efl_gfx_shape: convert docs

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Daniel Kolesa 2015-06-16 15:23:06 +01:00
parent 406ac071a1
commit 53e630b3ca
1 changed files with 156 additions and 167 deletions

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@ -6,153 +6,144 @@ mixin Efl.Gfx.Shape
methods {
@property stroke_scale {
set {
Sets the stroke scale to be used for stroking the path.
[[Sets the stroke scale to be used for stroking the path.
the scale property will be used along with stroke width property.
@since 1.14
get {
Get the stroke scaling factor used for stroking this path.
[[Get the stroke scaling factor used for stroking this path.
@since 1.14
values {
s: double; /*@ stroke scale value */
s: double; [[stroke scale value]]
@property stroke_color {
set {
Sets the color to be used for stroking the path.
[[Sets the color to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the color used for stroking the path.
[[Gets the color used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
values {
r: int; /*@ The red component of the given color. */
g: int; /*@ The green component of the given color. */
b: int; /*@ The blue component of the given color. */
a: int; /*@ The alpha component of the given color. */
r: int; [[The red component of the given color.]]
g: int; [[The green component of the given color.]]
b: int; [[The blue component of the given color.]]
a: int; [[The alpha component of the given color.]]
@property stroke_width {
set {
Sets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
[[Sets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
[[Gets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
@since 1.14
values {
w: double; /*@ stroke width to be used */
w: double; [[stroke width to be used]]
@property stroke_location {
set {
Not Implemented
[[Not Implemented]]
get {
Not Implemented
[[Not Implemented]]
values {
centered: double; /*@ */
centered: double;
@property stroke_dash {
set {
Not Implemented
[[Not Implemented]]
get {
Not Implemented
[[Not Implemented]]
values {
dash: const(Efl_Gfx_Dash) *; /*@ */
length: uint; /*@ */
dash: const(Efl_Gfx_Dash) *;
length: uint;
@property stroke_cap {
set {
Sets the cap style to be used for stroking the path.
[[Sets the cap style to be used for stroking the path.
The cap will be used for capping the end point of a
open subpath.
@see Efl_Gfx_Cap
See also @Efl_Gfx_Cap.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the cap style used for stroking path.
[[Gets the cap style used for stroking path.
@since 1.14
values {
c: Efl_Gfx_Cap; /*@ cap style to use , default is EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT */
c: Efl_Gfx_Cap; [[cap style to use, default is EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT]]
@property stroke_join {
set {
Sets the join style to be used for stroking the path.
[[Sets the join style to be used for stroking the path.
The join style will be used for joining the two line segment
while stroking teh path.
@see Efl_Gfx_Join
See also @Efl_Gfx_Join.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the join style used for stroking path.
@since 1.14
values {
j: Efl_Gfx_Join; /*@ join style to use , default is
j: Efl_Gfx_Join; [[join style to use, default is EFL_GFX_JOIN_MITER]]
@property path {
set {
Set the list of commands and points to be used to create the
[[Set the list of commands and points to be used to create the
content of shape.
@note see efl_gfx_path interface for how to create a command list.
@see Efl_Gfx_Path_Command
See @efl_gfx_path interface for how to create a command list.
@since 1.14
get {
Gets the command and points list
@since 1.14
[[Gets the command and points list
@since 1.14
values {
op: const(Efl_Gfx_Path_Command) *; /*@ command list */
points: const(double) *; /*@ point list */
op: const(Efl_Gfx_Path_Command) *; [[command list]]
points: const(double) *; [[point list]]
@property path_length {
@ -180,190 +171,188 @@ mixin Efl.Gfx.Shape
dup {
Copy the shape data from the object specified .
[[Copy the shape data from the object specified .
@since 1.14
params {
@in dup_from: Eo.Base *; /*@ Shape object from where data will be copied.*/
@in dup_from: Eo.Base *; [[Shape object from where data will be copied.]]
bounds_get {
Compute and return the bounding box of the currently set path
[[Compute and return the bounding box of the currently set path
@since 1.14
params {
@out r: Eina_Rectangle; /*@ Contain the bounding box of the currently set path */
@out r: Eina_Rectangle; [[Contain the bounding box of the currently set path]]
reset {
Reset the shape data of the shape object.
[[Reset the shape data of the shape object.
@since 1.14
append_move_to {
Moves the current point to the given point,
[[Moves the current point to the given point,
implicitly starting a new subpath and closing the previous one.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_close()
See also @efl_gfx_path_append_close.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of the current point.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the current point.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the current point.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the current point.]]
append_line_to {
Adds a straight line from the current position to the given endPoint.
