Evas GL: Restore current context to evas gl context when the backend has taken over

When Evas GL apis are called outside of on pixels callback,
evas gl backend context may have been made current, and Evas GL will
render into a wrong context.
So here we provide context restore mechanism of keeping track of
currently bound context and calling make current when needed.

Test Plan: Run Evas GL test cases

Reviewers: jpeg, cedric

Subscribers: mythri, mer.kim, wonsik, cedric

Differential Revision: https://phab.enlightenment.org/D2956
This commit is contained in:
Dongyeon Kim 2015-08-18 17:35:40 +09:00 committed by Jean-Philippe Andre
parent 8c8d254fbc
commit bea42e6a00
14 changed files with 1931 additions and 2802 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glBindFramebuffer, (GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer), (target, framebuffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glClearDepthf, (GLclampf depth), (depth))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glDepthRangef, (GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar), (zNear, zFar))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glGetShaderPrecisionFormat, (GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision), (shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glShaderBinary, (GLsizei n, const GLuint* shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const void* binary, GLsizei length), (n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glReleaseShaderCompiler, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glClearColor, (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha), (red, green, blue, alpha))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glClear, (GLbitfield mask), (mask))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glEnable, (GLenum cap), (cap))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glDisable, (GLenum cap), (cap))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glGetIntegerv, (GLenum pname, GLint* params), (pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(const GLubyte *, glGetString, (GLenum name), (name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glReadPixels, (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* pixels), (x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glScissor, (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (x, y, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(void, glViewport, (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (x, y, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glActiveTexture, (GLenum texture), (texture))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glAttachShader, (GLuint program, GLuint shader), (program, shader))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindAttribLocation, (GLuint program, GLuint index, const char* name), (program, index, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindBuffer, (GLenum target, GLuint buffer), (target, buffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindRenderbuffer, (GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer), (target, renderbuffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindTexture, (GLenum target, GLuint texture), (target, texture))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlendColor, (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha), (red, green, blue, alpha))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlendEquation, ( GLenum mode ), (mode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlendEquationSeparate, (GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha), (modeRGB, modeAlpha))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlendFunc, (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor), (sfactor, dfactor))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlendFuncSeparate, (GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha), (srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBufferData, (GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage), (target, size, data, usage))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBufferSubData, (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data), (target, offset, size, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLenum, glCheckFramebufferStatus, (GLenum target), (target))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glClearStencil, (GLint s), (s))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glColorMask, (GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha), (red, green, blue, alpha))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCompileShader, (GLuint shader), (shader))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCompressedTexImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void* data), (target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCompressedTexSubImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void* data), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCopyTexImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border), (target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCopyTexSubImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLuint, glCreateProgram, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLuint, glCreateShader, (GLenum type), (type))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCullFace, (GLenum mode), (mode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteBuffers, (GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers), (n, buffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteFramebuffers, (GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers), (n, framebuffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteProgram, (GLuint program), (program))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteRenderbuffers, (GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers), (n, renderbuffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteShader, (GLuint shader), (shader))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteTextures, (GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures), (n, textures))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDepthFunc, (GLenum func), (func))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDepthMask, (GLboolean flag), (flag))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDetachShader, (GLuint program, GLuint shader), (program, shader))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDisableVertexAttribArray, (GLuint index), (index))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawArrays, (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count), (mode, first, count))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawElements, (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void* indices), (mode, count, type, indices))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glEnableVertexAttribArray, (GLuint index), (index))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFinish, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFlush, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer), (target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFramebufferTexture2D, (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level), (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFrontFace, (GLenum mode), (mode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenBuffers, (GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers), (n, buffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenerateMipmap, (GLenum target), (target))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenFramebuffers, (GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers), (n, framebuffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenRenderbuffers, (GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers), (n, renderbuffers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenTextures, (GLsizei n, GLuint* textures), (n, textures))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetActiveAttrib, (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name), (program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetActiveUniform, (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name), (program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetAttachedShaders, (GLuint