import edje_types; // FIXME: This EO doc needs a direct link to the "edcref" doc class Edje.Object (Efl.Canvas.Group, Efl.File, Efl.Container, Efl.Part, Efl.Observer, Efl.Ui.Base, Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc, Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal, Efl.Canvas.Layout_Group, Efl.Player, Efl.Gfx.Color_Class, Efl.Gfx.Text_Class, Efl.Gfx.Size_Class) { [[Edje object class]] legacy_prefix: edje_object; eo_prefix: edje_obj; event_prefix: edje_object; data: Edje; methods { @property animation { [[Whether this object is animating or not. This property indicates whether animations are stopped or not. Animations here refer to transitions between states. If animations are disabled, transitions between states (as defined in EDC) are then instantaneous. This is conceptually similar to setting the @Efl.Player.play_speed to an infinitely high value. ]] get { [[Get the current state of animation, $true by default.]] } set { [[Start or stop animating this object.]] } values { on: bool; [[The animation state, $true by default.]] } } access_part_iterate @beta { [[Iterates over all accessibility-enabled part names.]] legacy: null; return: iterator @owned; [[Part name iterator]] } /* TEXT PART APIS BEGIN ---------------------------------------------- */ @property item_provider { set { [[Sets the function that provides item objects for named items in an edje entry text Item objects may be deleted any time by Edje, and will be deleted when the Edje object is deleted (or file is set to a new file).]] } values { func: Edje.Item_Provider_Cb; [[The function to call (or $null to disable) to get item objects]] data: void_ptr; [[The data pointer to pass to the func callback]] } } /* TEXT PART APIS END ------------------------------------------------ */ @property seat { get { [[Returns the seat device given its Edje's name. Edje references seats by a name that differs from Evas. Edje naming follows a incrementional convention: first registered name is "seat1", second is "seat2", differently from Evas. @since 1.19]] return: Efl.Input.Device; [[The seat device or $null if not found.]] } keys { name: stringshare; [[The name's character string.]] } } @property seat_name { get { [[Gets the name given to a set by Edje. Edje references seats by a name that differs from Evas. Edje naming follows a incrementional convention: first registered name is "seat1", second is "seat2", differently from Evas. @since 1.19]] return: stringshare; [[The name's character string or $null if not found.]] } keys { device: Efl.Input.Device; [[The seat device]] } } } implements { Efl.Gfx.visible { set; } Efl.Gfx.position { set; } Efl.Gfx.size { set; } Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.debug_name_override; Efl.Canvas.Object.no_render { set; } Efl.Canvas.Object.paragraph_direction { set; } Efl.Gfx.Color_Class.color_class { get; set; } Efl.Gfx.Color_Class.color_class_description { get; } Efl.Gfx.Color_Class.color_class_del; Efl.Gfx.Color_Class.color_class_clear; Efl.Gfx.Text_Class.text_class { get; set; } Efl.Gfx.Text_Class.text_class_del; Efl.Gfx.Size_Class.size_class { get; set; } Efl.Gfx.Size_Class.size_class_del; Efl.Canvas.Group.group_calculate; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_auto_update_hints { get; set; } Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_size_min; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_parts_extends; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_freeze; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_thaw; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Calc.calc_force; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Group.group_size_min { get; } Efl.Canvas.Layout_Group.group_size_max { get; } Efl.Canvas.Layout_Group.group_data { get; } Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal.message_send; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal.signal_callback_add; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal.signal_callback_del; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal.signal_emit; Efl.Canvas.Layout_Signal.signal_process; Efl.Ui.Base.mirrored { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Base.language { set; get; } Efl.Ui.Base.scale { set; get; } Efl.File.load_error { get; } Efl.File.mmap { get; set; } Efl.Container.content_remove; Efl.Part.part; [[Returns @Efl.Canvas.Layout.Part.]] Efl.Observer.update; Efl.Player.playable { get; } { get; set; } Efl.Player.play_speed { get; set; } } events { recalc; [[Edje re-calculated the object.]] circular,dependency; [[Edje found circular dependencies between parts of the object.]] } }