evas : add documentation to legacy vector api's.

Signed-off-by: Cedric BAIL <cedric@osg.samsung.com>
This commit is contained in:
Subhransu Sekhar Mohanty 2015-04-03 16:34:02 +02:00 committed by Cedric BAIL
parent f8938fe5ce
commit f73352adec
2 changed files with 821 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -180,84 +180,180 @@ mixin Efl.Gfx.Shape
methods {
dup {
Copy the shape data from the object specified .
@since 1.14
params {
@in Eo *dup_from;
@in Eo *dup_from; /*@ Shape object from where data will be copied.*/
reset {
Reset the shape data of the shape object.
@since 1.14
append_move_to {
Moves the current point to the given point,
implicitly starting a new subpath and closing the previous one.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_close()
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of the current point.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the current point.*/
append_line_to {
Adds a straight line from the current position to the given endPoint.
After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
point of the line.
@note if no current position present, it draws a line to itself, basically
a point.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_move_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
append_quadratic_to {
Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x, ctrl_y).
After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double ctrl_x;
@in double ctrl_y;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double ctrl_x; /*@ X co-ordinate of control point.*/
@in double ctrl_y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of control point.*/
append_squadratic_to {
Same as efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to() api only difference is that it
uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
append_cubic_to {
Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the
given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by
(ctrl_x0, ctrl_y0), and (ctrl_x1, ctrl_y1). After the path is drawn,
the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double ctrl_x0;
@in double ctrl_y0;
@in double ctrl_x1;
@in double ctrl_y1;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double ctrl_x0; /*@ X co-ordinate of 1st control point.*/
@in double ctrl_y0; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 1st control point.*/
@in double ctrl_x1; /*@ X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in double ctrl_y1; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
append_scubic_to {
Same as efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to() api only difference is that it uses
the current control point to draw the bezier.
@see efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double ctrl_x;
@in double ctrl_y;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.*/
@in double ctrl_x; /*@ X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
@in double ctrl_y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.*/
append_arc_to {
Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list
to the given point (x,y). The arc is defined by the given radius in
x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry) .
@note Use this api if you know the end point's of the arc otherwise
use more convenient function efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
@see efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double rx;
@in double ry;
@in double angle;
@in bool large_arc;
@in bool sweep;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of end point of the arc.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of end point of the arc.*/
@in double rx; /*@ radius of arc in x direction.*/
@in double ry; /*@ radius of arc in y direction.*/
@in double angle; /*@ x-axis rotation , normally 0.*/
@in bool large_arc; /*@ Defines whether to draw the larger arc or smaller arc joining two point.*/
@in bool sweep; /*@ Defines whether the arc will be drawn counter-clockwise or clockwise from current point to the end point taking into account the large_arc property.*/
append_close {
Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the subpath,
automatically starting a new path. The current point of the new path is
(0, 0).
@note If the subpath does not contain any points, this function does nothing.
@since 1.14
append_circle {
Append a circle with given center and radius.
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double radius;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of the center of the circle.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the center of the circle.*/
@in double radius; /*@ radius of the circle.*/
append_rect {
Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
The xr and yr arguments specify the radii of the ellipses defining the
corners of the rounded rectangle.
@note xr and yr are specified in terms of width and height respectively.
@note if xr and yr are 0, then it will draw a rectangle without rounded corner.
@since 1.14
params {
@in double x;
@in double y;
@in double w;
@in double h;
@in double rx;
@in double ry;
@in double x; /*@ X co-ordinate of the rectangle.*/
@in double y; /*@ Y co-ordinate of the rectangle.*/
@in double w; /*@ Width of the rectangle.*/
@in double h; /*@ Height of the rectangle.*/
@in double rx; /*@ The x radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to w/2 ]*/
@in double ry; /*@ The y radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to h/2 ]*/
append_svg_path {

View File

@ -1730,77 +1730,714 @@ EAPI Efl_VG* evas_vg_shape_add(Efl_VG *parent);
* @since 1.14
EAPI Efl_VG* evas_vg_container_add(Efl_VG *parent);
* Retrieves whether or not the given Efl_Vg object is visible.
EAPI Eina_Bool evas_vg_node_visible_get(Eo *obj);
* Makes the given Efl_Vg object visible or invisible.
* @param[in] v @c EINA_TRUE if to make the object visible, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise
EAPI void evas_vg_node_visible_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool v);
* Retrieves the general/main color of the given Efl_Vg object.
