revise edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc() logic.

This change is to fix the 4000x4000 limitation issue in edje.
Previously, the sizing calc logic was experimentally confirmed with 4000x4000.
It worked somehow but was not perfect. This change may not be perfect either but
it gets rid of the limitation problem without any performance drop in
computating. Maybe it would be better than before.
I'd rather push the temporary version before we confirmed no side effects.

@fix T2978
This commit is contained in:
Hermet Park 2016-02-02 17:40:11 +09:00
parent 316cf42159
commit 32c12f60c9
1 changed files with 178 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -3979,6 +3979,183 @@ _edje_object_parts_extends_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, Evas_Coord *x, Ev
return EINA_TRUE;
#if 1
//Removed version of 4000x4000 limitation.
_edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, Evas_Coord *minw, Evas_Coord *minh, Evas_Coord restrictedw, Evas_Coord restrictedh)
//This structure keeps a previous part size information.
//We could migrate these variables into Edje_Real_Part for optimization.
//Right now, keep here while keeping my eyes on any unexpected side effects.
typedef struct _part_calc
Evas_Coord_Size size;
Evas_Coord_Size req;
} part_calc;
Evas_Coord orig_w, orig_h; //original edje size
int max_over_w = 0, max_over_h = 0; //maximum over-calculated size.
unsigned int i;
Eina_Bool repeat_w, repeat_h;
Eina_Bool reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
if ((!ed) || (!ed->collection))
if (minw) *minw = restrictedw;
if (minh) *minh = restrictedh;
//Simulate object minimum size.
ed->calc_only = EINA_TRUE;
orig_w = ed->w;
orig_h = ed->h;
//restrict minimum size to
ed->w = restrictedw;
ed->h = restrictedh;
Eina_Inarray *inarray =
eina_inarray_new(sizeof(part_calc), ed->table_parts_size);
part_calc pcalc;
//initialize previous part size info cache.
for (i = 0; i < ed->table_parts_size; i++)
pcalc.size.w = pcalc.size.h = 999999;
pcalc.req.w = pcalc.req.h = 999999;
eina_inarray_push(inarray, &pcalc);
repeat_w = EINA_FALSE;
repeat_h = EINA_FALSE;
ed->dirty = EINA_TRUE;
ed->all_part_change = EINA_TRUE;
if (reset_max)
max_over_w = 0;
max_over_h = 0;
reset_max = EINA_FALSE;
//for parts
for (i = 0; i < ed->table_parts_size; i++)
Edje_Real_Part *ep = ed->table_parts[i];
Evas_Coord ins_l, ins_r;
if (!ep->chosen_description) continue;
part_calc *pcalc = eina_inarray_nth(inarray, i);
Eina_Bool skip_h = EINA_FALSE;
if (!ep->chosen_description->fixed.w)
int over_w = (ep->w - ep->req.w);
//We take care textblock width size specially.
if (ep->part->type == EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)
Evas_Coord tb_mw;
&tb_mw, NULL);
&ins_l, &ins_r,
tb_mw = ins_l + tb_mw + ins_r;
tb_mw -= ep->req.w;
if (tb_mw > over_w) over_w = tb_mw;
if (over_w > max_over_w)
max_over_w = over_w;
repeat_w = EINA_TRUE;
skip_h = EINA_TRUE;
//Reset accumulated max size when it's uncertain.
if ((abs(ep->req.w) > 1) ||
(pcalc->size.w != ep->w) ||
(pcalc->req.w != ep->req.w))
reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
if (!ep->chosen_description->fixed.h)
int over_h = (ep->h - ep->req.h);
if (over_h > max_over_h)
if ((ep->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK) ||
((Edje_Part_Description_Text *)ep->chosen_description)->text.min_x ||
max_over_h = over_h;
repeat_h = EINA_TRUE;
//Reset accumulated max size when it's uncertain.
if ((pcalc->size.h != ep->h) ||
(pcalc->req.h != ep->req.h))
reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
//Caching part size infomation.
pcalc->size.w = ep->w;
pcalc->size.h = ep->h;
pcalc->req.w = ep->req.w;
pcalc->req.h = ep->req.h;
if (repeat_w)
ed->w += max_over_w;
if (ed->w < restrictedw) ed->w = restrictedw;
if (repeat_h)
ed->h += max_over_h;
if (ed->h < restrictedh) ed->h = restrictedh;
while (repeat_w || repeat_h);
//exceptional handling.
if (ed->w < restrictedw) ed->w = restrictedw;
if (ed->h < restrictedh) ed->h = restrictedh;
ed->min.w = ed->w;
ed->min.h = ed->h;
if (minw) *minw = ed->min.w;
if (minh) *minh = ed->min.h;
ed->w = orig_w;
ed->h = orig_h;
ed->dirty = EINA_TRUE;
ed->all_part_change = EINA_TRUE;
ed->calc_only = EINA_FALSE;
_edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, Evas_Coord *minw, Evas_Coord *minh, Evas_Coord restrictedw, Evas_Coord restrictedh)
@ -4145,6 +4322,7 @@ again:
ed->calc_only = EINA_FALSE;
/* FIXME: Correctly return other states */
EOLIAN const char *