program, GLsizei maxcount, GLsizei* count, GLuint* shaders), (program, maxcount, count, shaders))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(int, glGetAttribLocation, (GLuint program, const char* name), (program, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetBooleanv, (GLenum pname, GLboolean* params), (pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetBufferParameteriv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLenum, glGetError, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetFloatv, (GLenum pname, GLfloat* params), (pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (target, attachment, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetProgramiv, (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (program, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetProgramInfoLog, (GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog), (program, bufsize, length, infolog))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetShaderiv, (GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (shader, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetShaderInfoLog, (GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* infolog), (shader, bufsize, length, infolog))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetShaderSource, (GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, char* source), (shader, bufsize, length, source))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetTexParameterfv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetTexParameteriv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetUniformfv, (GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat* params), (program, location, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetUniformiv, (GLuint program, GLint location, GLint* params), (program, location, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(int, glGetUniformLocation, (GLuint program, const char* name), (program, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetVertexAttribfv, (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params), (index, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetVertexAttribiv, (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params), (index, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, (GLuint index, GLenum pname, void** pointer), (index, pname, pointer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glHint, (GLenum target, GLenum mode), (target, mode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsBuffer, (GLuint buffer), (buffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsEnabled, (GLenum cap), (cap))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsFramebuffer, (GLuint framebuffer), (framebuffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsProgram, (GLuint program), (program))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsRenderbuffer, (GLuint renderbuffer), (renderbuffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsShader, (GLuint shader), (shader))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsTexture, (GLuint texture), (texture))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glLineWidth, (GLfloat width), (width))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glLinkProgram, (GLuint program), (program))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glPixelStorei, (GLenum pname, GLint param), (pname, param))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glPolygonOffset, (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units), (factor, units))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glRenderbufferStorage, (GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, internalformat, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glSampleCoverage, (GLclampf value, GLboolean invert), (value, invert))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glShaderSource, (GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar* const* string, const GLint* length), (shader, count, string, length))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilFunc, (GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask), (func, ref, mask))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilFuncSeparate, (GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask), (face, func, ref, mask))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilMask, (GLuint mask), (mask))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilMaskSeparate, (GLenum face, GLuint mask), (face, mask))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilOp, (GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass), (fail, zfail, zpass))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glStencilOpSeparate, (GLenum face, GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass), (face, fail, zfail, zpass))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels), (target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexParameterf, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param), (target, pname, param))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexParameterfv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexParameteri, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param), (target, pname, param))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexParameteriv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexSubImage2D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1f, (GLint location, GLfloat x), (location, x))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1i, (GLint location, GLint x), (location, x))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1iv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2f, (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y), (location, x, y))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2i, (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y), (location, x, y))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2iv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3f, (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z), (location, x, y, z))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3i, (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z), (location, x, y, z))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3iv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4f, (GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w), (location, x, y, z, w))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4i, (GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w), (location, x, y, z, w))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4iv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint* v), (location, count, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix2fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix3fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix4fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUseProgram, (GLuint program), (program))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glValidateProgram, (GLuint program), (program))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib1f, (GLuint indx, GLfloat x), (indx, x))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib1fv, (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values), (indx, values))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib2f, (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y), (indx, x, y))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib2fv, (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values), (indx, values))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib3f, (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z), (indx, x, y, z))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib3fv, (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values), (indx, values))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib4f, (GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w), (indx, x, y, z, w))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttrib4fv, (GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values), (indx, values))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribPointer, (GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const void* ptr), (indx, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr))

