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struct Elm.Event.Policy_Changed
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Data on the event when an Elementary policy has changed]]
policy: uint; [[the policy identifier]]
new_value: int; [[value the policy had before the change]]
old_value: int; [[new value the policy got]]
/* FIXME: These shouldn't be here, we don't do functions in eolian!!! */
type Elm_Gen_Item_Text_Get_Cb: __undefined_type;
type Elm_Gen_Item_Content_Get_Cb: __undefined_type;
type Elm_Gen_Item_State_Get_Cb: __undefined_type;
type Elm_Gen_Item_Del_Cb: __undefined_type;
type Elm_Gen_Item_Filter_Get_Cb: __undefined_type;
type Elm_Gen_Item_Reusable_Content_Get_Cb: __undefined_type;
/* FIXME: This shouldn't be here, we don't do functions in eolian!!! */
struct Elm.Gen.Item.Class.Functions
text_get: Elm_Gen_Item_Text_Get_Cb; [[ Text fetching class function for
genlist/gengrid item classes. ]]
content_get: Elm_Gen_Item_Content_Get_Cb; [[ Content fetching class function
for genlist/gengrid item classes. ]]
state_get: Elm_Gen_Item_State_Get_Cb; [[ State fetching class function for
genlist/gengrid item classes. ]]
del: Elm_Gen_Item_Del_Cb; [[ Deletion class function for genlist/gengrid
item classes. ]]
filter_get: Elm_Gen_Item_Filter_Get_Cb; [[ Filter seeking class function for
genlist/gengrid item classes. ]]
reusable_content_get: Elm_Gen_Item_Reusable_Content_Get_Cb; [[ Reusable content get class
function for gen item classes. ]]
struct Elm.Gen.Item.Class
[[ Gengrid or Genlist item class definition. ]]
version: int; [[Set by elementary if you alloc an item class using
elm_genlist/gengrid_item_class_new(), or if you set your own
class (must be const) then set it to
refcount: uint; [[ Set it to 0 if you use your own const class, or
its managed for you by class ref/unref calls. ]]
delete_me: bool; [[ Leave this alone - set it to 0 if you have a
const class of your own. ]]
item_style: const(char) *; [[ Name of the visual style to use for this item.
If you don't know use "default". ]]
decorate_item_style: const(char) *; [[ Style used if item is set to a decorate
mode. see elm_genlist_item_decorate_mode_set()
or NULL if you don't care. currently
it's used only in genlist. ]]
decorate_all_item_style: const(char) *; [[ Style to use when in edit mode, or
NULL if you don't care. Currently
it's used only in genlist. ]]
func: Elm.Gen.Item.Class.Functions; [[ Set of callbacks ]]
type Elm.Gengrid.Item.Class: Elm.Gen.Item.Class; [[ See @Elm.Gen.Item.Class. ]]
type Elm.Genlist.Item.Class: Elm.Gen.Item.Class; [[ See @Elm.Gen.Item.Class. ]]
enum Elm.Glob.Match_Flags
[[Glob matching bitfiled flags. @since 1.11]]
legacy: elm_glob_match;
no_escape = (1 << 0), [[Treat backslash as an ordinary character instead of escape]]
path = (1 << 1), [[Match a slash in string only with a slash in pattern and not by
an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) metacharacter, nor by a
bracket expression ([]) containing a slash.]]
period = (1 << 2), [[Leading period in string has to be matched exactly by a period
in pattern. A period is considered to be leading if it is the
first character in string, or if both ELM_GLOB_MATCH_PATH is
set and the period immediately follows a slash.]]
nocase = (1 << 3), [[The pattern is matched case-insensitively.]]
enum Elm.Policy
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Policy identifiers.]]
quit, [[under which circumstances the application should quit automatically.
See also @Elm.Policy.quit.]]
exit, [[defines elm_exit() behaviour. See also @Elm.Policy.exit.
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
@since 1.8
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
throttle, [[defines how throttling should work. See also @Elm.Policy.throttle
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
@since 1.8
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
enum Elm.Policy.Quit
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Possible values for the #ELM_POLICY_QUIT policy]]
none = 0, [[never quit the application automatically]]
last_window_closed, [[quit when the application's last window is closed]]
last_window_hidden [[quit when the application's last window is hidden
@since 1.14]]
enum Elm.Policy.Exit
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Possible values for the #ELM_POLICY_EXIT policy.
@since 1.8
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
none = 0, [[just quit the main loop on elm_exit()]]
windows_del [[delete all the windows after quitting the main loop]]
enum Elm.Policy.Throttle
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Possible values for the #ELM_POLICY_THROTTLE policy.