* Retrieves the main color's RGB component (and alpha channel)
* values, <b>which range from 0 to 255</b>. For the alpha channel,
* which defines the object's transparency level, 0 means totally
* transparent, while 255 means opaque. These color values are
* premultiplied by the alpha value.
* @note Use @c NULL pointers on the components you're not interested
* in: they'll be ignored by the function.
* @param[out] r The red component of the given color.
* @param[out] g The green component of the given color.
* @param[out] b The blue component of the given color.
* @param[out] a The alpha component of the given color.
EAPI void evas_vg_node_color_get(Eo *obj, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a);
* Sets the general/main color of the given Efl_Vg object to the given
* one.
* @see evas_vg_node_color_get() (for an example)
* @note These color values are expected to be premultiplied by @p a.
* @ingroup Evas_Object_Group_Basic
* @param[in] r The red component of the given color.
* @param[in] g The green component of the given color.
* @param[in] b The blue component of the given color.
* @param[in] a The alpha component of the given color.
EAPI void evas_vg_node_color_set(Eo *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a);
* Retrieves the geometry of the given Efl_Vg object.
* @param[out] x in
* @param[out] y in
* @param[out] w in
* @param[out] h in
EAPI void evas_vg_node_geometry_get(Eo *obj, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
* Changes the geometry of the given Efl_Vg object.
* @param[in] x in
* @param[in] y in
* @param[in] w in
* @param[in] h in
EAPI void evas_vg_node_geometry_set(Eo *obj, int x, int y, int w, int h);
* Stack @p obj immediately below @p below
* Objects, in a given canvas, are stacked in the order they get added
* to it. This means that, if they overlap, the highest ones will
* cover the lowest ones, in that order. This function is a way to
* change the stacking order for the objects.
* This function is intended to be used with <b>objects belonging to
* the same layer</b> in a given canvas, otherwise it will fail (and
* accomplish nothing).
* If you have smart objects on your canvas and @p obj is a member of
* one of them, then @p below must also be a member of the same
* smart object.
* Similarly, if @p obj is not a member of a smart object, @p below
* must not be either.
* @see evas_object_layer_get()
* @see evas_object_layer_set()
* @see evas_object_stack_below()
* @param[in] below the object below which to stack
EAPI void evas_vg_node_stack_below(Eo *obj, Eo *below);
* Stack @p obj immediately above @p above
* Objects, in a given canvas, are stacked in the order they get added
* to it. This means that, if they overlap, the highest ones will
* cover the lowest ones, in that order. This function is a way to
* change the stacking order for the objects.
* This function is intended to be used with <b>objects belonging to
* the same layer</b> in a given canvas, otherwise it will fail (and
* accomplish nothing).
* If you have smart objects on your canvas and @p obj is a member of
* one of them, then @p above must also be a member of the same
* smart object.
* Similarly, if @p obj is not a member of a smart object, @p above
* must not be either.
* @see evas_object_layer_get()
* @see evas_object_layer_set()
* @see evas_object_stack_below()
* @param[in] above the object above which to stack
EAPI void evas_vg_node_stack_above(Eo *obj, Eo *above);
* Raise @p obj to the top of its layer.
* @p obj will, then, be the highest one in the layer it belongs
* to. Object on other layers won't get touched.
* @see evas_object_stack_above()
* @see evas_object_stack_below()
* @see evas_object_lower()
EAPI void evas_vg_node_raise(Eo *obj);
* Lower @p obj to the bottom of its layer.
* @p obj will, then, be the lowest one in the layer it belongs
* to. Objects on other layers won't get touched.
* @see evas_object_stack_above()
* @see evas_object_stack_below()
* @see evas_object_raise()
EAPI void evas_vg_node_lower(Eo *obj);
#include "canvas/efl_vg_base.eo.legacy.h"
* Get the stroke scaling factor used for stroking this path.
* @since 1.14
EAPI double evas_vg_shape_stroke_scale_get(Eo *obj);
* Sets the stroke scale to be used for stroking the path.
* the scale property will be used along with stroke width property.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] s stroke scale value
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_scale_set(Eo *obj, double s);
* Gets the color used for stroking the path.
* @since 1.14
* @param[out] r The red component of the given color.
* @param[out] g The green component of the given color.
* @param[out] b The blue component of the given color.
* @param[out] a The alpha component of the given color.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_get(Eo *obj, int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a);
* Sets the color to be used for stroking the path.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] r The red component of the given color.
