class @beta Efl.Ui.Theme extends Efl.Object { [[Efl Ui Theme class]] c_prefix: efl_ui_theme; data: Efl_Ui_Theme_Data; methods { @property default @static { [[This is the default theme. All widgets use the default theme implicitly unless a specific theme is set. ]] get { } values { theme: Efl.Ui.Theme; [[The default theme handle]] } } extension_add { [[Appends a theme extension to the list of extensions. This is intended when an application needs more styles of widgets or new widget themes that the default does not provide (or may not provide). The application has "extended" usage by coming up with new custom style names for widgets for specific uses, but as these are not "standard", they are not guaranteed to be provided by a default theme. This means the application is required to provide these extra elements itself in specific Edje files. This call adds one of those Edje files to the theme search path to be searched after the default theme. The use of this call is encouraged when default styles do not meet the needs of the application. Use this call instead of @.overlay_add for almost all cases. ]] params { item: string; [[The Edje file path to be used]] } } extension_del { [[Deletes a theme extension from the list of extensions. ]] params { item: string; [[The Edje file path not to be used]] } } overlay_add { [[Prepends a theme overlay to the list of overlays. Use this if your application needs to provide some custom overlay theme (An Edje file that replaces some default styles of widgets) where adding new styles, or changing system theme configuration is not possible. Do NOT use this instead of a proper system theme configuration. Use proper configuration files, profiles, environment variables etc. to set a theme so that the theme can be altered by simple configuration by a user. Using this call to achieve that effect is abusing the API and will create lots of trouble. ]] params { item: string; [[The Edje file path to be used]] } } overlay_del { [[Delete a theme overlay from the list of overlays. ]] params { item: string; [[The Edje file path not to be used]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; } }