class @beta Efl.Appthread extends Efl.Loop implements Efl.ThreadIO, Efl.Io.Reader, Efl.Io.Writer, Efl.Io.Closer, Efl.Core.Command_Line { [[This class houses the application's thread and main loop. It works similarly to @Efl.App but allows communicating with it from a different thread through the @Efl.ThreadIO, @Efl.Io.Reader and @Efl.Io.Writer interfaces. Methods can be scheduled to be executed in this thread using and @Efl.ThreadIO.call_sync. ]] methods { } events { } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Io.Closer.close; Efl.Io.Closer.closed { get; }; Efl.Io.Reader.can_read { get; set; } Efl.Io.Reader.eos { get; set; } Efl.Io.Writer.write; Efl.Io.Writer.can_write { get; set; }; Efl.ThreadIO.call_sync; } }