doc: Add support for DocFX (C# doc generator)

Summary: Usage instructions in the README file.

Test Plan:
Follow the README to produce the documentation pages.
Point your browser to docfx/_site/index.html to see the results.

Reviewers: lauromoura, bu5hm4n, cedric, myoungwoon, zmike

Reviewed By: lauromoura, bu5hm4n

Subscribers: #reviewers, #committers

Tags: #efl

Maniphest Tasks: T7424

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Xavi Artigas 2018-11-06 15:21:03 +01:00
parent 71776d2153
commit 2d8f3fba46
11 changed files with 262 additions and 0 deletions

doc/docfx/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# folder #

doc/docfx/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
DocFX ( generates documentation HTML pages
directly from source code and Markdown files for C# projects.
Although significantly slow, it is a simple alternative while our own
documentation generator for C# is being written.
The scripts in this folder create a documentation site which contains the API
reference guide and articles with tutorials and guides.
The API guide is generated from the EFL mono sources, which are generated as
part of the normal build process.
The articles are fetched from the EFL www-content repository and adapted to
DocFX syntax.
First off, build EFL with C# support enabled so the C# sources are generated
(you will need to have mono 5 installed for this).
Then, from this folder, run the `` script to download and extract the
DocFX binaries to the `bin` folder, fetch the articles from the `www-content`
repository and adapt them to the DocFX syntax.
Finally, run the `` script (also from this folder) to produce the HTML
files. First run can take a long time (from 10' to 1h), subsequent runs use
cached results and take about 5 minutes.

doc/docfx/api/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# temp file #

doc/docfx/api/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
uid: api-reference-root
# EFL C# API reference documentation
Use the menu on the left to select a namespace or class.

doc/docfx/docfx.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
"metadata": [
"src": [
"src": "../..",
"files": [
"dest": "api",
"filter": "filterConfig.yml",
"disableGitFeatures": false,
"disableDefaultFilter": false
"build": {
"content": [
"files": [
"files": [
"resource": [
"files": ["e-logo-title.png"]
"files": [
"overwrite": [
"files": [
"exclude": [
"globalMetadata": {
"_appLogoPath": "e-logo-title.png",
"_appFaviconPath": "e-logo-title.png"
"dest": "_site",
"globalMetadataFiles": [],
"fileMetadataFiles": [],
"template": [
"postProcessors": [],
"markdownEngineName": "markdig",
"noLangKeyword": false,
"keepFileLink": false,
"cleanupCacheHistory": false,
"disableGitFeatures": false

doc/docfx/e-logo-title.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.3 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- include:
uidRegex: ^Efl
- include:
uidRegex: ^Eina
- exclude:
uidRegex: ^.*

doc/docfx/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# This script invokes the locally-installed DocFX to produce the reference
# documentation. Run it every time EO documentation changes.
# DocFX Step 1: Generate metadata (*.yml) files
mono bin/docfx.exe metadata docfx.json
# Process the generated metadata files:
# DocFX uses short names for all <see> links which is inconvenient for us
# because we have multiple types with the same name in different namespaces
# ("Object" can be "Efl.Object" or "Efl.Canvas.Object").
# MarkDown files can add "?displayProperty=fullName" to crefs to show them
# fully-qualified, but this is stripped out from triple-slash comments in C#
# source files.
# This script adds the displayProperty suffix to all cref links from the
# metadata yml files (by that time links have been turned into <xref href="">
# tags).
for f in `ls api/*.yml`; do
sed -e 's/\(<xref href="[^"]*\)"/\1?displayProperty=fullName"/g' -i $f
sed -e 's/\(<xref href=\\"[^\\]*\)\\"/\1?displayProperty=fullName\\"/g' -i $f
# DocFX Step 2: Generate HTML files
mono bin/docfx.exe build docfx.json && echo "Docs ready in the _site folder!"

doc/docfx/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# EFL C# Documentation site
Use the top menu to access the API reference documentation and the tutorial guides.

