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var @beta Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl_Error.HANDSHAKE: Eina.Error; [[Failed SSL handshake]]
var @beta Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl_Error.CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: Eina.Error; [[Failed to verify peer's certificate]]
class @beta Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl extends Efl.Loop_Consumer implements Efl.Net.Socket {
[[A wrapper socket doing SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
Use this wrapper around an existing socket for secure
communication. One common use is to apply it to TCP sockets
created with @Efl.Net.Dialer_Tcp or @Efl.Net.Server_Tcp created
with "client,add" event.
events {
ssl,ready: void; [[Notifies the SSL handshake has been performed and the socket is now able to communicate]]
ssl,error: Eina.Error; [[An error such as @Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl_Error.HANDSHAKE]]
methods {
adopt {
[[Adopt an Efl.Net.Dialer or regular Efl.Net.Socket that will be used for the actual communication.
If used with an Efl.Net.Dialer object, it will assume
the 'connect' role, otherwise will use 'accept'.
This is a constructor only method and should be called
before @Efl.Object.finalize.
params {
efl_net_socket: Efl.Net.Socket; [[The socket to adopt]]
ctx: Efl.Net.Ssl.Context; [[The SSL context to use when adopting the socket]]
@property adopted @protected {
[[Return the adopted object, if any. Be careful!]]
get {
return: bool(false); [[$true if adopted, $false otherwise]]
values {
efl_net_socket: Efl.Net.Socket; [[The adopted object, if any, otherwise NULL]]
ctx: Efl.Net.Ssl.Context; [[The SSL context used when adopting the socket, if any, otherwise NULL]]
@property verify_mode {
[[How to verify the remote peer.]]
values {
verify_mode: Efl.Net.Ssl.Verify_Mode; [[Remote verification mode]]
@property hostname_verify {
[[Define if hostname should be verified.
This will check the socket hostname (without the port in
case of an IP) or the overriden value from
values {
hostname_verify: bool; [[$true if the hostname will be verified, $false otherwise]]
@property hostname_override {
[[Overrides the hostname to use for this socket.
Most of time this is useful if you're using an IP
address but the server certificate only specifies DNS
If NULL, then it will fetch from socket using
@Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote or
It's only used if @.hostname_verify is $true.
values {
hostname_override: string @nullable; [[Hostname for this socket]]
implements {
Efl.Io.Closer.closed { get; }
Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_exec { get; set; }
Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_invalidate { get; set; }
Efl.Io.Reader.can_read { get; set; }
Efl.Io.Reader.eos { get; set; }
Efl.Io.Writer.can_write { get; set; }
Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote { get; }
Efl.Net.Socket.address_local { get; }