#include "evas_common.h" /* Also includes international specific stuff */ #include "evas_engine.h" #include /* dlopen,dlclose,etc */ #define EVAS_GL_NO_GL_H_CHECK 1 #include "Evas_GL.h" #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // EGL / GLES # if defined(GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) # elif defined(GLES_VARIETY_SGX) # endif #else // GLX #endif typedef struct _Render_Engine Render_Engine; typedef struct _Render_Engine_GL_Surface Render_Engine_GL_Surface; typedef struct _Render_Engine_GL_Context Render_Engine_GL_Context; struct _Render_Engine { Evas_GL_X11_Window *win; Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *info; Evas *evas; int end; XrmDatabase xrdb; // xres - dpi struct { // xres - dpi int dpi; // xres - dpi } xr; // xres - dpi int w, h; int vsync; }; struct _Render_Engine_GL_Surface { int initialized; int fbo_attached; int w, h; int depth_bits; int stencil_bits; // Render target texture/buffers GLuint rt_tex; GLint rt_internal_fmt; GLenum rt_fmt; GLuint rb_depth; GLenum rb_depth_fmt; GLuint rb_stencil; GLenum rb_stencil_fmt; Render_Engine_GL_Context *current_ctx; }; struct _Render_Engine_GL_Context { int initialized; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) EGLContext context; #else GLXContext context; #endif GLuint fbo; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *current_sfc; }; static int initted = 0; static int gl_wins = 0; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) #ifndef EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR # define EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR 0x30b0 #endif typedef void (*_eng_fn) (void); typedef _eng_fn (*glsym_func_eng_fn) (); typedef void (*glsym_func_void) (); typedef void *(*glsym_func_void_ptr) (); _eng_fn (*glsym_eglGetProcAddress) (const char *a) = NULL; void (*glsym_eglBindTexImage) (EGLDisplay a, EGLSurface b, int c) = NULL; void (*glsym_eglReleaseTexImage) (EGLDisplay a, EGLSurface b, int c) = NULL; void *(*glsym_eglCreateImage) (EGLDisplay a, EGLContext b, EGLenum c, EGLClientBuffer d, const int *e) = NULL; void (*glsym_eglDestroyImage) (EGLDisplay a, void *b) = NULL; void (*glsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) (int a, void *b) = NULL; #else typedef void (*_eng_fn) (void); typedef _eng_fn (*glsym_func_eng_fn) (); typedef void (*glsym_func_void) (); typedef int (*glsym_func_int) (); typedef XID (*glsym_func_xid) (); typedef unsigned int (*glsym_func_uint) (); typedef unsigned char (*glsym_func_uchar) (); typedef unsigned char *(*glsym_func_uchar_ptr) (); _eng_fn (*glsym_glXGetProcAddress) (const char *a) = NULL; void (*glsym_glXBindTexImage) (Display *a, GLXDrawable b, int c, int *d) = NULL; void (*glsym_glXReleaseTexImage) (Display *a, GLXDrawable b, int c) = NULL; int (*glsym_glXGetVideoSync) (unsigned int *a) = NULL; int (*glsym_glXWaitVideoSync) (int a, int b, unsigned int *c) = NULL; XID (*glsym_glXCreatePixmap) (Display *a, void *b, Pixmap c, const int *d) = NULL; void (*glsym_glXDestroyPixmap) (Display *a, XID b) = NULL; void (*glsym_glXQueryDrawable) (Display *a, XID b, int c, unsigned int *d) = NULL; int (*glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI) (int a) = NULL; void (*glsym_glxSwapIntervalEXT) (Display *s, GLXDrawable b, int c) = NULL; #endif static void _sym_init(void) { static int done = 0; if (done) return; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) #define FINDSYM(dst, sym, typ) \ if ((!dst) && (glsym_eglGetProcAddress)) dst = (typ)glsym_eglGetProcAddress(sym); \ if (!dst) dst = (typ)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym) FINDSYM(glsym_eglGetProcAddress, "eglGetProcAddress", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_eglGetProcAddress, "eglGetProcAddressEXT", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_eglGetProcAddress, "eglGetProcAddressARB", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_eglGetProcAddress, "eglGetProcAddressKHR", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_eglBindTexImage, "eglBindTexImage", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglBindTexImage, "eglBindTexImageEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglBindTexImage, "eglBindTexImageARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglBindTexImage, "eglBindTexImageKHR", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglReleaseTexImage, "eglReleaseTexImage", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglReleaseTexImage, "eglReleaseTexImageEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglReleaseTexImage, "eglReleaseTexImageARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglReleaseTexImage, "eglReleaseTexImageKHR", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglCreateImage, "eglCreateImage", glsym_func_void_ptr); FINDSYM(glsym_eglCreateImage, "eglCreateImageEXT", glsym_func_void_ptr); FINDSYM(glsym_eglCreateImage, "eglCreateImageARB", glsym_func_void_ptr); FINDSYM(glsym_eglCreateImage, "eglCreateImageKHR", glsym_func_void_ptr); FINDSYM(glsym_eglDestroyImage, "eglDestroyImage", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglDestroyImage, "eglDestroyImageEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglDestroyImage, "eglDestroyImageARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_eglDestroyImage, "eglDestroyImageKHR", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES", glsym_func_void); #else #define FINDSYM(dst, sym, typ) \ if ((!dst) && (glsym_glXGetProcAddress)) dst = (typ)glsym_glXGetProcAddress(sym); \ if (!dst) dst = (typ)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym) FINDSYM(glsym_glXGetProcAddress, "glXGetProcAddress", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_glXGetProcAddress, "glXGetProcAddressEXT", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_glXGetProcAddress, "glXGetProcAddressARB", glsym_func_eng_fn); FINDSYM(glsym_glXBindTexImage, "glXBindTexImage", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXBindTexImage, "glXBindTexImageEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXBindTexImage, "glXBindTexImageARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXReleaseTexImage, "glXReleaseTexImage", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXReleaseTexImage, "glXReleaseTexImageEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXReleaseTexImage, "glXReleaseTexImageARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXGetVideoSync, "glXGetVideoSyncSGI", glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(glsym_glXWaitVideoSync, "glXWaitVideoSyncSGI", glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(glsym_glXCreatePixmap, "glXCreatePixmap", glsym_func_xid); FINDSYM(glsym_glXCreatePixmap, "glXCreatePixmapEXT", glsym_func_xid); FINDSYM(glsym_glXCreatePixmap, "glXCreatePixmapARB", glsym_func_xid); FINDSYM(glsym_glXDestroyPixmap, "glXDestroyPixmap", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXDestroyPixmap, "glXDestroyPixmapEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXDestroyPixmap, "glXDestroyPixmapARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXQueryDrawable, "glXQueryDrawable", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXQueryDrawable, "glXQueryDrawableEXT", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glXQueryDrawable, "glXQueryDrawableARB", glsym_func_void); FINDSYM(glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI, "glXSwapIntervalMESA", glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI, "glXSwapIntervalSGI", glsym_func_int); FINDSYM(glsym_glxSwapIntervalEXT, "glXSwapIntervalEXT", glsym_func_void); #endif } int _evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom = -1; /* function tables - filled in later (func and parent func) */ static Evas_Func func, pfunc; /* Function table for GL APIs */ static Evas_GL_API gl_funcs; struct xrdb_user { time_t last_stat; time_t last_mtime; XrmDatabase db; }; static struct xrdb_user xrdb_user = {0, 0, NULL}; static Eina_Bool xrdb_user_query(const char *name, const char *cls, char **type, XrmValue *val) { time_t last = xrdb_user.last_stat, now = time(NULL); xrdb_user.last_stat = now; if (last != now) /* don't stat() more than once every second */ { struct stat st; const char *home = getenv("HOME"); char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (!home) goto failed; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/.Xdefaults", home); if (stat(tmp, &st) != 0) goto failed; if (xrdb_user.last_mtime != st.st_mtime) { if (xrdb_user.db) XrmDestroyDatabase(xrdb_user.db); xrdb_user.db = XrmGetFileDatabase(tmp); if (!xrdb_user.db) goto failed; xrdb_user.last_mtime = st.st_mtime; } } if (!xrdb_user.db) return EINA_FALSE; return XrmGetResource(xrdb_user.db, name, cls, type, val); failed: if (xrdb_user.db) { XrmDestroyDatabase(xrdb_user.db); xrdb_user.db = NULL; } xrdb_user.last_mtime = 0; return EINA_FALSE; } static void * eng_info(Evas *e) { Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11)); info->magic.magic = rand(); info->func.best_visual_get = eng_best_visual_get; info->func.best_colormap_get = eng_best_colormap_get; info->func.best_depth_get = eng_best_depth_get; info->render_mode = EVAS_RENDER_MODE_BLOCKING; return info; e = NULL; } static void eng_info_free(Evas *e __UNUSED__, void *info) { Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *in; // dont free! why bother? its not worth it // eina_log_domain_unregister(_evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom); in = (Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *)info; free(in); } static int _re_wincheck(Render_Engine *re) { if (re->win->surf) return 1; eng_window_resurf(re->win); if (!re->win->surf) { ERR("GL engine can't re-create window surface!"); } return 0; } static void _re_winfree(Render_Engine *re) { if (!re->win->surf) return; eng_window_unsurf(re->win); } static int eng_setup(Evas *e, void *in) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *info; info = (Evas_Engine_Info_GL_X11 *)in; if (!e->engine.data.output) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) #else int eb, evb; if (!glXQueryExtension(info->info.display, &eb, &evb)) return 0; #endif re = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine)); if (!re) return 0; re->info = info; re->evas = e; e->engine.data.output = re; re->w = e->output.w; re->h = e->output.h; re->win = eng_window_new(re->info->info.display, re->info->info.drawable, re->info->info.screen, re->info->info.visual, re->info->info.colormap, re->info->info.depth, re->w, re->h, re->info->indirect, re->info->info.destination_alpha, re->info->info.rotation); if (!re->win) { free(re); e->engine.data.output = NULL; return 0; } gl_wins++; { int status; char *type = NULL; XrmValue val; re->xr.dpi = 75000; // dpy * 1000 status = xrdb_user_query("Xft.dpi", "Xft.Dpi", &type, &val); if ((!status) || (!type)) { if (!re->xrdb) re->xrdb = XrmGetDatabase(re->info->info.display); if (re->xrdb) status = XrmGetResource(re->xrdb, "Xft.dpi", "Xft.Dpi", &type, &val); } if ((status) && (type)) { if (!strcmp(type, "String")) { const char *str, *dp; str = val.addr; dp = strchr(str, '.'); if (!dp) dp = strchr(str, ','); if (dp) { int subdpi, len, i; char *buf; buf = alloca(dp - str + 1); strncpy(buf, str, dp - str); buf[dp - str] = 0; len = strlen(dp + 1); subdpi = atoi(dp + 1); if (len < 3) { for (i = len; i < 3; i++) subdpi *= 10; } else if (len > 3) { for (i = len; i > 3; i--) subdpi /= 10; } re->xr.dpi = atoi(buf) * 1000; } else re->xr.dpi = atoi(str) * 1000; evas_common_font_dpi_set(re->xr.dpi / 1000); } } } if (!initted) { evas_common_cpu_init(); evas_common_blend_init(); evas_common_image_init(); evas_common_convert_init(); evas_common_scale_init(); evas_common_rectangle_init(); evas_common_polygon_init(); evas_common_line_init(); evas_common_font_init(); evas_common_draw_init(); evas_common_tilebuf_init(); initted = 1; } } else { re = e->engine.data.output; if (_re_wincheck(re)) { if ((re->info->info.display != re->win->disp) || (re->info->info.drawable != re->win->win) || (re->info->info.screen != re->win->screen) || (re->info->info.visual != re->win->visual) || (re->info->info.colormap != re->win->colormap) || (re->info->info.depth != re->win->depth) || (re->info->info.destination_alpha != re->win->alpha) || (re->info->info.rotation != re->win->rot)) { int inc = 0; if (re->win) { re->win->gl_context->references++; eng_window_free(re->win); inc = 1; gl_wins--; } re->w = e->output.w; re->h = e->output.h; re->win = eng_window_new(re->info->info.display, re->info->info.drawable, re->info->info.screen, re->info->info.visual, re->info->info.colormap, re->info->info.depth, re->w, re->h, re->info->indirect, re->info->info.destination_alpha, re->info->info.rotation); eng_window_use(re->win); if (re->win) gl_wins++; if ((re->win) && (inc)) re->win->gl_context->references--; } else if ((re->win->w != e->output.w) || (re->win->h != e->output.h)) { re->w = e->output.w; re->h = e->output.h; re->win->w = e->output.w; re->win->h = e->output.h; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_resize(re->win->gl_context, re->win->w, re->win->h, re->win->rot); } } } if (!re->win) { free(re); return 0; } if (!e->engine.data.output) { if (re->win) { eng_window_free(re->win); gl_wins--; } free(re); return 0; } if (!e->engine.data.context) e->engine.data.context = e->engine.func->context_new(e->engine.data.output); eng_window_use(re->win); re->vsync = 0; if (re->win->alpha) { glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } _sym_init(); return 1; } static void eng_output_free(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (re) { // NOTE: XrmGetDatabase() result is shared per connection, do not free it. // if (re->xrdb) XrmDestroyDatabase(re->xrdb); if (re->win) { eng_window_free(re->win); gl_wins--; } free(re); } if ((initted == 1) && (gl_wins == 0)) { evas_common_image_shutdown(); evas_common_font_shutdown(); initted = 0; } } static void eng_output_resize(void *data, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; re->win->w = w; re->win->h = h; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_resize(re->win->gl_context, w, h, re->win->rot); } static void eng_output_tile_size_set(void *data __UNUSED__, int w __UNUSED__, int h __UNUSED__) { } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_add(void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; evas_gl_common_context_resize(re->win->gl_context, re->win->w, re->win->h, re->win->rot); /* smple bounding box */ RECTS_CLIP_TO_RECT(x, y, w, h, 0, 0, re->win->w, re->win->h); if ((w <= 0) || (h <= 0)) return; if (!re->win->draw.redraw) { #if 0 re->win->draw.x1 = x; re->win->draw.y1 = y; re->win->draw.x2 = x + w - 1; re->win->draw.y2 = y + h - 1; #else re->win->draw.x1 = 0; re->win->draw.y1 = 0; re->win->draw.x2 = re->win->w - 1; re->win->draw.y2 = re->win->h - 1; #endif } else { if (x < re->win->draw.x1) re->win->draw.x1 = x; if (y < re->win->draw.y1) re->win->draw.y1 = y; if ((x + w - 1) > re->win->draw.x2) re->win->draw.x2 = x + w - 1; if ((y + h - 1) > re->win->draw.y2) re->win->draw.y2 = y + h - 1; } re->win->draw.redraw = 1; } static void eng_output_redraws_rect_del(void *data __UNUSED__, int x __UNUSED__, int y __UNUSED__, int w __UNUSED__, int h __UNUSED__) { } static void eng_output_redraws_clear(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; re->win->draw.redraw = 0; // INF("GL: finish update cycle!"); } /* vsync games - not for now though */ #define VSYNC_TO_SCREEN 1 static void * eng_output_redraws_next_update_get(void *data, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h, int *cx, int *cy, int *cw, int *ch) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; /* get the upate rect surface - return engine data as dummy */ if (!re->win->draw.redraw) return NULL; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // dont need to for egl - eng_window_use() can check for other ctxt's #else eng_window_use(NULL); #endif eng_window_use(re->win); if (!_re_wincheck(re)) return NULL; evas_gl_common_context_flush(re->win->gl_context); evas_gl_common_context_newframe(re->win->gl_context); if (x) *x = re->win->draw.x1; if (y) *y = re->win->draw.y1; if (w) *w = re->win->draw.x2 - re->win->draw.x1 + 1; if (h) *h = re->win->draw.y2 - re->win->draw.y1 + 1; if (cx) *cx = re->win->draw.x1; if (cy) *cy = re->win->draw.y1; if (cw) *cw = re->win->draw.x2 - re->win->draw.x1 + 1; if (ch) *ch = re->win->draw.y2 - re->win->draw.y1 + 1; return re->win->gl_context->def_surface; } //#define FRAMECOUNT 1 #ifdef FRAMECOUNT double get_time(void) { struct timeval timev; gettimeofday(&timev, NULL); return (double)timev.tv_sec + (((double)timev.tv_usec) / 1000000); } #endif static int safe_native = -1; static void eng_output_redraws_next_update_push(void *data, void *surface __UNUSED__, int x __UNUSED__, int y __UNUSED__, int w __UNUSED__, int h __UNUSED__) { Render_Engine *re; #ifdef FRAMECOUNT static double pt = 0.0; double ta, tb; #endif re = (Render_Engine *)data; /* put back update surface.. in this case just unflag redraw */ if (!_re_wincheck(re)) return; re->win->draw.redraw = 0; re->win->draw.drew = 1; evas_gl_common_context_flush(re->win->gl_context); if (safe_native == -1) { const char *s = getenv("EVAS_GL_SAFE_NATIVE"); safe_native = 0; if (s) safe_native = atoi(s); else { s = (const char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); if (s) { if (strstr(s, "PowerVR SGX 540")) safe_native = 1; } } } #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // this is needed to make sure all previous rendering is flushed to // buffers/surfaces #ifdef FRAMECOUNT double t0 = get_time(); ta = t0 - pt; pt = t0; #endif // previous rendering should be done and swapped if (!safe_native) eglWaitNative(EGL_CORE_NATIVE_ENGINE); #ifdef FRAMECOUNT double t1 = get_time(); tb = t1 - t0; printf("... %1.5f -> %1.5f | ", ta, tb); #endif // if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) // { // printf("Error: eglWaitNative(EGL_CORE_NATIVE_ENGINE) fail.\n"); // } #else // previous rendering should be done and swapped if (!safe_native) glXWaitX(); #endif //x// printf("frame -> push\n"); } static void eng_output_flush(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!_re_wincheck(re)) return; if (!re->win->draw.drew) return; //x// printf("frame -> flush\n"); re->win->draw.drew = 0; eng_window_use(re->win); #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) #ifdef FRAMECOUNT double t0 = get_time(); #endif if (!re->vsync) { if (re->info->vsync) eglSwapInterval(re->win->egl_disp, 1); else eglSwapInterval(re->win->egl_disp, 0); re->vsync = 1; } if (re->info->callback.pre_swap) { re->info->callback.pre_swap(re->info->callback.data, re->evas); } eglSwapBuffers(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_surface[0]); if (!safe_native) eglWaitGL(); if (re->info->callback.post_swap) { re->info->callback.post_swap(re->info->callback.data, re->evas); } #ifdef FRAMECOUNT double t1 = get_time(); printf("%1.5f\n", t1 - t0); #endif // if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) // { // printf("Error: eglSwapBuffers() fail.