enum Elm.Clock.Edit_Mode { [[Identifiers for which clock digits should be editable, when a clock widget is in editing mode. Values may be OR-ed together to make a mask, naturally. See also @Elm.Clock.edit.set, @Elm.Clock.edit_mode.set. ]] legacy: elm_clock_edit; default = 0, [[Default value. Means that all digits are editable, when in editing mode.]] hour_decimal = 1 << 0, [[Decimal digit of hours value should be editable.]] hour_unit = 1 << 1, [[Unit digit of hours value should be editable.]] min_decimal = 1 << 2, [[Decimal digit of minutes value should be editable.]] min_unit = 1 << 3, [[Unit digit of minutes value should be editable.]] sec_decimal = 1 << 4, [[Decimal digit of seconds value should be editable.]] sec_unit = 1 << 5, [[Unit digit of seconds value should be editable.]] all = (1 << 6) - 1 [[All digits should be editable.]] } class Elm.Clock (Efl.Ui.Layout) { [[Digital clock widget This is a digital clock widget. In its default theme, it has a vintage "flipping numbers clock" appearance, which will animate sheets of individual algorisms individually as time goes by. A newly created clock will fetch system's time (already considering local time adjustments) to start with, and will tick accordingly. ]] legacy_prefix: elm_clock; eo_prefix: elm_obj_clock; event_prefix: elm_clock; methods { @property show_am_pm { [[If the given clock widget must show hours in military or am/pm mode Set if the clock must show hours in military or am/pm mode. In some countries like Brazil the military mode (00-24h-format) is used, in opposition to the USA, where the am/pm mode is more commonly used. ]] set { } get { } values { am_pm: bool; [[$true to put it in am/pm mode, $false to military mode]] } } @property first_interval { [[The first interval on time updates for a user mouse button hold on clock widgets' time editing. This interval value is decreased while the user holds the mouse pointer either incrementing or decrementing a given the clock digit's value. This helps the user to get to a given time distant from the current one easier/faster, as it will start to flip quicker and quicker on mouse button holds. The calculation for the next flip interval value, starting from the one set with this call, is the previous interval divided by 1.05, so it decreases a little bit. The default starting interval value for automatic flips is 0.85 seconds. ]] set { } get { } values { interval: double; [[The first interval value in seconds]] } } @property show_seconds { [[If the given clock widget must show time with seconds or not This function sets if the given clock must show or not elapsed seconds. By default, they are not shown. ]] set { } get { } values { seconds: bool; [[$true to show seconds, $false otherwise.]] } } @property edit { [[Whether a given clock widget is under editing mode or under (default) displaying-only mode. This function makes a clock's time to be editable or not by user interaction. When in editing mode, clocks stop ticking, until one brings them back to display mode. The @.edit_mode.set function will influence which digits of the clock will be editable. Note: am/pm sheets, if being shown, will always be editable under editing mode. ]] set { } get { } values { edit: bool; [[$true to put it in editing, $false to put it back to "displaying only" mode]] } } @property pause { [[Whether the given clock widget should be paused or not. This function pauses or starts the clock widget. @since 1.9 ]] set { } get { } values { paused: bool; [[$true to pause clock, $false otherwise]] } } @property time { [[Clock widget's time Values must be set within 0-23 for hours and 0-59 for minutes and seconds, even if the clock is not in "military" mode. ]] set { [[Warning: The behavior for values set out of those ranges is undefined. ]] } get { [[Note: Use $null pointers on the time values you're not interested in: they'll be ignored by the function. ]] } values { hrs: int; [[The hours to set]] min: int; [[The minutes to set]] sec: int; [[The seconds to set]] } } @property edit_mode { [[Digits of the given clock widget should be editable when in editing mode.]] set { } get { } values { digedit: Elm.Clock.Edit_Mode; [[Bit mask indicating the digits to be editable (values in @Elm.Clock.Edit_Mode).]] } } } implements { class.constructor; Efl.Object.constructor; Elm.Widget.focus_next_manager_is; Elm.Widget.focus_direction_manager_is; Elm.Widget.access; Elm.Widget.focus_next; Elm.Widget.theme_apply; } events { changed; [[The clock's user changed the time]] } }