* @param[in] g The green component of the given color.
* @param[in] b The blue component of the given color.
* @param[in] a The alpha component of the given color.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(Eo *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a);
* Gets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
* @since 1.14
EAPI double evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_get(Eo *obj);
* Sets the stroke width to be used for stroking the path.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] w stroke width to be used
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_set(Eo *obj, double w);
* Not Implemented
EAPI double evas_vg_shape_stroke_location_get(Eo *obj);
* Not Implemented
* @param[in] centered
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_location_set(Eo *obj, double centered);
* Not Implemented
* @param[out] dash
* @param[out] length
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_dash_get(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Dash **dash, unsigned int *length);
* Not Implemented
* @param[in] dash
* @param[in] length
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_dash_set(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Dash *dash, unsigned int length);
* Gets the cap style used for stroking path.
* @since 1.14
EAPI Efl_Gfx_Cap evas_vg_shape_stroke_cap_get(Eo *obj);
* Sets the cap style to be used for stroking the path.
* The cap will be used for capping the end point of a
* open subpath.
* @see Efl_Gfx_Cap
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] c cap style to use , default is EFL_GFX_CAP_BUTT
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_cap_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Gfx_Cap c);
* Gets the join style used for stroking path.
* @since 1.14
EAPI Efl_Gfx_Join evas_vg_shape_stroke_join_get(Eo *obj);
* Sets the join style to be used for stroking the path.
* The join style will be used for joining the two line segment
* while stroking teh path.
* @see Efl_Gfx_Join
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] j join style to use , default is
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_stroke_join_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Gfx_Join j);
* Set the list of commands and points to be used to create the
* content of shape.
* @note see efl_gfx_path interface for how to create a command list.
* @see Efl_Gfx_Path_Command
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] op command list
* @param[in] points point list
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_path_set(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Path_Command *op, const double *points);
* Gets the command and points list
* @since 1.14
* @param[out] op command list
* @param[out] points point list
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_path_get(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Path_Command **op, const double **points);
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_path_length_get(Eo *obj, unsigned int *commands, unsigned int *points);
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_current_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_current_ctrl_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
* Copy the shape data from the object specified .
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] dup_from Shape object from where data will be copied.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_dup(Eo *obj, Eo *dup_from);
* Reset the shape data of the shape object.
* @since 1.14
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_reset(Eo *obj);
* Moves the current point to the given point,
* implicitly starting a new subpath and closing the previous one.
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_close()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of the current point.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of the current point.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_move_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Adds a straight line from the current position to the given endPoint.
* After the line is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
* point of the line.
* @note if no current position present, it draws a line to itself, basically
* a point.
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_move_to()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_line_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Adds a quadratic Bezier curve between the current position and the
* given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by (ctrl_x, ctrl_y).
* After the path is drawn, the current position is updated to be at the end
* point of the path.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] ctrl_x X co-ordinate of control point.
* @param[in] ctrl_y Y co-ordinate of control point.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_quadratic_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double ctrl_x, double ctrl_y);
* Same as efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to() api only difference is that it
* uses the current control point to draw the bezier.
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_quadratic_to()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_squadratic_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Adds a cubic Bezier curve between the current position and the
* given end point (x,y) using the control points specified by
* (ctrl_x0, ctrl_y0), and (ctrl_x1, ctrl_y1). After the path is drawn,
* the current position is updated to be at the end point of the path.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] ctrl_x0 X co-ordinate of 1st control point.
* @param[in] ctrl_y0 Y co-ordinate of 1st control point.
* @param[in] ctrl_x1 X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.
* @param[in] ctrl_y1 Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_cubic_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double ctrl_x0, double ctrl_y0, double ctrl_x1, double ctrl_y1);
* Same as efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to() api only difference is that it uses
* the current control point to draw the bezier.
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_cubic_to()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the line.
* @param[in] ctrl_x X co-ordinate of 2nd control point.
* @param[in] ctrl_y Y co-ordinate of 2nd control point.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_scubic_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double ctrl_x, double ctrl_y);
* Append an arc that connects from the current point int the point list
* to the given point (x,y). The arc is defined by the given radius in
* x-direction (rx) and radius in y direction (ry) .
* @note Use this api if you know the end point's of the arc otherwise
* use more convenient function efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_arc_to()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of end point of the arc.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of end point of the arc.
* @param[in] rx radius of arc in x direction.