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <dlfcn.h>
#define EVGL_FUNC_BEGIN() if (UNLIKELY(_need_context_restore)) _context_restore()
// list of egl extensions
#ifdef GL_GLES
static char *_egl_ext_string = NULL;
@ -40,11 +42,11 @@ struct wl_resource;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
ret (*egl_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL; \
ret (*gl_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL; \
ret (*gles1_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL; \
ret (*gles3_ext_sym_##name) param = NULL;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
ret (*egl_ext_sym_##name) param1 = NULL; \
ret (*gl_ext_sym_##name) param1 = NULL; \
ret (*gles1_ext_sym_##name) param1 = NULL; \
ret (*gles3_ext_sym_##name) param1 = NULL;
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ struct wl_resource;
int _gles1_ext_support_func_##name = 0; \
int _gles3_ext_support_func_##name = 0;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ struct wl_resource;
#define EVGL_FUNC_BEGIN() if (UNLIKELY(_need_context_restore)) _context_restore()
// Evas extensions from EGL extensions
#ifdef GL_GLES
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ _evgl_eglCreateImageKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx,
static void *
evgl_evasglCreateImage(int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
_evgl_evasglCreateImage(int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
EGLContext ctx = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ evgl_evasglCreateImage(int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
static void *
evgl_evasglCreateImageForContext(Evas_GL *evasgl, Evas_GL_Context *evasctx,
_evgl_evasglCreateImageForContext(Evas_GL *evasgl, Evas_GL_Context *evasctx,
int target, void* buffer, const int *attrib_list)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evasgl);
@ -240,7 +243,7 @@ evgl_evasglCreateImageForContext(Evas_GL *evasgl, Evas_GL_Context *evasctx,
static void
evgl_evasglDestroyImage(EvasGLImage image)
_evgl_evasglDestroyImage(EvasGLImage image)
EvasGLImage_EGL *img = image;
@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ evgl_evasglDestroyImage(EvasGLImage image)
static void
evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetTexture2D(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
_evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetTexture2D(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
EvasGLImage_EGL *img = image;
@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetTexture2D(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
static void
evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
_evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
EvasGLImage_EGL *img = image;
@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ evgl_glEvasGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, EvasGLImage image)
static EvasGLSync
evgl_evasglCreateSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglCreateSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
unsigned int type, const int *attrib_list)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -274,7 +277,7 @@ evgl_evasglCreateSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglDestroySync(Evas_GL *evas_gl, EvasGLSync sync)
_evgl_evasglDestroySync(Evas_GL *evas_gl, EvasGLSync sync)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
if (!dpy) return EINA_FALSE;
@ -282,7 +285,7 @@ evgl_evasglDestroySync(Evas_GL *evas_gl, EvasGLSync sync)
static int
evgl_evasglClientWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglClientWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
EvasGLSync sync, int flags, EvasGLTime timeout)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ evgl_evasglClientWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglSignalSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglSignalSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
EvasGLSync sync, unsigned mode)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -300,7 +303,7 @@ evgl_evasglSignalSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglGetSyncAttrib(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglGetSyncAttrib(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
EvasGLSync sync, int attribute, int *value)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ evgl_evasglGetSyncAttrib(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static int
evgl_evasglWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
EvasGLSync sync, int flags)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ evgl_evasglWaitSync(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglBindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglBindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
void *wl_display)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ evgl_evasglBindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglUnbindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglUnbindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
void *wl_display)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -336,7 +339,7 @@ evgl_evasglUnbindWaylandDisplay(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static Eina_Bool
evgl_evasglQueryWaylandBuffer(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
_evgl_evasglQueryWaylandBuffer(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
void *buffer, int attribute, int *value)
EGLDisplay dpy = EGLDISPLAY_GET(evas_gl);
@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ evgl_evasglQueryWaylandBuffer(Evas_GL *evas_gl,
static void
evgl_glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum* attachments)
_evgl_glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum* attachments)
EVGL_Resource *rsc;
EVGL_Context *ctx;
@ -407,8 +410,77 @@ evgl_glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum
//2.0 ext bodies
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
static ret evgl_##name param1 { EVGL_FUNC_BEGIN(); return EXT_FUNC(name) param2; }
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
//1.1 ext bodies
#define _EVASGL_EXT_BEGIN(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_END()
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
static ret evgl_gles1_##name param1 { EVGL_FUNC_BEGIN(); return EXT_FUNC_GLES1(name) param2; }
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
#include "evas_gl_api_ext_def.h"
// 0: not initialized,
// 1: GLESv2 initialized,
@ -463,9 +535,9 @@ evgl_api_egl_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &egl_ext_sym_##name; \
ret (**drvfunc)param1 = &egl_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
@ -544,7 +616,7 @@ evgl_api_egl_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
if (_curext_supported && _egl_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -641,9 +713,9 @@ _evgl_api_gles2_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gl_ext_sym_##name; \
ret (**drvfunc)param1 = &gl_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
@ -723,7 +795,7 @@ _evgl_api_gles2_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
if (_curext_supported && _gl_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -775,7 +847,7 @@ evgl_api_gles2_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gl_ext_sym_)
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, evgl_)
// Extension HEADER
@ -790,12 +862,12 @@ evgl_api_gles2_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -919,9 +991,9 @@ _evgl_api_gles1_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gles1_ext_sym_##name; \
ret (**drvfunc)param1 = &gles1_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
@ -1005,7 +1077,7 @@ _evgl_api_gles1_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
if (_curext_supported && _gles1_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -1061,7 +1133,7 @@ evgl_api_gles1_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gles1_ext_sym_)
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, evgl_gles1_)
// Extension HEADER
@ -1076,12 +1148,12 @@ evgl_api_gles1_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -1203,9 +1275,9 @@ _evgl_api_gles3_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME_DESKTOP(deskname) \
if (_EVASGL_EXT_CHECK_SUPPORT(deskname)) *ext_support = 1;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
{ \
ret (**drvfunc)param = &gles3_ext_sym_##name; \
ret (**drvfunc)param1 = &gles3_ext_sym_##name; \
if (*ext_support == 1) \
@ -1284,7 +1356,7 @@ _evgl_api_gles3_ext_init(void *getproc, const char *glueexts)
if (_curext_supported && _gles3_ext_support_func_##name) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)
@ -1341,7 +1413,7 @@ evgl_api_gles3_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, gles3_ext_sym_)
#define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, gl_funcs, evgl_)
// Extension HEADER
@ -1356,12 +1428,12 @@ evgl_api_gles3_ext_get(Evas_GL_API *gl_funcs, void *getproc, const char *glueext
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_PRIVATE_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)

