ecore-evas-wayland: Remove duplicated code

As we already call the same functions inside
_ecore_evas_wl_common_show, there is no need to duplicate the same
code when we have defer_show set...just call the show function.


Signed-off-by: Chris Michael <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Michael 2017-03-01 11:43:11 -05:00
parent dfb1877500
commit 81783ec75c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -2020,46 +2020,8 @@ _ee_cb_sync_done(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event EINA_UNUSED)
if (wdata->defer_show)
int fw, fh;
wdata->defer_show = EINA_FALSE;
ecore_wl2_window_alpha_set(wdata->win, ee->alpha);
ecore_wl2_window_transparent_set(wdata->win, ee->transparent);
if (wdata->defer_fullscreen)
wdata->defer_fullscreen = EINA_FALSE;
ecore_wl2_window_fullscreen_set(wdata->win, ee->prop.fullscreen);
evas_output_framespace_get(ee->evas, NULL, NULL, &fw, &fh);
if (wdata->win)
einfo = (Evas_Engine_Info_Wayland *)evas_engine_info_get(ee->evas);
if (einfo)
evas_damage_rectangle_add(ee->evas, 0, 0,
ee->w + fw, ee->h + fh);
einfo->www_avail = !!wdata->win->www_surface;
ee->prop.withdrawn = EINA_FALSE;
if (ee->func.fn_state_change) ee->func.fn_state_change(ee);
if (!ee->visible)
ee->visible = 1;
ee->should_be_visible = 1;
ee->draw_ok = EINA_TRUE;
if (ee->func.fn_show) ee->func.fn_show(ee);