After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
point of the line.
[[Adds a straight line from the current position to the given endPoint.
After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the
end point of the line.
@note if no current position present, it draws a line to itself, basically
a point.
If no current position present, it draws a line to itself, basically
a point.
See also @efl_gfx_path_append_move_to.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_move_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
append_quadratic_to {
Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x, ctrl_y).
After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
point of the path.
[[Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x,
ctrl_y). After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to
be at the end point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in ctrl_x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of control point.*/
@in ctrl_y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of control point.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in ctrl_x: double; [[X co-ordinate of control point.]]
@in ctrl_y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of control point.]]
append_squadratic_to {
Same as efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to() api only difference is that it
uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
[[Same as efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to() api only difference is
that it uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
See also @efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
append_cubic_to {
Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the
[[Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by
(ctrl_x0, ctrl_y0), and (ctrl_x1, ctrl_y1). After the path is drawn,
the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in ctrl_x0: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of 1st control point.*/
@in ctrl_y0: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 1st control point.*/
@in ctrl_x1: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in ctrl_y1: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in ctrl_x0: double; [[X co-ordinate of 1st control point.]]
@in ctrl_y0: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 1st control point.]]
@in ctrl_x1: double; [[X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
@in ctrl_y1: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
append_scubic_to {
Same as efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to() api only difference is that it uses
the current control point to draw the bezier.
[[Same as efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to() api only difference is that it
uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to()
See also @efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to.
@since 1.14
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in ctrl_x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in ctrl_y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.]]
@in ctrl_x: double; [[X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
@in ctrl_y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.]]
append_arc_to {
Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list
[[Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list
to the given point (x,y). The arc is defined by the given radius in
x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry) .
x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry).
@note Use this api if you know the end point's of the arc otherwise
use more convenient function efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
Use this api if you know the end point's of the arc otherwise use
more convenient function @efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the arc.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the arc.*/
@in rx: double; /*@ radius of arc in x direction.*/
@in ry: double; /*@ radius of arc in y direction.*/
@in angle: double; /*@ x-axis rotation , normally 0.*/
@in large_arc: bool; /*@ Defines whether to draw the larger arc or smaller arc joining two point.*/
@in sweep: bool; /*@ Defines whether the arc will be drawn counter-clockwise or clockwise from current point to the end point taking into account the large_arc property.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of end point of the arc.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of end point of the arc.]]
@in rx: double; [[radius of arc in x direction.]]
@in ry: double; [[radius of arc in y direction.]]
@in angle: double; [[x-axis rotation , normally 0.]]
@in large_arc: bool; [[Defines whether to draw the larger arc or
smaller arc joining two point.]]
@in sweep: bool; [[Defines whether the arc will be drawn
counter-clockwise or clockwise from current point
to the end point taking into account the large_arc
append_close {
Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the subpath,
automatically starting a new path. The current point of the new path is
(0, 0).
[[Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the
subpath, automatically starting a new path. The current point of the
new path is (0, 0).
@note If the subpath does not contain any points, this function does nothing.
If the subpath does not contain any points, this function does nothing.
@since 1.14
append_circle {
Append a circle with given center and radius.
[[Append a circle with given center and radius.
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of the center of the circle.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the center of the circle.*/
@in radius: double; /*@ radius of the circle.*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the center of the circle.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the center of the circle.]]
@in radius: double; [[radius of the circle.]]
append_rect {
Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
[[Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
The xr and yr arguments specify the radii of the ellipses defining the
corners of the rounded rectangle.
@note xr and yr are specified in terms of width and height respectively.
xr and yr are specified in terms of width and height respectively.
@note if xr and yr are 0, then it will draw a rectangle without rounded corner.
If xr and yr are 0, then it will draw a rectangle without rounded
@since 1.14
params {
@in x: double; /*@ X co-ordinate of the rectangle.*/
@in y: double; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the rectangle.*/
@in w: double; /*@ Width of the rectangle.*/
@in h: double; /*@ Height of the rectangle.*/
@in rx: double; /*@ The x radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to w/2 ]*/
@in ry: double; /*@ The y radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to h/2 ]*/
@in x: double; [[X co-ordinate of the rectangle.]]
@in y: double; [[Y co-ordinate of the rectangle.]]
@in w: double; [[Width of the rectangle.]]
@in h: double; [[Height of the rectangle.]]
@in rx: double; [[The x radius of the rounded corner and should be
in range [ 0 to w/2 ]
@in ry: double; [[The y radius of the rounded corner and should be
in range [ 0 to h/2 ]
append_svg_path {