#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "codegen.h" #define OBJECT_TAG "node" #define OBJECT_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(OBJECT_TAG) - 1 #define INTERFACE_TAG "interface" #define INTERFACE_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(INTERFACE_TAG) - 1 #define SIGNAL_TAG "signal" #define SIGNAL_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(SIGNAL_TAG) - 1 #define METHOD_TAG "method" #define METHOD_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(METHOD_TAG) - 1 #define PROPERTY_TAG "property" #define PROPERTY_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(PROPERTY_TAG) - 1 #define ARG_TAG "arg" #define ARG_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(ARG_TAG) - 1 #define ANNOTATION_TAG "annotation" #define ANNOTATION_TAG_LENGTH sizeof(ANNOTATION_TAG) - 1 //attributes #define NAME_ATTR "name" #define TYPE_ATTR "type" #define DIRECTION_ATTR "direction" #define ACCESS_ATTR "access" #define VALUE_ATTR "value" #define ACCESS_ATTR_VALUE_WRITE "write" #define ACCESS_ATTR_VALUE_READ "read" #define DBUS_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus." static DBus_Interface *iface; static DBus_Signal *d_signal; static DBus_Method *method; static DBus_Property *property; static Eina_Bool attributes_parse(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Simple_XML_Attribute_Cb func, const void *data); static Eina_Bool obj_attributes_parser(void *data, const char *key, const char *value) { DBus_Object *obj = data; if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) obj->name = strdup(value); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool iface_attributes_parser(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *key, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) iface->name = strdup(value); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool signal_attributes_parser(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *key, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) d_signal->name = strdup(value); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool arg_attributes_parser(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *key, const char *value) { DBus_Arg *arg = data; if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) arg->name = strdup(value); else if (!strcmp(key, TYPE_ATTR)) arg->type = strdup(value); else if (!strcmp(key, DIRECTION_ATTR)) arg->direction = value[0]; return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool method_attributes_parser(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *key, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) method->name = strdup(value); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool property_attributes_parser(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const char *key, const char *value) { if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) property->name = strdup(value); else if (!strcmp(key, TYPE_ATTR)) { property->type = strdup(value); if (value[1] || value[0] == 'v') property->complex = EINA_TRUE; } else if (!strcmp(key, ACCESS_ATTR)) { if (!strcmp(value, ACCESS_ATTR_VALUE_READ)) property->access = ACCESS_READ; else if (!strcmp(value, ACCESS_ATTR_VALUE_WRITE)) property->access = ACCESS_WRITE; else property->access = (ACCESS_WRITE | ACCESS_READ); } return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool open_object(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Bool is_open_empty, DBus_Object **ptr_obj) { Eina_Bool r; DBus_Object *obj = *ptr_obj; if (is_open_empty) return EINA_TRUE; if (obj) { printf("Only one object is supported per file."); return EINA_FALSE; } obj = calloc(1, sizeof(DBus_Object)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(obj, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, length, obj_attributes_parser, obj); if (!obj->name) obj->name = strdup("/"); obj->c_name = dbus_name_to_c(obj->name); *ptr_obj = obj; return r; } static void interface_close(void) { //its not necessary generate code to FreeDesktop interfaces if (!strncmp(iface->name, DBUS_INTERFACE, strlen(DBUS_INTERFACE))) { printf("Refusing to generate code for FDO interface; see eldbus_freedesktop.h\n"); interface_free(iface); } iface = NULL; } static Eina_Bool open_interface(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Bool is_open_empty, DBus_Object *obj) { Eina_Bool r; char *tmp_name; iface = interface_new(obj); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(iface, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, length, iface_attributes_parser, NULL); if (!iface->name) { interface_free(iface); printf("Error interface without name.