class Ns.Colourable extends Efl.Object { [[Colourable class.]] data: Colourable_Data; methods { rgb_24bits_constructor { [[RGB Constructor.]] params { @in rgb: int; [[24-bit RGB Component.]] } } print_colour { [[Print the RGB colour.]] } colour_mask { [[The masked RGB value.]] params { @in mask: int; [[The colour mask to be applied to current RGB value.]] } return: int; [[The RGB colour.]] } @property colour { set { [[Sets a 24-bit RGB colour.]] } get { [[Gets the 24-bit RGB colour.]] } values { rgb: int; [[The RGB colour value.]] } } @property composite_colour { set { [[Sets a composite RGB colour.]] } get { [[Gets the composite RGB colour.]] } values { r: int; [[The red component.]] g: int; [[The green component.]] b: int; [[The blue component.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; } constructors { .rgb_24bits_constructor; } events { colour_changed: int; } }