#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include "ecore_private.h" #define MY_CLASS ECORE_EVENT_MESSAGE_HANDLER_CLASS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct _Handler Handler; typedef struct _Filter Filter; struct _Handler { EINA_INLIST; Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb func; void *data; int type; Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; Eina_Bool to_add : 1; Eina_Bool prepend : 1; }; struct _Filter { EINA_INLIST; Ecore_Data_Cb func_start; Ecore_Filter_Cb func_filter; Ecore_End_Cb func_end; void *data; void *loop_data; Eina_Bool delete_me : 1; }; typedef struct _Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data; struct _Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data { int event_type_count; Eina_Inlist **handlers; // array of event_type_count inlists of handlers Eina_Inlist *filters; Eina_List *handlers_delete; Eina_List *handlers_add; Eina_List *filters_delete; Eina_List *filters_add; void *current_event_data; int current_event_type; int handlers_walking; int filters_walking; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Eina_Bool _ecore_event_do_filter(void *handler_pd, Eo *msg_handler, Eo *msg) { Filter *f; void *ev; int type; Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *eemhd = handler_pd; if (!eemhd->filters) return EINA_TRUE; if (!efl_isa(msg_handler, MY_CLASS)) return EINA_TRUE; eemhd->filters_walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(eemhd->filters, f) { if (f->delete_me) continue; type = -1; ev = NULL; ecore_event_message_data_get(msg, &type, &ev, NULL, NULL); if (type >= 0) { if (!f->func_filter(f->data, f->loop_data, type, ev)) _efl_loop_message_unsend(msg); } } eemhd->filters_walking--; return EINA_TRUE; } void _ecore_event_filters_call(Eo *obj, Efl_Loop_Data *pd) { Filter *f; Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *eemhd; Eo *ecore_event_handler = efl_provider_find(obj, ECORE_EVENT_MESSAGE_HANDLER_CLASS); /* If this is not != NULL, then _ecore_event_init was not called yet, which means, there cannot be any registered events yet */ if (!ecore_event_handler) return; eemhd = efl_data_scope_get(ecore_event_handler, MY_CLASS); if (!eemhd) return; if (!eemhd->filters) return; eemhd->filters_walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(eemhd->filters, f) { if (f->delete_me) continue; if (f->func_start) f->loop_data = f->func_start(f->data); } _efl_loop_messages_filter(obj, pd, eemhd); EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(eemhd->filters, f) { if (f->delete_me) continue; if (f->func_end) f->func_end(f->data, f->loop_data); } eemhd->filters_walking--; if (eemhd->filters_walking == 0) { EINA_LIST_FREE(eemhd->filters_delete, f) { free(f); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EOLIAN static Ecore_Event_Message * _ecore_event_message_handler_message_type_add(Eo *obj, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED) { // XXX: implemented event obj cache return efl_add(ECORE_EVENT_MESSAGE_CLASS, obj); } EOLIAN static int _ecore_event_message_handler_type_new(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd) { Eina_Inlist **tmp; int evnum; evnum = pd->event_type_count + 1; tmp = realloc(pd->handlers, sizeof(Eina_Inlist *) * (evnum + 1)); if (!tmp) return 0; pd->handlers = tmp; pd->handlers[ECORE_EVENT_NONE] = NULL; pd->handlers[evnum] = NULL; pd->event_type_count = evnum; return evnum; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_handler_add(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, int type, void *func, void *data) { Handler *h; if ((type < 0) || (type > pd->event_type_count) || (!func)) return NULL; h = calloc(1, sizeof(Handler)); if (!h) return NULL; h->func = func; h->data = data; h->type = type; if (pd->current_event_type == type) { h->to_add = EINA_TRUE; pd->handlers_add = eina_list_append(pd->handlers_add, h); } else pd->handlers[type] = eina_inlist_append(pd->handlers[type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); return h; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_handler_prepend(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, int type, void *func, void *data) { Handler *h; if ((type < 0) || (type > pd->event_type_count) || (!func)) return NULL; h = calloc(1, sizeof(Handler)); if (!h) return NULL; h->func = func; h->data = data; h->type = type; if (pd->current_event_type == type) { h->to_add = EINA_TRUE; h->prepend = EINA_TRUE; pd->handlers_add = eina_list_append(pd->handlers_add, h); } else pd->handlers[type] = eina_inlist_prepend(pd->handlers[type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); return h; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_handler_del(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, void *handler) { Handler *h = handler; void *data; if (!h) return NULL; if ((h->type < 0) || (h->type > pd->event_type_count)) return NULL; data = h->data; if (pd->handlers_walking > 0) { if (h->to_add) { h->to_add = EINA_FALSE; pd->handlers_add = eina_list_remove(pd->handlers_add, h); } h->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; pd->handlers_delete = eina_list_append(pd->handlers_delete, h); } else { if (h->to_add) pd->handlers_add = eina_list_remove(pd->handlers_add, h); else pd->handlers[h->type] = eina_inlist_remove(pd->handlers[h->type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); free(h); } return data; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_handler_data_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, void *handler) { Handler *h = handler; if (!h) return NULL; return h->data; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_handler_data_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, void *handler, void *data) { Handler *h = handler; void *prev_data; if (!h) return NULL; prev_data = h->data; h->data = data; return prev_data; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_filter_add(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, void *func_start, void *func_filter, void *func_end, void *data) { Filter *f; if (!func_filter) return NULL; f = calloc(1, sizeof(Filter)); if (!f) return NULL; f->func_start = func_start; f->func_filter = func_filter; f->func_end = func_end; f->data = data; pd->filters = eina_inlist_append(pd->filters, EINA_INLIST_GET(f)); return f; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_filter_del(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, void *filter) { Filter *f = filter; void *data; if (!f) return NULL; data = f->data; if (pd->filters_walking > 0) { f->delete_me = EINA_TRUE; pd->filters_delete = eina_list_append(pd->filters_delete, f); } else { pd->filters = eina_inlist_remove(pd->filters, EINA_INLIST_GET(f)); free(f); } return data; } EOLIAN static int _ecore_event_message_handler_current_type_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd) { return pd->current_event_type; } EOLIAN static void * _ecore_event_message_handler_current_event_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd) { return pd->current_event_data; } EOLIAN static Efl_Object * _ecore_event_message_handler_efl_object_constructor(Eo *obj, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd) { obj = efl_constructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); pd->event_type_count = 0; pd->current_event_type = -1; return obj; } EOLIAN static void _ecore_event_message_handler_efl_object_destructor(Eo *obj, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd) { Handler *h; int i; if (pd->handlers_walking == 0) { EINA_LIST_FREE(pd->handlers_delete, h) { pd->handlers[h->type] = eina_inlist_remove(pd->handlers[h->type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); free(h); } EINA_LIST_FREE(pd->handlers_add, h) { free(h); } for (i = 1; i <= pd->event_type_count; i++) { EINA_INLIST_FREE(pd->handlers[i], h) { pd->handlers[i] = eina_inlist_remove(pd->handlers[i], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); free(h); } } free(pd->handlers); pd->handlers = NULL; } else { ERR("Destruction of ecore_event_message_handler while walking events"); } efl_destructor(efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS)); } EOLIAN static void _ecore_event_message_handler_efl_loop_message_handler_message_call(Eo *obj, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd, Efl_Loop_Message *message) { Handler *h; int type = -1; void *data = NULL, *free_func = NULL, *free_data = NULL; Ecore_End_Cb fn_free = NULL; Eina_List *l, *l2; int handled = 0; // call legacy handlers which are controled by this class' custom api ecore_event_message_data_steal (message, &type, &data, &free_func, &free_data); if ((type >= 0) && (type <= pd->event_type_count)) { if (free_func) fn_free = free_func; pd->current_event_data = data; pd->current_event_type = type; pd->handlers_walking++; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(pd->handlers[type], h) { if (h->delete_me) continue; handled++; if (!h->func(h->data, h->type, data)) break; } pd->handlers_walking--; pd->current_event_data = NULL; pd->current_event_type = -1; EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pd->handlers_add, l, l2, h) { if (h->type == type) { h->to_add = EINA_FALSE; pd->handlers_add = eina_list_remove_list(pd->handlers_add, l); if (h->prepend) pd->handlers[type] = eina_inlist_prepend(pd->handlers[type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); else pd->handlers[type] = eina_inlist_append(pd->handlers[type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); } } if (pd->handlers_walking == 0) { EINA_LIST_FREE(pd->handlers_delete, h) { if (h->to_add) pd->handlers_add = eina_list_remove(pd->handlers_add, h); else pd->handlers[h->type] = eina_inlist_remove(pd->handlers[h->type], EINA_INLIST_GET(h)); free(h); } } if ((type == ECORE_EVENT_SIGNAL_EXIT) && (handled == 0)) { Eo *loop = efl_provider_find(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS); if (loop) efl_loop_quit(loop, eina_value_int_init(0)); } } efl_event_callback_call (obj, ECORE_EVENT_MESSAGE_HANDLER_EVENT_MESSAGE_ECORE_EVENT, message); efl_loop_message_handler_message_call (efl_super(obj, MY_CLASS), message); if (data) { if (fn_free) fn_free(free_data, data); else free(data); } } static Eina_Bool _flush_cb(void *data, void *handler EINA_UNUSED, void *message) { int *type = data; int evtype = -1; if (!efl_isa(message, ECORE_EVENT_MESSAGE_CLASS)) return EINA_TRUE; ecore_event_message_data_get(message, &evtype, NULL, NULL, NULL); return *type != evtype; } EOLIAN static void _ecore_event_message_handler_type_flush(Eo *obj, Ecore_Event_Message_Handler_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED, int type) { Eo *loop = efl_provider_find(obj, EFL_LOOP_CLASS); Efl_Loop_Data *loop_data = efl_data_scope_get(loop, EFL_LOOP_CLASS); if (loop && loop_data) { _efl_loop_messages_call(loop, loop_data, _flush_cb, &type); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "ecore_event_message_handler.eo.c"