class @beta Efl.Net.Dialer_Ssl extends Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl implements Efl.Net.Dialer { [[Connects to a remote SSL server using TCP. This creates an internal @Efl.Net.Dialer_Tcp and once connected it will start the SSL handshake. If the proxy is NULL (default), then the system proxy will be used. On UNIX that's the environment variable $socks_proxy (or '$proxy' or '$all_proxy') is used if the given address doesn't match $no_proxy patterns. To disable proxy use an empty string. If the proxy is NULL (default), then the system proxy will be used. On UNIX that's the environment variable $socks_proxy (or '$all_proxy') is used if the given address doesn't match $no_proxy patterns. To disable proxy use an empty string. If provided proxy must be one of the protocols: - socks5://username:password\@proxyserver:port (SOCKSv5) - socks5h://username\@proxyserver:port (let socks server to resolve domain) - socks5://proxyserver:port - socks5://proxyserver (default port 1080) - socks4a://proxyserver:port (SOCKSv4 and let socks server to resolve domain) - socks4://proxyserver:port (SOCKSv4) ]] methods { @property ssl_context { [[Defines the SSL context to use for this dialer. This specifies a shared context for all clients, with certificate, private keys, CRL, CAs... It must be called before @Efl.Object.finalize! ]] values { ssl_context: Efl.Net.Ssl.Context; [[SSL context]] } } @property keep_alive { [[Controls keep-alive using SO_KEEPALIVE]] get { } set { return: bool (false); [[$true on success]] } values { keep_alive: bool; [[$true if keep alive is enabled, $false otherwise]] } } @property no_delay { [[Controls TCP's no-delay using TCP_NODELAY]] get { } set { return: bool (false); [[$true on success]] } values { no_delay: bool; [[$true if no delay is enabled, $false otherwise]] } } /* Note: no cork as it doesn't make sense here for the wrapped connection */ } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Net.Dialer.dial; Efl.Net.Dialer.address_dial { get; } Efl.Net.Dialer.connected { get; set; } Efl.Net.Dialer.proxy { get; set; } Efl.Net.Dialer.timeout_dial { get; set; } Efl.Io.Closer.close; } }