View File

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param) \
extern ret (*egl_ext_sym_##name) param; \
extern ret (*gl_ext_sym_##name) param; \
extern ret (*gles1_ext_sym_##name) param; \
extern ret (*gles3_ext_sym_##name) param;
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2) \
extern ret (*egl_ext_sym_##name) param1; \
extern ret (*gl_ext_sym_##name) param1; \
extern ret (*gles1_ext_sym_##name) param1; \
extern ret (*gles3_ext_sym_##name) param1;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
#define _EVASGL_EXT_DRVNAME(name)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param)
#define _EVASGL_EXT_FUNCTION_BEGIN(ret, name, param1, param2)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBeginQuery, (GLenum target, GLuint id), (target, id))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBeginTransformFeedback, (GLenum primitiveMode), (primitiveMode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindBufferBase, (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer), (target, index, buffer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindBufferRange, (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size), (target, index, buffer, offset, size))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindSampler, (GLuint unit, GLuint sampler), (unit, sampler))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindTransformFeedback, (GLenum target, GLuint id), (target, id))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBindVertexArray, (GLuint array), (array))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glBlitFramebuffer, (GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter), (srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glClearBufferfi, (GLenum buffer, GLint drawBuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil), (buffer, drawBuffer, depth, stencil))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glClearBufferfv, (GLenum buffer, GLint drawBuffer, const GLfloat * value), (buffer, drawBuffer, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glClearBufferiv, (GLenum buffer, GLint drawBuffer, const GLint * value), (buffer, drawBuffer, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glClearBufferuiv, (GLenum buffer, GLint drawBuffer, const GLuint * value), (buffer, drawBuffer, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLenum, glClientWaitSync, (GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, EvasGLuint64 timeout), (sync, flags, timeout))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCompressedTexImage3D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data), (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCopyBufferSubData, (GLenum readtarget, GLenum writetarget, GLintptr readoffset, GLintptr writeoffset, GLsizeiptr size), (readtarget, writetarget, readoffset, writeoffset, size))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glCopyTexSubImage3D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteQueries, (GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids), (n, ids))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteSamplers, (GLsizei n, const GLuint * samplers), (n, samplers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteSync, (GLsync sync), (sync))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteTransformFeedbacks, (GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids), (n, ids))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDeleteVertexArrays, (GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays), (n, arrays))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawArraysInstanced, (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount), (mode, first, count, primcount))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawBuffers, (GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs), (n, bufs))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawElementsInstanced, (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void * indices, GLsizei primcount), (mode, count, type, indices, primcount))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glDrawRangeElements, (GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices), (mode, start, end, count, type, indices))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glEndQuery, (GLenum target), (target))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glEndTransformFeedback, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLsync, glFenceSync, (GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags), (condition, flags))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLsync, glFlushMappedBufferRange, (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length), (target, offset, length))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glFramebufferTextureLayer, (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer), (target, attachment, texture, level, layer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenQueries, (GLsizei n, GLuint * ids), (n, ids))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenSamplers, (GLsizei n, GLuint *samplers), (n, samplers))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenTransformFeedbacks, (GLsizei n, GLuint *ids), (n, ids))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGenVertexArrays, (GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays), (n, arrays))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetActiveUniformBlockiv, (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint *params), (program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetActiveUniformBlockName, (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformBlockName), (program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetActiveUniformsiv, (GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint *uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint *params), (program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetBufferParameteri64v, (GLenum target, GLenum value, EvasGLint64 * data), (target, value, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetBufferPointerv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLint, glGetFragDataLocation, (GLuint program, const char * name), (program, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetInteger64i_v, (GLenum target, GLuint index, EvasGLint64 * data), (target, index, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetInteger64v, (GLenum pname, EvasGLint64 * data), (pname, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetIntegeri_v, (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint * data), (target, index, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetInternalformativ, (GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *params), (target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetProgramBinary, (GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, void *binary), (program, bufsize, length, binaryFormat, binary))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetQueryiv, (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params), (target, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetQueryObjectuiv, (GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params), (id, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetSamplerParameterfv, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params), (sampler, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetSamplerParameteriv, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint * params), (sampler, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(const GLubyte *, glGetStringi, (GLenum name, GLuint index), (name, index))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetSynciv, (GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *values), (sync, pname, bufSize, length, values))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetTransformFeedbackVarying, (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLsizei * size, GLenum * type, char * name), (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLuint, glGetUniformBlockIndex, (GLuint program, const GLchar *uniformBlockName), (program, uniformBlockName))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetUniformIndices, (GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar *const*uniformNames, GLuint *uniformIndices), (program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetUniformuiv, (GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint* params), (program, location, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetVertexAttribIiv, (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params), (index, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glGetVertexAttribIuiv, (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params), (index, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glInvalidateFramebuffer, (GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments), (target, numAttachments, attachments))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glInvalidateSubFramebuffer, (GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsQuery, (GLuint id), (id))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsSampler, (GLuint id), (id))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsSync, (GLsync sync), (sync))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsTransformFeedback, (GLuint id), (id))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glIsVertexArray, (GLuint array), (array))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void *, glMapBufferRange, (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access), (target, offset, length, access))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glPauseTransformFeedback, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glProgramBinary, (GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const void *binary, GLsizei length), (program, binaryFormat, binary, length))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glProgramParameteri, (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value), (program, pname, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glReadBuffer, (GLenum src), (src))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample, (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, samples, internalformat, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glResumeTransformFeedback, (void), ())
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glSamplerParameterf, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param), (sampler, pname, param))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glSamplerParameterfv, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params), (sampler, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glSamplerParameteri, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param), (sampler, pname, param))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glSamplerParameteriv, (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint * params), (sampler, pname, params))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexImage3D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data), (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexStorage2D, (GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height), (target, levels, internalformat, width, height))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexStorage3D, (GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth), (target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTexSubImage3D, (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data), (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, data))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glTransformFeedbackVaryings, (GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar *const* varyings, GLenum bufferMode), (program, count, varyings, bufferMode))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1ui, (GLint location, GLuint v0), (location, v0))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform1uiv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value), (location, count, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2ui, (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1), (location, v0, v1))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform2uiv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value), (location, count, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3ui, (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2), (location, v0, v1, v2))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform3uiv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value), (location, count, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4ui, (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3), (location, v0, v1, v2, v3))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniform4uiv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value), (location, count, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformBlockBinding, (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding), (program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix2x3fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix3x2fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix2x4fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix4x2fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix3x4fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glUniformMatrix4x3fv, (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value), (location, count, transpose, value))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(GLboolean, glUnmapBuffer, (GLenum target), (target))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribDivisor, (GLuint index, GLuint divisor), (index, divisor))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribI4i, (GLuint index, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3), (index, v0, v1, v2, v3))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribI4iv, (GLuint index, const GLint *v), (index, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribI4ui, (GLuint index, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3), (index, v0, v1, v2, v3))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribI4uiv, (GLuint index, const GLuint *v), (index, v))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glVertexAttribIPointer, (GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer), (index, size, type, stride, pointer))
_EVASGL_FUNCTION_BEGIN(void, glWaitSync, (GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, EvasGLuint64 timeout), (sync, flags, timeout))