\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } tmp_name = get_pieces(iface->name, '.', 2); iface->c_name = dbus_name_to_c(tmp_name); free(tmp_name); if (is_open_empty) interface_close(); return r; } static void signal_close(void) { DBus_Arg *arg; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(d_signal->args, arg) { if ((arg->type[1]) || (arg->type[0] == 'v')) { d_signal->complex = EINA_TRUE; break; } } d_signal = NULL; } static Eina_Bool open_signal(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Bool is_open_empty) { Eina_Bool r; char *tmp; int i; Eina_Strbuf *buf; d_signal = signal_new(iface); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(d_signal, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, length, signal_attributes_parser, NULL); if (!d_signal->name) { signal_free(d_signal); d_signal = NULL; printf("Error signal without name.\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } buf = eina_strbuf_new(); tmp = dbus_name_to_c(d_signal->name); d_signal->c_name = string_build("%s_%s", iface->c_name, tmp); free(tmp); d_signal->cb_name = string_build("on_%s", d_signal->c_name); d_signal->free_function = string_build("%s_data_free", d_signal->c_name); d_signal->struct_name = string_build("%s_%s_Data", iface->c_name, d_signal->name); d_signal->struct_name[0] = toupper(d_signal->struct_name[0]); for (i = 0; d_signal->struct_name[i]; i++) { if (d_signal->struct_name[i] == '_' && d_signal->struct_name[i+1]) d_signal->struct_name[i+1] = toupper(d_signal->struct_name[i+1]); } for (i = 0; iface->c_name[i]; i++) eina_strbuf_append_char(buf, toupper(iface->c_name[i])); eina_strbuf_append_char(buf, '_'); for (i = 0; d_signal->name[i]; i++) { if (i && isupper(d_signal->name[i]) && !isupper(d_signal->name[i-1])) eina_strbuf_append_char(buf, '_'); eina_strbuf_append_char(buf, toupper(d_signal->name[i])); } eina_strbuf_append(buf, "_EVENT"); d_signal->signal_event = eina_strbuf_string_steal(buf); eina_strbuf_free(buf); if (is_open_empty) signal_close(); return r; } #define ANNOTATION_NO_REPLY "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply" static Eina_Bool annotation_attributes_parser(void *data, const char *key, const char *value) { DBus_Annotation *annotation = data; if (!strcmp(key, NAME_ATTR)) { if (!strcmp(value, ANNOTATION_NO_REPLY)) annotation->type = NO_REPLY; } else if (!strcmp(key, VALUE_ATTR)) { unsigned i; annotation->value = strdup(value); for (i = 0; annotation->value[i]; i++) annotation->value[i] = tolower(annotation->value[i]); } return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool open_annotation(const char *content, unsigned length) { DBus_Annotation annotation; Eina_Bool r; annotation.type = INVALID; r = attributes_parse(content, length, annotation_attributes_parser, &annotation); if (annotation.type == NO_REPLY) { Eina_Bool value = EINA_FALSE; if (!strcmp(annotation.value, "true")) value = EINA_TRUE; free(annotation.value); if (method) method->no_reply = value; } return r; } static Eina_Bool open_arg(const char *content, unsigned length) { Eina_Bool r; unsigned int *without_name; DBus_Arg *arg = calloc(1, sizeof(DBus_Arg)); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(arg, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, length, arg_attributes_parser, arg); if (d_signal) { d_signal->args = eina_inlist_append(d_signal->args, EINA_INLIST_GET(arg)); without_name = &d_signal->arg_without_name; } else if (method) { method->args = eina_inlist_append(method->args, EINA_INLIST_GET(arg)); without_name = &method->arg_without_name; } else { printf("Error find an argument without any valid parent.