@since 1.8
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
config = 0, [[do whatever elementary config is configured to do]]
hidden_always, [[always throttle when all windows are no longer visible]]
never [[never throttle when windows are all hidden, regardless of config
enum Elm.Object.Select_Mode
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Possible values for the #ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE policy.
@since 1.7
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
default = 0, [[default select mode. Once an item is selected, it would stay
highlighted and not going to call selected callback again
even it was clicked. Items can get focus.]]
always, [[always select mode. Item selected callbacks will be called every
time for click events, even after the item was already selected.
Items can get focus.]]
none, [[no select mode. Items will never be highlighted and selected but
the size will be adjusted by the finger size configuration. Items
can't get focus.]]
display_only, [[no select mode with no finger size rule. Items will never
be highlighted and selected and ignore the finger size. So
the item size can be reduced below than the finger size
configuration. Items can't get focus.]]
max [[canary value: any value greater or equal to ELM_OBJECT_SELECT_MODE_MAX
is forbidden.]]
enum Elm.Object.Multi_Select_Mode
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
[[Possible values for the #ELM_OBJECT_MULTI_SELECT_MODE policy.
@since 1.8
2015-06-11 08:39:33 -07:00
default = 0, [[default multiple select mode]]
with_control, [[disallow mutiple selection when clicked without control key
max [[canary value: any value greater or equal to
enum Elm.Wrap.Type
[[Line wrapping types.
Type of word or character wrapping to use.
See also \@ref elm_entry_line_wrap_set, \@ref
elm_popup_content_text_wrap_type_set, \@ref elm_label_line_wrap_set.
legacy: elm_wrap;
none = 0, [[No wrap - value is zero.]]
char, [[Char wrap - wrap between characters.]]
word, [[Word wrap - wrap in allowed wrapping points (as defined in the unicode standard).]]
mixed, [[Mixed wrap - Word wrap, and if that fails, char wrap.]]
enum Elm.Focus_Direction
[[ Focus directions. ]]
legacy: elm_focus;
previous, [[ previous direction ]]
next, [[ next direction ]]
up, [[ up direction ]]
down, [[ down direction ]]
right, [[ right direction ]]
left, [[ left direction ]]
enum Elm.Focus.Region.Show_Mode
[[Focus region show mode.]]
legacy: elm_focus_region_show;
widget, [[As a widget.]]
item, [[As an item.]]
enum Elm.Focus.Move_Policy
[[Focus Movement Policy.
@since 1.10]]
click, [[Move focus by mouse click or touch. Elementary focus is set on mouse
click and this is checked at mouse up time. (default)]]
in, [[Move focus by mouse in. Elementary focus is set on mouse move when the
mouse pointer is moved into an object.]]
key_only, [[Move focus by key. Elementary focus is set on key input like
Left, Right, Up, Down, Tab, or Shift+Tab.]]
enum Elm.App.View_State
unknown = 0,
enum Elm.Prefs.Reset_Mode
[[Modes of resetting a prefs widget.
see elm_prefs_reset()
@since 1.8]]
legacy: elm_prefs_reset;
defaults, [[reset to default values, declared in its <b>.epb</b> file]]
last [[prefs will keep a small history of changes, so this resets back to last batch of changes on the UI elements. it does <b>not</b> work on autosave mode]]
enum Elm.Prefs.Item_Type
[[Elm Prefs item types.
@since 1.8]]
legacy: elm_prefs_type;
unknown = 0,
action, [[action type, bound to button-like UI elements]]
bool, [[boolean type, bound to checkbox-like UI elements]]
int, [[integer type, bound to spinner-like UI elements]]
float, [[floating point type, bound to spinner-like UI elements]]
label, [[label type, bound to read-only, label UI elements]]
date, [[date type, bound to date selection UI elements]]
text, [[text type, bound to single-line, text entry UI elements]]
textarea, [[text area type, bound to multi-line, text entry UI elements]]
page, [[page type, used to nest pages]]
reset, [[values resetting trigger type, bound to button-like UI elements]]
save, [[saving trigger type, bound to button-like UI elements]]
separator, [[separator type, bound to separator-like UI elements]]
swallow [[swallow type, bound to an empty 'spot' on the UI meant to receive and display external content]]
enum Elm.Slider.Indicator_Visible_Mode
Slider's indicator visiblity mode.
@since 1.13
default, [[show indicator on mouse down or change in slider value]]
always, [[Always show the indicator.]]
on_focus, [[Show the indicator on focus]]
none [[Never show the indicator ]]