View File

@ -1112,4 +1112,8 @@ _comp_tex_sub_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fmt
#undef EAPI
#define EAPI
extern Eina_Bool _need_context_restore;
extern void _context_restore(void);
EAPI void evas_gl_context_restore_set(Eina_Bool enable);

View File

@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ static void _internal_resources_destroy(void *eng_data, EVGL_Resource *rsc);
extern void (*EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glGenFramebuffersOES)) (GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers);
extern void (*EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glBindFramebufferOES)) (GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer);
extern void (*EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferTexture2DOES)) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level);
extern void (*EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferRenderbufferOES)) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer);
extern GLenum (*EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glCheckFramebufferStatusOES)) (GLenum target);
// Internal Resources:
// - Surface and Context used for internal buffer creation
@ -222,12 +226,12 @@ _texture_attach_2d(GLuint tex, GLenum attach, GLenum attach2, int samples, Eina_
else if (use_extension)
if (gles1_funcs->glFramebufferTexture2DOES)
gles1_funcs->glFramebufferTexture2DOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferTexture2DOES))
EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferTexture2DOES)(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);
if (attach2)
if (gles1_funcs->glFramebufferTexture2DOES)
gles1_funcs->glFramebufferTexture2DOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach2, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferTexture2DOES))
EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferTexture2DOES)(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach2, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);
@ -302,8 +306,8 @@ _framebuffer_create(GLuint *buf, Eina_Bool use_extension)
if (use_extension)
if (gles1_funcs && gles1_funcs->glGenFramebuffersOES)
gles1_funcs->glGenFramebuffersOES(1, buf);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glGenFramebuffersOES))
EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glGenFramebuffersOES)(1, buf);
@ -316,8 +320,8 @@ _framebuffer_bind(GLuint buf, Eina_Bool use_extension)
if (use_extension)
if (gles1_funcs && gles1_funcs->glBindFramebufferOES)
gles1_funcs->glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, buf);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glBindFramebufferOES))
EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glBindFramebufferOES)(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, buf);
@ -331,8 +335,8 @@ _framebuffer_check(Eina_Bool use_extension)
GLenum ret = 0;
if (use_extension)
if (gles1_funcs && gles1_funcs->glCheckFramebufferStatusOES)
ret = gles1_funcs->glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glCheckFramebufferStatusOES))
ret = EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glCheckFramebufferStatusOES)(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
@ -384,8 +388,8 @@ _renderbuffer_attach(GLuint buf, GLenum attach, Eina_Bool use_extension)
if (use_extension)
if (gles1_funcs->glFramebufferRenderbufferOES)
gles1_funcs->glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach, GL_RENDERBUFFER, buf);
if (EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferRenderbufferOES))
EXT_FUNC_GLES1(glFramebufferRenderbufferOES)(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attach, GL_RENDERBUFFER, buf);
@ -2944,6 +2948,13 @@ evgl_direct_partial_render_end()
ctx->partial_render = 0;
evas_gl_context_restore_set(Eina_Bool enable)
_need_context_restore = enable;

View File

@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ struct _EVGL_Resource
struct {
GLclampf r, g, b, a;
} clear_color;
struct {
void *data;
void *surface;
void *context;
} stored;

