class @beta Efl.Ui.Timepicker extends Efl.Ui.Layout_Base { [[Timepicker widget This is a widget which allows the user to pick a time using internal spinner. User can use the internal spinner to select hour, minute, AM/PM or user can input value using internal entry. ]] methods { @property time { [[The current value of time $hour: Hour. The hour value is in terms of 24 hour format from 0 to 23. $min: Minute. The minute range is from 0 to 59. ]] set { } get{ } values { hour: int; [[The hour value from 0 to 23.]] min: int; [[The minute value from 0 to 59.]] } } @property is_24hour { [[Control if the Timepicker displays 24 hour time or 12 hour time including AM/PM button.]] set { } get { } values { is_24hour: bool; [[$true to display the 24 hour time, $false to display 12 hour time including AM/PM label.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; } events { changed: void; [[Called when date is changed]] } }