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/* FIXME: Move to Eina when we decide they are handled properly. */
2017-09-22 07:08:56 -07:00
struct @extern @free(eina_rectangle_free) Eina.Rect {
[[A rectangle in pixel dimensions.
@since 1.22
x: int; [[X coordinate of the rectangle, from the top-left corner.]]
y: int; [[Y coordinate of the rectangle, from the top-left corner.]]
w: int; [[Width of the rectangle in pixels.]]
h: int; [[Height of the rectangle in pixels.]]
struct @extern Eina.Position2D {
[[A 2D location in pixels.
@since 1.22
x: int; [[X position in pixels, from the top-left corner.]]
y: int; [[Y position in pixels, from the top-left corner.]]
struct @extern Eina.Size2D {
[[A 2D size in pixels.
@since 1.22
w: int; [[X position in pixels, from the top-left corner.]]
h: int; [[Y position in pixels, from the top-left corner.]]
struct @extern Eina.File; [[Eina file data structure
@since 1.22
struct @extern Eina.Vector2 {
[[A simple 2D vector type using floating point values.
@since 1.22
x: double; [[X coordinate.]]
y: double; [[Y coordinate.]]
struct @extern Eina.Matrix3 {
[[A bidimensional array of floating point values with 3 rows and 3 columns.
@since 1.22
xx: double; [[XX value.]]
xy: double; [[XY value.]]
xz: double; [[XZ value.]]
yx: double; [[YX value.]]
yy: double; [[YY value.]]
yz: double; [[YZ value.]]
zx: double; [[ZX value.]]
zy: double; [[ZY value.]]
zz: double; [[ZZ value.]]
struct @extern Eina.Content; [[
Container for any type of content.
Each @Eina.Content is made of an @Eina.Slice of memory and an IANA MIME type:
If the type is a text-style type, the last byte of the slice must be \0.
@since 1.24
struct @extern Eina.Matrix4 {
[[A bidimensional array of floating point values with 4 rows and 4 columns.
@since 1.24
xx: double; [[XX value.]]
xy: double; [[XY value.]]
xz: double; [[XZ value.]]
xw: double; [[XW value.]]
yx: double; [[YX value.]]
yy: double; [[YY value.]]
yz: double; [[YZ value.]]
yw: double; [[YW value.]]
zx: double; [[ZX value.]]
zy: double; [[ZY value.]]
zz: double; [[ZZ value.]]
zw: double; [[ZW value.]]
wx: double; [[WX value.]]
wy: double; [[WY value.]]
wz: double; [[WZ value.]]
ww: double; [[WW value.]]
struct @extern Eina.Range {
[[A range sequence of values.
@since 1.24
start: size; [[Start of the range.]]
length: size; [[Length of the range.]]
type @extern Eina.Unicode: uint32; [[Eina unicode type. @since 1.24]]
struct @extern @beta Eina.File_Direct_Info; [[Eina file direct information data structure]]
path_lenght: size_t; [[Size of the whole path]]
name_length: size_t; [[Size of the filename/basename component]]
name_start: size_t; [[Start position of the filename/basename component]]
type: Eina_File_Type; [[File type]]
path: char[EINA_PATH_MAX]; [[The path]]
enum @extern @beta Eina.Xattr.Flags {
[[Eina file extended attributes flags]]
insert, [[This is the default behaviour, it will either create or replace the extended attribute]]
replace, [[This will only succeed if the extended attribute previously existed]]
created [[This will only succeed if the extended attribute wasn't previously set]]
type @extern Eina.Error: int; [[Eina error type
@since 1.22
2016-08-16 09:11:12 -07:00
struct @extern @beta Eina.Slice {
[[A linear, read-only, memory segment]]
len: size; [[Length of the memory segment]]
mem: const(void_ptr); [[Pointer to memory segment]]
struct @extern @beta Eina.Rw_Slice {
[[A linear, read-write, memory segment]]
len: size; [[Length of the memory segment]]
mem: void_ptr; [[Pointer to memory segment]]
struct @extern @beta Eina.Value; [[Eina value placeholder so it can be referenced from docs.]]
struct @extern @beta Eina.Value_Type; [[Eina value type]]
struct @extern @beta Eina.Stat {
[[The structure to store some file statistics.]]
dev : ulong; [[The device where this file is located]]
ino : ulong; [[The inode]]
mode : uint; [[The mode]]
nlink : uint; [[The link number]]
uid : uint; [[The owner user id]]
gid : uint; [[The owner group id]]
rdev : ulong; [[The remote device]]
size : ulong; [[The file size in bytes]]
blksize : ulong; [[The block size in bytes]]
blocks : ulong; [[The number of blocks allocated]]
atime : ulong; [[The tilestamp when the file was last accessed]]
atimensec: ulong; [[The nano version of the timestmap when the file was last accessed]]
mtime : ulong; [[The tilestamp when the file was modified]]
mtimensec: ulong; [[The nano version of the timestmap when the file was modified]]
ctime : ulong; [[The tilestamp when the file was created]]
ctimensec: ulong; [[The nano version of the timestmap when the file was created]]
struct @extern @free(eina_promise_free) Eina.Promise; [[Eina promise type
@since 1.22
/* FIXME: This definitely shouldn't be here. */
type @beta Efl.Event_Cb: __undefined_type; [[Efl event callback type]]
type @extern Eina.Success_Flag: char; [[Eina error type
@since 1.24