import eina_types; struct Eio.Data { [[A structure to handle arbitrary data to be sent over Promises.]] data: void_ptr; [[Private data pointer]] size: uint; [[Size of private data]] } class Efl.Io.Manager (Efl.Loop_User) { [[Class representing an asynchronous file operation.]] methods { ls { [[Lists entries in a given path.]] params { @in path: string; [[Path we want to list entries for]] } return: future)>; [[List of entries in path]] } direct_ls { [[Lists entries in a given path with more information.]] params { @in path: string;[[Path we want to list entries for]] @in recursive: bool; [[If $true, list entries recursively, $false otherwise]] } return: future)>; [[List of entries in path]] } stat_ls { [[Lists entries in a given path with stat information.]] params { @in path: string;[[Path we want to list entries for]] @in recursive: bool; [[If $true, list entries recursively, $false otherwise]] } return: future)>; [[List of entries in path]] } // Extended attributes xattr_ls { [[Lists all extended attributes asynchronously.]] params { @in path: string; [[Path we want to list entries for]] } return: future)>; [[Extended attributes]] } stat { [[Get stat info on a given file/directory.]] params { @in path: string; [[Path we want to get stat information for]] } return: future; [[Stat information]] } // FIXME: Add helper for Eina.Value to Xattr @property xattr { [[Retrieves or sets information of a given extended attribute.]] set { values { data: ptr(Eina.Binbuf); [[Data to set as information]] flags: Eina.Xattr.Flags; [[Extended attributes flags]] } return: own(ptr(Eina.Future)); [[Future for asynchronous set operation]] } get { return: own(ptr(Eina.Future)); [[Information]] } keys { path: string; [[File path]] attribute: string; [[Attribute name]] } } // helper api open { [[Opens a file. The fulfilled value in the promise will be the Eina.File*.]] params { @in path: string; [[Path to file]] @in shared: bool; [[$true if the file can be accessed by others, $false otherwise]] } return: own(ptr(Eina.Future)); [[Eina file handle]] } close { [[Closes an open Eina.File.]] params { @in file: ptr(Eina.File); [[Eina file handle]] // Here we're just interested whether the promise was fullfilled or not. No value needed. } return: own(ptr(Eina.Future)); [[Close return code]] } } }