doc/docfx/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This script installs DocFX and brings all content pages from EFL's documentation
# content repository, transforming them from DokuWiki's format to DocFX's.
# This step only needs to be done once (or every time the content pages change).
# After this step, you can run the script as many times as you want,
# to generate the actual HTML pages, including the reference guide extracted from
# libefl_mono.dll and libefl_mono.xml
# This script could be improved a lot, but it gets the job done.
# Xavi (
# Check mono version since DocFX has been known to fail with mono 4.
mono_version="$(mono --version | awk '/version/ { print $5 }')"
if [ $mono_version \< 5 ];
echo "Requires at least mono version 5, detected $mono_version"
exit 1
# Download and extract DocFX
if [ ! -d "bin" ]; then
rm -rf bin
unzip -q -d bin
echo "Skipping DocFX download because 'bin' folder already exists."
# Clone whole Content site
rm -rf www-content
git clone --depth 1 git+ssh:// www-content
# Copy all pages related to C# (those inside a folder called 'csharp') to the articles folder
rm -rf articles
mkdir articles
# Copy them
find www-content -wholename "*/csharp/*.md.txt" -exec cp --parents {} articles \;
# Except tutorials and guides summary pages (
find articles/www-content/pages/develop/tutorials -name "" -exec rm {} \;
find articles/www-content/pages/develop/guides -name "" -exec rm {} \;
# Remove the trailing .txt from filenames (DocFX wants only the .md)
for f in `find articles -name "*.md.txt"`; do mv $f $(echo $f | rev | cut -c5- | rev) ; done
# Copy all media files to the images folder
rm -rf images
mkdir images
cp -r www-content/media/* images
# Remove git clone now that we have everything we wanted
rm -rf www-content
# Parse all Markdown files to adapt them to DocFX
# Remove special Dokuwiki headers like ~~NOCACHE~~ because DocFX complains about them.
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s/^~~.*~~$//g"
# Transform media links in articles from /_media/* to ~/images/*
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#/_media#~/images#g"
# Transform API root links from /develop/api/ to @api-reference-root (the UID of the API root)
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\](\)/develop/api/)#\1xref:api-reference-root)#g"
# Transform API class links from */api/namespace/class to @Namespace.Class (that should be the UID of the reference page)
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\](\)[^)]*/api/\([^/.]*\)/\([^/.]*\))#\1xref:\u\2.\u\3)#g"
# Point links to Legacy API to the site
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\](\)\(/develop/legacy/api/[^)]*)\)#\1\2#g"
# Point the rest of links to /develop/api/* to the root the API, since we don't know how to transform them
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\](\)/develop/api/[^)]*)#\1xref:api-reference-root)#g"
# Add to links pointing to a folder inside ~/develop/
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\](/develop/[^)]*/\))#\"
# Transform absolute links from /develop/* to ~/articles/www-content/pages/develop/*
find articles -name "*.md" | xargs sed -i -e "s#\(\[[^]]*\]\)(\(/develop/[^)]*\))#\1(~/articles/www-content/pages\2)#g"
# Transform page anchor links from [label](#Anchor_Title) to [label](#anchor-title).
for f in `find articles -name "*.md"`; do
awk -v RS=' ' '{ if ($0 ~ ".*\(#.*\)") { gsub( /_/, "-" ); printf "%s ", tolower($0) } else { printf "%s ",$0 } }' $f > /tmp/efl_docfx_setup.tmp
mv /tmp/efl_docfx_setup.tmp $f
# Populate articles TOC file from the articles' titles
cd articles
rm -f toc.yml
echo "- name: Setup Guide" >> toc.yml
echo " href: www-content/pages/develop/setup/csharp/" >> toc.yml
echo "- name: Tutorials" >> toc.yml
echo " items:" >> toc.yml
find www-content/pages/develop/tutorials -name "*.md" -exec sh -c "cat {} | grep '^# ' && echo ' href: {}'" \; >> toc.yml
echo "- name: Guides" >> toc.yml
echo " items:" >> toc.yml
find www-content/pages/develop/guides -name "*.md" -exec sh -c "cat {} | grep '^# ' && echo ' href: {}'" \; >> toc.yml
sed -i -e "s/^# \(.*\) #/ - name: '\1'/g" toc.yml
sed -i -e "s/ in C#//g" toc.yml
cd ..

doc/docfx/toc.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
href: api/
homepage: api/
- name: GUIDES
href: articles/