* @param[in] ry radius of arc in y direction.
* @param[in] angle x-axis rotation , normally 0.
* @param[in] large_arc Defines whether to draw the larger arc or smaller arc joining two point.
* @param[in] sweep Defines whether the arc will be drawn counter-clockwise or clockwise from current point to the end point taking into account the large_arc property.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_arc_to(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double rx, double ry, double angle, Eina_Bool large_arc, Eina_Bool sweep);
* Closes the current subpath by drawing a line to the beginning of the subpath,
* automatically starting a new path. The current point of the new path is
* (0, 0).
* @note If the subpath does not contain any points, this function does nothing.
* @since 1.14
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_close(Eo *obj);
* Append a circle with given center and radius.
* @see efl_gfx_path_append_arc()
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of the center of the circle.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of the center of the circle.
* @param[in] radius radius of the circle.
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_circle(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double radius);
* Append the given rectangle with rounded corner to the path.
* The xr and yr arguments specify the radii of the ellipses defining the
* corners of the rounded rectangle.
* @note xr and yr are specified in terms of width and height respectively.
* @note if xr and yr are 0, then it will draw a rectangle without rounded corner.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] x X co-ordinate of the rectangle.
* @param[in] y Y co-ordinate of the rectangle.
* @param[in] w Width of the rectangle.
* @param[in] h Height of the rectangle.
* @param[in] rx The x radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to w/2 ]
* @param[in] ry The y radius of the rounded corner and should be in range [ 0 to h/2 ]
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_rect(Eo *obj, double x, double y, double w, double h, double rx, double ry);
EAPI void evas_vg_shape_shape_append_svg_path(Eo *obj, const char *svg_path_data);
EAPI Eina_Bool evas_vg_shape_shape_interpolate(Eo *obj, const Eo *from, const Eo *to, double pos_map);
EAPI Eina_Bool evas_vg_shape_shape_equal_commands(Eo *obj, const Eo *with);
#include "canvas/efl_vg_shape.eo.legacy.h"
* Set the list of color stops for the gradient
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] colors color stops list
* @param[in] length length of the list
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_stop_set(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop *colors, unsigned int length);
* get the list of color stops.
* @since 1.14
* @param[out] colors color stops list
* @param[out] length length of the list
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_stop_get(Eo *obj, const Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Stop **colors, unsigned int *length);
* Specifies the spread method that should be used for this gradient.
* @since 1.14
* @param[in] s spread type to be used
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_spread_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Spread s);
* Returns the spread method use by this gradient. The default is
* @since 1.14
EAPI Efl_Gfx_Gradient_Spread evas_vg_gradient_spread_get(Eo *obj);
#include "canvas/efl_vg_gradient.eo.legacy.h"
* Sets the start point of this linear gradient.
* @param[in] x x co-ordinate of start point
* @param[in] y y co-ordinate of start point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_linear_start_set(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Gets the start point of this linear gradient.
* @param[out] x x co-ordinate of start point
* @param[out] y y co-ordinate of start point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_linear_start_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
* Sets the end point of this linear gradient.
* @param[in] x x co-ordinate of end point
* @param[in] y y co-ordinate of end point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_linear_end_set(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Gets the end point of this linear gradient.
* @param[out] x x co-ordinate of end point
* @param[out] y y co-ordinate of end point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_linear_end_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
#include "canvas/efl_vg_gradient_linear.eo.legacy.h"
* Sets the center of this radial gradient.
* @param[in] x x co-ordinate of center point
* @param[in] y y co-ordinate of center point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_radial_center_set(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Gets the center of this radial gradient.
* @param[out] x x co-ordinate of center point
* @param[out] y y co-ordinate of center point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_radial_center_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
* Sets the center radius of this radial gradient.
* @param[in] r center radius
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_radial_radius_set(Eo *obj, double r);
* Gets the center radius of this radial gradient.
EAPI double evas_vg_gradient_radial_radius_get(Eo *obj);
* Sets the focal point of this radial gradient.
* @param[in] x x co-ordinate of focal point
* @param[in] y y co-ordinate of focal point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_radial_focal_set(Eo *obj, double x, double y);
* Gets the focal point of this radial gradient.
* @param[out] x x co-ordinate of focal point
* @param[out] y y co-ordinate of focal point
EAPI void evas_vg_gradient_radial_focal_get(Eo *obj, double *x, double *y);
#include "canvas/efl_vg_gradient_radial.eo.legacy.h"