null once nothing should be redirected anymore.]]
values {
redirect : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager;
@property border_elements {
[[The list of elements which are at the border of the graph
This means one of the relations right,left or down,up are not set.
This call flushes all changes. see @Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager.move
get {
values {
border_elements : iterator<Efl.Ui.Focus.Object>;
@property root {
[[Root node for all logical subtrees.
This property can only be set once.
values {
root : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object @nonull; [[Will be registered into this manager object]]
fetch {
[[This will fetch the data from a registered node
Be aware this function will trigger all dirty nodes to be computed
params {
child : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object;
return : own(ptr(Efl.Ui.Focus.Relations));
implements {
events {
pre,flush; [[Emitted once the graph calculationg will be performed]]
coords,dirty; [[Emitted once the graph is dirty, this means there are potential changes in border_elements you want to know about]]