\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (!arg->name) { arg->c_name = string_build("arg%d", *without_name); (*without_name)++; } else arg->c_name = dbus_name_to_c(arg->name); return r; } static void method_close(void) { DBus_Arg *arg; EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(method->args, arg) { if ((arg->type[1]) || (arg->type[0] == 'v')) { if (arg->direction == 'o') method->out_complex = EINA_TRUE; else method->in_complex = EINA_TRUE; } } if (method->no_reply) { free(method->cb_name); method->cb_name = strdup("NULL"); } method = NULL; } static Eina_Bool open_method(const char *content, unsigned lenght, Eina_Bool is_open_empty) { Eina_Bool r; char *tmp; int i; method = method_new(iface); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(method, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, lenght, method_attributes_parser, NULL); if (!method->name) { method_free(method); method = NULL; printf("Error method without name.\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } tmp = dbus_name_to_c(method->name); method->c_name = string_build("%s_%s", iface->c_name, tmp); free(tmp); method->cb_name = string_build("cb_%s", method->c_name); method->function_cb = string_build("%s_Cb", method->c_name); method->function_cb[0] = toupper(method->function_cb[0]); for (i = 0; method->function_cb[i]; i++) { if (method->function_cb[i] == '_' && method->function_cb[i+1]) method->function_cb[i+1] = toupper(method->function_cb[i+1]); } if (is_open_empty) method_close(); return r; } static Eina_Bool open_property(const char *content, unsigned length) { Eina_Bool r; char *tmp; property = property_new(iface); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(property, EINA_FALSE); r = attributes_parse(content, length, property_attributes_parser, NULL); if (!property->name) { property_free(property); property = NULL; printf("Error property without name.\n"); return EINA_FALSE; } tmp = dbus_name_to_c(property->name); property->c_name = string_build("%s_%s", iface->c_name, tmp); free(tmp); property->cb_name = string_build("cb_%s", property->c_name); return r; } static Eina_Bool open_tag(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Bool is_open_empty, DBus_Object **obj) { unsigned int i; if (!strncmp(content, OBJECT_TAG, OBJECT_TAG_LENGTH)) return open_object(content, length, is_open_empty, obj); else if (!strncmp(content, INTERFACE_TAG, INTERFACE_TAG_LENGTH) && *obj) return open_interface(content, length, is_open_empty, *obj); else if (!strncmp(content, SIGNAL_TAG, SIGNAL_TAG_LENGTH) && iface) return open_signal(content, length, is_open_empty); else if (!strncmp(content, ARG_TAG, ARG_TAG_LENGTH) && iface) return open_arg(content, length); else if (!strncmp(content, ANNOTATION_TAG, ANNOTATION_TAG_LENGTH) && iface) return open_annotation(content, length); else if (!strncmp(content, METHOD_TAG, METHOD_TAG_LENGTH) && iface) return open_method(content, length, is_open_empty); else if (!strncmp(content, PROPERTY_TAG, PROPERTY_TAG_LENGTH) && iface) return open_property(content, length); printf("Warning: Tag not handled:\n"); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf("%c", content[i]); printf("\n\n"); return EINA_TRUE; } static Eina_Bool close_tag(const char *content) { if (!strncmp(content, INTERFACE_TAG, INTERFACE_TAG_LENGTH)) interface_close(); if (!strncmp(content, SIGNAL_TAG, SIGNAL_TAG_LENGTH)) signal_close(); else if (!strncmp(content, METHOD_TAG, METHOD_TAG_LENGTH)) method_close(); else if (!strncmp(content, PROPERTY_TAG, PROPERTY_TAG_LENGTH)) property = NULL; return EINA_TRUE; } Eina_Bool parser(void *data, Eina_Simple_XML_Type type, const char *content, unsigned offset EINA_UNUSED, unsigned length) { Eina_Bool r = EINA_TRUE; DBus_Object **obj = data; switch (type) { case EINA_SIMPLE_XML_OPEN: case EINA_SIMPLE_XML_OPEN_EMPTY: { r = open_tag(content, length, type == EINA_SIMPLE_XML_OPEN_EMPTY, obj); break; } case EINA_SIMPLE_XML_CLOSE: { r = close_tag(content); break; } default: break; } return r; } static Eina_Bool attributes_parse(const char *content, unsigned length, Eina_Simple_XML_Attribute_Cb func, const void *data) { const char *attrs = eina_simple_xml_tag_attributes_find(content, length); unsigned attrslen = 0; if (attrs) { attrslen = length - (attrs - content); if (!eina_simple_xml_attributes_parse(attrs, attrslen, func, data)) { printf("Parser error - attrs=%s | content=%s\n", attrs, content); return EINA_FALSE; } } return EINA_TRUE; }