import eina_types; mixin Efl.Ui.Focus.Object { [[Functions of focusable objects. @since 1.22 ]] methods { @property focus_geometry { [[The geometry (that is, the bounding rectangle) used to calculate the relationship with other objects.]] get {} values { rect : Eina.Rect; [[The geometry to use.]] } } @property focus { get { [[Returns whether the widget is currently focused or not.]] } set @protected { [[This is called by the manager and should never be called by anyone else. The function emits the focus state events, if focus is different to the previous state. ]] } values { focus : bool; [[The focused state of the object.]] } } @property focus_manager { [[This is the focus manager where this focus object is registered in. The element which is the $root of an @Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager will not have this focus manager as this object, but rather the focus manager where that is registered in. ]] get {} values { manager : Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager; [[The manager object.]] } } @property focus_parent { [[The logical parent used by this object.]] get {} values { logical_parent : Efl.Ui.Focus.Object; [[The focus parent.]] } } @property child_focus @protected { [[Indicates if a child of this object has focus set to true.]] values { child_focus : bool; [[$true if a child has focus.]] } } setup_order { [[Tells the object that its children will be queried soon by the focus manager. Overwrite this to have a chance to update the order of the children. Deleting items in this call will result in undefined behaviour and may cause your system to crash. ]] } setup_order_non_recursive @protected { [[This is called when @.setup_order is called, but only on the first call, additional recursive calls to @.setup_order will not call this function again.]] } on_focus_update @protected { [[Virtual function handling focus in/out events on the widget.]] return: bool; [[$true if this widget can handle focus, $false otherwise.]] } } implements { @empty .focus_geometry; @empty .setup_order_non_recursive; @empty .focus_manager; @empty .focus_parent; @empty .on_focus_update; } events { focus,changed : bool; [[Emitted if the focus state has changed.]] focus_manager,changed: Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager; [[Emitted when a new manager is the parent for this object.]] focus_parent,changed: Efl.Ui.Focus.Object; [[Emitted when a new logical parent should be used.]] child_focus,changed: bool; [[Emitted if child_focus has changed.]] focus_geometry,changed: Eina.Rect; [[Emitted if focus geometry of this object has changed.]] } }