/* EIO - EFL data type library * Copyright (C) 2011 Enlightenment Developers: * Cedric Bail * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; * if not, see . */ #include "eio_private.h" #include "Eio.h" /*============================================================================* * Local * *============================================================================*/ /** * @cond LOCAL */ typedef struct _Eio_Monitor_Stat Eio_Monitor_Stat; struct _Eio_Monitor_Stat { Eina_Stat buffer; int version; }; struct _Eio_Monitor_Backend { Eio_Monitor *parent; Eina_Stat self; Eina_Hash *children; Ecore_Timer *timer; Ecore_Idler *idler; Ecore_Thread *work; int version; Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; Eina_Bool initialised : 1; Eina_Bool destroyed : 1; }; static double fallback_interval = 60.0; static Eina_Hash *timer_hash; static Eina_Bool _eio_monitor_fallback_timer_cb(void *data); static void _eio_monitor_fallback_heavy_cb(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = data; Eina_Iterator *it; Eina_Stat *est; Eina_File_Direct_Info *info; _eio_stat_t st; /* FIXME : copy ecore_file_monitor_poll here */ if (!backend->initialised) est = &backend->self; else est = alloca(sizeof (Eina_Stat)); if (!backend->parent) return; if (_eio_stat(backend->parent->path, &st)) { if (backend->initialised && !backend->destroyed) { ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, backend->parent->path, EIO_MONITOR_SELF_DELETED); ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); backend->destroyed = EINA_TRUE; } return; } backend->destroyed = EINA_FALSE; est->dev = st.st_dev; est->ino = st.st_ino; est->mode = st.st_mode; est->nlink = st.st_nlink; est->uid = st.st_uid; est->gid = st.st_gid; est->rdev = st.st_rdev; est->size = st.st_size; #ifdef _WIN32 est->blksize = 0; est->blocks = 0; #else est->blksize = st.st_blksize; est->blocks = st.st_blocks; #endif est->atime = st.st_atime; est->mtime = st.st_mtime; est->ctime = st.st_ctime; #ifdef _STAT_VER_LINUX # if (defined __USE_MISC && defined st_mtime) est->atimensec = st.st_atim.tv_nsec; est->mtimensec = st.st_mtim.tv_nsec; est->ctimensec = st.st_ctim.tv_nsec; # else est->atimensec = st.st_atimensec; est->mtimensec = st.st_mtimensec; est->ctimensec = st.st_ctimensec; # endif #else est->atimensec = 0; est->mtimensec = 0; est->ctimensec = 0; #endif if (memcmp(est, &backend->self, sizeof (Eina_Stat)) != 0) { ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, backend->parent->path, EIO_MONITOR_SELF_DELETED); ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); } it = eina_file_direct_ls(backend->parent->path); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, info) { Eio_Monitor_Stat *cmp; Eio_Monitor_Stat buffer; if (!backend->initialised) cmp = calloc(1, sizeof (Eio_Monitor_Stat)); else cmp = &buffer; if (eina_file_statat(eina_iterator_container_get(it), info, &cmp->buffer)) { if (!backend->initialised) free(cmp); continue ; } if (!backend->initialised) { eina_hash_add(backend->children, info->path, cmp); } else { cmp = eina_hash_find(backend->children, info->path); if (!cmp) { /* New file or new directory added */ ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, info->path, info->type != EINA_FILE_DIR ? EIO_MONITOR_FILE_CREATED : EIO_MONITOR_DIRECTORY_CREATED); ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); cmp = malloc(sizeof (Eio_Monitor_Stat)); memcpy(cmp, &buffer, sizeof (Eina_Stat)); eina_hash_add(backend->children, info->path, cmp); } else if (memcmp(cmp, &buffer, sizeof (Eina_Stat)) != 0) { /* file has been modified */ ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, info->path, info->type != EINA_FILE_DIR ? EIO_MONITOR_FILE_MODIFIED : EIO_MONITOR_DIRECTORY_MODIFIED); ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); memcpy(cmp, &buffer, sizeof (Eina_Stat)); } } cmp->version = backend->version; if (ecore_thread_check(thread)) goto out; } out: if (it) eina_iterator_free(it); if (backend->initialised && !ecore_thread_check(thread)) { Eina_Hash_Tuple *tuple; it = eina_hash_iterator_tuple_new(backend->children); ecore_thread_main_loop_begin(); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, tuple) { Eio_Monitor_Stat *cmp = tuple->data; if (cmp->version != backend->version) { _eio_monitor_send(backend->parent, tuple->key, eio_file_is_dir(&cmp->buffer) ? EIO_MONITOR_DIRECTORY_DELETED : EIO_MONITOR_FILE_DELETED); eina_hash_del(backend->children, tuple->key, tuple->data); } } ecore_thread_main_loop_end(); eina_iterator_free(it); } backend->version++; backend->initialised = EINA_TRUE; } static void _eio_monitor_fallback_end_cb(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread EINA_UNUSED) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = data; backend->work = NULL; if (backend->delete_me) { eina_hash_free(backend->children); free(backend); return; } /* indicates eio shutdown is in progress */ if (!timer_hash) return; backend->timer = ecore_timer_add(fallback_interval, _eio_monitor_fallback_timer_cb, backend); eina_hash_set(timer_hash, &backend, backend->timer); } static void _eio_monitor_fallback_cancel_cb(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread EINA_UNUSED) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = data; backend->work = NULL; if (backend->delete_me) { eina_hash_free(backend->children); free(backend); return; } /* indicates eio shutdown is in progress */ if (!timer_hash) return; backend->timer = ecore_timer_add(fallback_interval, _eio_monitor_fallback_timer_cb, backend); eina_hash_set(timer_hash, &backend, backend->timer); } static Eina_Bool _eio_monitor_fallback_idler_cb(void *data) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = data; backend->idler = NULL; backend->work = ecore_thread_run(_eio_monitor_fallback_heavy_cb, _eio_monitor_fallback_end_cb, _eio_monitor_fallback_cancel_cb, backend); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _eio_monitor_fallback_timer_cb(void *data) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend = data; backend->timer = NULL; eina_hash_set(timer_hash, &backend, NULL); backend->idler = ecore_idler_add(_eio_monitor_fallback_idler_cb, backend); return EINA_FALSE; } /** * @endcond */ /*============================================================================* * Global * *============================================================================*/ /** * @cond LOCAL */ #if !defined HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H && !defined HAVE_NOTIFY_WIN32 && !defined HAVE_NOTIFY_COCOA \ && !defined HAVE_NOTIFY_KEVENT void eio_monitor_backend_init(void) { } void eio_monitor_backend_shutdown(void) { } void eio_monitor_backend_add(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { eio_monitor_fallback_add(monitor); } void eio_monitor_backend_del(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { eio_monitor_fallback_del(monitor); } #endif void eio_monitor_fallback_init(void) { timer_hash = eina_hash_pointer_new(NULL); } void eio_monitor_fallback_shutdown(void) { eina_hash_free(timer_hash); timer_hash = NULL; } void eio_monitor_fallback_add(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend; monitor->backend = NULL; backend = calloc(1, sizeof (Eio_Monitor_Backend)); if (!backend) return; backend->children = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(free); backend->parent = monitor; monitor->backend = backend; backend->work = ecore_thread_run(_eio_monitor_fallback_heavy_cb, _eio_monitor_fallback_end_cb, _eio_monitor_fallback_cancel_cb, backend); } void eio_monitor_fallback_del(Eio_Monitor *monitor) { Eio_Monitor_Backend *backend; backend = monitor->backend; monitor->backend = NULL; if (!backend) return; backend->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; if (backend->timer) ecore_timer_del(backend->timer); eina_hash_set(timer_hash, &backend, NULL); backend->timer = NULL; if (backend->work) { ecore_thread_cancel(backend->work); return; } backend->parent = NULL; eina_hash_free(backend->children); free(backend); } /** * @endcond */ /*============================================================================* * API * *============================================================================*/ EAPI void eio_monitoring_interval_set(double interval) { Eina_Iterator *it; Ecore_Timer *timer; EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(interval < 0.0); fallback_interval = interval; if (!timer_hash) return; it = eina_hash_iterator_data_new(timer_hash); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, timer) ecore_timer_interval_set(timer, fallback_interval); eina_iterator_free(it); }