View File

@ -59,6 +59,55 @@ static Eina_Bool eng_gl_surface_lock(void *data, void *surface);
static Eina_Bool eng_gl_surface_unlock(void *data, void *surface);
static Eina_Bool eng_gl_surface_read_pixels(void *data, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Evas_Colorspace cspace, void *pixels);
Eina_Bool _need_context_restore = EINA_FALSE;
EVGL_Resource *rsc = _evgl_tls_resource_get();
if (rsc)
if (rsc->id == evgl_engine->main_tid)
evgl_make_current(rsc->stored.data, rsc->stored.surface, rsc->stored.context);
_need_context_restore = EINA_FALSE;
static inline void
_context_store(void *data, void *surface, void *context)
EVGL_Resource *rsc = _evgl_tls_resource_get();
if (rsc)
if (rsc->id == evgl_engine->main_tid)
_need_context_restore = EINA_FALSE;
rsc->stored.data = data;
rsc->stored.surface = surface;
rsc->stored.context = context;
static inline void
_context_stored_reset(void *data EINA_UNUSED, void *surface)
EVGL_Resource *rsc = _evgl_tls_resource_get();
if (rsc && rsc->stored.surface == surface)
_need_context_restore = EINA_FALSE;
rsc->stored.data = NULL;
rsc->stored.surface = NULL;
rsc->stored.context = NULL;
#define CONTEXT_STORE(data, surface, context) _context_store(data, surface, context)
#define CONTEXT_STORED_RESET(data, surface) _context_stored_reset(data, surface)
static void
eng_rectangle_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h, Eina_Bool do_async EINA_UNUSED)
@ -1420,6 +1469,7 @@ eng_gl_surface_destroy(void *data, void *surface)
EVGL_Surface *sfc = (EVGL_Surface *)surface;
EVGLINIT(data, 0);
CONTEXT_STORED_RESET(data, surface);
return evgl_surface_destroy(data, sfc);
@ -1456,6 +1506,7 @@ eng_gl_make_current(void *data, void *surface, void *context)
if (ctx)
Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gl_context;
CONTEXT_STORE(data, surface, context);
gl_context = re->window_gl_context_get(re->software.ob);
if ((gl_context->havestuff) ||

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ Evas_GL_Preload_Render_Call glsym_evas_gl_preload_render_relax = NULL;
glsym_func_void glsym_evas_gl_common_error_set = NULL;
glsym_func_int glsym_evas_gl_common_error_get = NULL;
glsym_func_void_ptr glsym_evas_gl_common_current_context_get = NULL;
void (*glsym_evas_gl_context_restore_set) (Eina_Bool enable) = NULL;
#ifdef GL_GLES
@ -1285,6 +1286,8 @@ gl_symbols(void)
#ifdef GL_GLES
#define FINDSYM(dst, sym, typ) \

View File

@ -218,4 +218,7 @@ _re_wincheck(Outbuf *ob)
Eina_Bool __glXMakeContextCurrent(Display *disp, GLXDrawable glxwin,
GLXContext context);
extern void (*glsym_evas_gl_context_restore_set) (Eina_Bool enable);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "evas_engine.h"
# define SET_RESTORE_CONTEXT() do { if (glsym_evas_gl_context_restore_set) glsym_evas_gl_context_restore_set(EINA_TRUE); } while(0)
static Eina_TLS _outbuf_key = 0;
static Eina_TLS _context_key = 0;
@ -262,6 +264,7 @@ try_gles2:
if (context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
if (eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp,
@ -576,6 +579,7 @@ eng_window_free(Outbuf *gw)
#ifdef GL_GLES
eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
if (gw->egl_surface[0] != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
eglDestroySurface(gw->egl_disp, gw->egl_surface[0]);
@ -614,6 +618,7 @@ eng_window_make_current(void *data, void *doit)
Outbuf *gw = data;
#ifdef GL_GLES
if (doit)
if (!eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp, gw->egl_surface[0], gw->egl_surface[0], gw->egl_context[0]))
@ -689,6 +694,7 @@ eng_window_use(Outbuf *gw)
#ifdef GL_GLES
if (gw->egl_surface[0] != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
if (eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp,
@ -724,6 +730,7 @@ eng_window_unsurf(Outbuf *gw)
if (xwin == gw)
eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
if (gw->egl_surface[0] != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
eglDestroySurface(gw->egl_disp, gw->egl_surface[0]);
@ -758,6 +765,7 @@ eng_window_resurf(Outbuf *gw)
(unsigned int)gw->win, eglGetError());
if (eglMakeCurrent(gw->egl_disp,
@ -1312,6 +1320,7 @@ void
eng_gl_context_use(Context_3D *ctx)
if (eglMakeCurrent(ctx->display, ctx->surface,
ctx->surface, ctx->context) == EGL_FALSE)