\n"); // } #else #ifdef VSYNC_TO_SCREEN if ((re->info->vsync)/* || (1)*/) { if (glsym_glxSwapIntervalEXT) { if (!re->vsync) { if (re->info->vsync) glsym_glxSwapIntervalEXT(re->win->disp, re->win->win, 1); else glsym_glxSwapIntervalEXT(re->win->disp, re->win->win, 0); re->vsync = 1; } } if (glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI) { if (!re->vsync) { if (re->info->vsync) glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI(1); else glsym_glxSwapIntervalSGI(0); re->vsync = 1; } } else { if ((glsym_glXGetVideoSync) && (glsym_glXWaitVideoSync)) { unsigned int rc; glsym_glXGetVideoSync(&rc); glsym_glXWaitVideoSync(1, 0, &rc); } } } # endif if (re->info->callback.pre_swap) { re->info->callback.pre_swap(re->info->callback.data, re->evas); } /* if ((1) // (re->win->draw.x1 == 0) && // (re->win->draw.y1 == 0) && // (re->win->draw.x2 == (re->win->w - 1)) && // (re->win->draw.y2 == (re->win->h - 1)) ) */ { glXSwapBuffers(re->win->disp, re->win->win); if (!safe_native) glXWaitGL(); } /* else { // FIXME: this doesn't work.. why oh why? int sx, sy, sw, sh; // fimxe - reset when done // glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); sx = re->win->draw.x1; sy = re->win->draw.y1; sw = (re->win->draw.x2 - re->win->draw.x1) + 1; sh = (re->win->draw.y2 - re->win->draw.y1) + 1; sy = re->win->h - sy - sh; // glScissor(sx, sy, sw, sh); glRasterPos2i(sx, re->win->h - sy); glCopyPixels(sx, sy, sw, sh, GL_COLOR); glRasterPos2i(0, 0); // glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); glFlush(); } */ if (re->info->callback.post_swap) { re->info->callback.post_swap(re->info->callback.data, re->evas); } #endif if (re->win->alpha) { glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } } static void eng_output_idle_flush(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; } static void eng_output_dump(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; evas_common_image_image_all_unload(); evas_common_font_font_all_unload(); evas_gl_common_image_all_unload(re->win->gl_context); _re_winfree(re); } static void eng_context_cutout_add(void *data __UNUSED__, void *context, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // Render_Engine *re; // // re = (Render_Engine *)data; // re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_common_draw_context_add_cutout(context, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_context_cutout_clear(void *data __UNUSED__, void *context) { // Render_Engine *re; // // re = (Render_Engine *)data; // re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_common_draw_context_clear_cutouts(context); } static void eng_rectangle_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_gl_common_rect_draw(re->win->gl_context, x, y, w, h); } static void eng_line_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_gl_common_line_draw(re->win->gl_context, x1, y1, x2, y2); } static void * eng_polygon_point_add(void *data, void *context __UNUSED__, void *polygon, int x, int y) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; return evas_gl_common_poly_point_add(polygon, x, y); } static void * eng_polygon_points_clear(void *data, void *context __UNUSED__, void *polygon) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; return evas_gl_common_poly_points_clear(polygon); } static void eng_polygon_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface __UNUSED__, void *polygon, int x, int y) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_gl_common_poly_draw(re->win->gl_context, polygon, x, y); } static int eng_image_alpha_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { // Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; // re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return 1; im = image; return im->alpha; } static int eng_image_colorspace_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { // Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; // re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888; im = image; return im->cs.space; } static void eng_image_mask_create(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *im; if (!image) return; im = image; if (!im->im->image.data) evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->im->cache_entry); if (!im->tex) im->tex = evas_gl_common_texture_new(im->gc, im->im); } static void * eng_image_alpha_set(void *data, void *image, int has_alpha) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; if (im->alpha == has_alpha) return image; if (im->native.data) { im->alpha = has_alpha; return image; } eng_window_use(re->win); if ((im->tex) && (im->tex->pt->dyn.img)) { im->alpha = has_alpha; im->tex->alpha = im->alpha; return image; } /* FIXME: can move to gl_common */ if (im->cs.space != EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888) return im; if ((has_alpha) && (im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha)) return image; else if ((!has_alpha) && (!im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha)) return image; if (im->references > 1) { Evas_GL_Image *im_new; im_new = evas_gl_common_image_new_from_copied_data (im->gc, im->im->cache_entry.w, im->im->cache_entry.h, im->im->image.data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); if (!im_new) return im; evas_gl_common_image_free(im); im = im_new; } else evas_gl_common_image_dirty(im, 0, 0, 0, 0); return evas_gl_common_image_alpha_set(im, has_alpha ? 1 : 0); // im->im->cache_entry.flags.alpha = has_alpha ? 1 : 0; // return image; } static void * eng_image_border_set(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int l __UNUSED__, int r __UNUSED__, int t __UNUSED__, int b __UNUSED__) { // Render_Engine *re; // // re = (Render_Engine *)data; return image; } static void eng_image_border_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image __UNUSED__, int *l __UNUSED__, int *r __UNUSED__, int *t __UNUSED__, int *b __UNUSED__) { // Render_Engine *re; // // re = (Render_Engine *)data; } static char * eng_image_comment_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, char *key __UNUSED__) { // Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; // re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; if (!im->im) return NULL; return im->im->info.comment; } static char * eng_image_format_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { // Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; // re = (Render_Engine *)data; im = image; return NULL; } static void eng_image_colorspace_set(void *data, void *image, int cspace) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return; im = image; if (im->native.data) return; /* FIXME: can move to gl_common */ if (im->cs.space == cspace) return; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_cache_image_colorspace(&im->im->cache_entry, cspace); switch (cspace) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (im->cs.data) { if (!im->cs.no_free) free(im->cs.data); im->cs.data = NULL; im->cs.no_free = 0; } break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: if (im->tex) evas_gl_common_texture_free(im->tex); im->tex = NULL; if (im->cs.data) { if (!im->cs.no_free) free(im->cs.data); } if (im->im->cache_entry.h > 0) im->cs.data = calloc(1, im->im->cache_entry.h * sizeof(unsigned char *) * 2); else im->cs.data = NULL; im->cs.no_free = 0; break; default: abort(); break; } im->cs.space = cspace; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // typedef struct _Native Native; struct _Native { Evas_Native_Surface ns; Pixmap pixmap; Visual *visual; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) void *egl_surface; #else void *fbc; XID glx_pixmap; #endif }; // FIXME: this is enabled so updates happen - but its SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW // (i am sure this is the reason) not to mention seemingly superfluous. but // i need to enable it for it to work on fglrx at least. havent tried nvidia. // // why is this the case? does anyone know? has anyone tried it on other gfx // drivers? // //#define GLX_TEX_PIXMAP_RECREATE 1 static void _native_bind_cb(void *data, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *im = image; Native *n = im->native.data; if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if (n->egl_surface) { if (glsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) { glsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GL_TEXTURE_2D, n->egl_surface); if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) ERR("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() failed."); } else ERR("Try glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES on EGL with no support"); } #else # ifdef GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT Render_Engine *re = data; if (glsym_glXBindTexImage) { glsym_glXBindTexImage(re->win->disp, n->glx_pixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, NULL); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } else ERR("Try glXBindTexImage on GLX with no support"); # endif #endif } else if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, n->ns.data.opengl.texture_id); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } return; data = NULL; } static void _native_unbind_cb(void *data, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *im = image; Native *n = im->native.data; if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // nothing #else # ifdef GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT Render_Engine *re = data; if (glsym_glXReleaseTexImage) { glsym_glXReleaseTexImage(re->win->disp, n->glx_pixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } else ERR("Try glXReleaseTexImage on GLX with no support"); # endif #endif } else if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } return; data = NULL; } static void _native_free_cb(void *data, void *image) { Render_Engine *re = data; Evas_GL_Image *im = image; Native *n = im->native.data; uint32_t pmid, texid; if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { pmid = n->pixmap; eina_hash_del(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_pm_hash, &pmid, im); #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if (n->egl_surface) { if (glsym_eglDestroyImage) { glsym_eglDestroyImage(re->win->egl_disp, n->egl_surface); if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) ERR("eglDestroyImage() failed."); } else ERR("Try eglDestroyImage on EGL with no support"); } #else # ifdef GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT if (n->glx_pixmap) { if (im->native.loose) { if (glsym_glXReleaseTexImage) { glsym_glXReleaseTexImage(re->win->disp, n->glx_pixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } else ERR("Try glXReleaseTexImage on GLX with no support"); } if (glsym_glXDestroyPixmap) { glsym_glXDestroyPixmap(re->win->disp, n->glx_pixmap); GLERR(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ""); } else ERR("Try glXDestroyPixmap on GLX with no support"); n->glx_pixmap = 0; } # endif #endif } else if (n->ns.type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { texid = n->ns.data.opengl.texture_id; eina_hash_del(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_tex_hash, &texid, im); } im->native.data = NULL; im->native.func.data = NULL; im->native.func.bind = NULL; im->native.func.unbind = NULL; im->native.func.free = NULL; free(n); } static void * eng_image_native_set(void *data, void *image, void *native) { Render_Engine *re = (Render_Engine *)data; Evas_Native_Surface *ns = native; Evas_GL_Image *im = image, *im2 = NULL; Visual *vis = NULL; Pixmap pm = 0; Native *n = NULL; uint32_t pmid, texid; unsigned int tex = 0; unsigned int fbo = 0; if (!im) { if ((!ns) && (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL)) { im = evas_gl_common_image_new_from_data(re->win->gl_context, ns->data.opengl.w, ns->data.opengl.h, NULL, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); } else return NULL; } if (ns) { if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { vis = ns->data.x11.visual; pm = ns->data.x11.pixmap; if (im->native.data) { Evas_Native_Surface *ens = im->native.data; if ((ens->data.x11.visual == vis) && (ens->data.x11.pixmap == pm)) return im; } } else if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { tex = ns->data.opengl.texture_id; fbo = ns->data.opengl.framebuffer_id; if (im->native.data) { Evas_Native_Surface *ens = im->native.data; if ((ens->data.opengl.texture_id == tex) && (ens->data.opengl.framebuffer_id == fbo)) return im; } } } if ((!ns) && (!im->native.data)) return im; eng_window_use(re->win); if (im->native.data) { if (im->native.func.free) im->native.func.free(im->native.func.data, im); evas_gl_common_image_native_disable(im); } if (!ns) return im; if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { pmid = pm; im2 = eina_hash_find(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_pm_hash, &pmid); if (im2 == im) return im; if (im2) { n = im2->native.data; if (n) { evas_gl_common_image_ref(im2); evas_gl_common_image_free(im); return im2; } } } else if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { texid = tex; im2 = eina_hash_find(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_tex_hash, &texid); if (im2 == im) return im; if (im2) { n = im2->native.data; if (n) { evas_gl_common_image_ref(im2); evas_gl_common_image_free(im); return im2; } } } im2 = evas_gl_common_image_new_from_data(re->win->gl_context, im->w, im->h, NULL, im->alpha, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); evas_gl_common_image_free(im); im = im2; if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_X11) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if (native) { n = calloc(1, sizeof(Native)); if (n) { EGLConfig egl_config; int config_attrs[20]; int num_config, i = 0; eina_hash_add(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_pm_hash, &pmid, im); config_attrs[i++] = EGL_RED_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 8; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_GREEN_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 8; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_BLUE_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 8; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_ALPHA_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 8; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_DEPTH_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 0; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_STENCIL_SIZE; config_attrs[i++] = 0; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_SURFACE_TYPE; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_PIXMAP_BIT; config_attrs[i++] = EGL_NONE; if (!eglChooseConfig(re->win->egl_disp, config_attrs, &egl_config, 1, &num_config)) ERR("eglChooseConfig() failed for pixmap 0x%x, num_config = %i", (unsigned int)pm, num_config); memcpy(&(n->ns), ns, sizeof(Evas_Native_Surface)); n->pixmap = pm; n->visual = vis; if (glsym_eglCreateImage) n->egl_surface = glsym_eglCreateImage(re->win->egl_disp, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, (void *)pm, NULL); else ERR("Try eglCreateImage on EGL with no support"); if (!n->egl_surface) ERR("eglCreatePixmapSurface() for 0x%x failed", (unsigned int)pm); im->native.yinvert = 1; im->native.loose = 0; im->native.data = n; im->native.func.data = re; im->native.func.bind = _native_bind_cb; im->native.func.unbind = _native_unbind_cb; im->native.func.free = _native_free_cb; im->native.target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; im->native.mipmap = 0; evas_gl_common_image_native_enable(im); } } #else # ifdef GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT if (native) { int dummy; unsigned int w, h, depth = 32, border; Window wdummy; // fixme: round trip :( XGetGeometry(re->win->disp, pm, &wdummy, &dummy, &dummy, &w, &h, &border, &depth); n = calloc(1, sizeof(Native)); if (n) { int pixmap_att[20]; unsigned int target = 0; unsigned int i = 0; eina_hash_add(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_pm_hash, &pmid, im); if ((re->win->depth_cfg[depth].tex_target & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT) // && (1) // we assume npo2 for now // size is pow2 || mnpo2 supported ) target = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; else if ((re->win->depth_cfg[depth].tex_target & GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT)) { ERR("rect!!! (not handled)"); target = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; } if (!target) { ERR("broken text-from-pixmap"); if (!(re->win->depth_cfg[depth].tex_target & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT)) target = GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT; else if (!(re->win->depth_cfg[depth].tex_target & GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_BIT_EXT)) target = GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT; } pixmap_att[i++] = GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_EXT; pixmap_att[i++] = re->win->depth_cfg[depth].tex_format; pixmap_att[i++] = GLX_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_EXT; pixmap_att[i++] = re->win->depth_cfg[depth].mipmap; if (target) { pixmap_att[i++] = GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT; pixmap_att[i++] = target; } pixmap_att[i++] = 0; memcpy(&(n->ns), ns, sizeof(Evas_Native_Surface)); n->pixmap = pm; n->visual = vis; n->fbc = re->win->depth_cfg[depth].fbc; if (glsym_glXCreatePixmap) n->glx_pixmap = glsym_glXCreatePixmap(re->win->disp, n->fbc, n->pixmap, pixmap_att); else ERR("Try glXCreatePixmap on GLX with no support"); if (n->glx_pixmap) { // printf("%p: new native texture for %x | %4i x %4i @ %2i = %p\n", // n, pm, w, h, depth, n->glx_pixmap); if (!target) { ERR("no target :("); if (glsym_glXQueryDrawable) glsym_glXQueryDrawable(re->win->disp, n->pixmap, GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT, &target); } if (target == GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT) { im->native.target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; im->native.mipmap = re->win->depth_cfg[depth].mipmap; } # ifdef GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB else if (target == GLX_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT) { im->native.target = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB; im->native.mipmap = 0; } # endif else { im->native.target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; im->native.mipmap = 0; ERR("still unknown target"); } } else ERR("GLX Pixmap create fail"); im->native.yinvert = re->win->depth_cfg[depth].yinvert; im->native.loose = re->win->detected.loose_binding; im->native.data = n; im->native.func.data = re; im->native.func.bind = _native_bind_cb; im->native.func.unbind = _native_unbind_cb; im->native.func.free = _native_free_cb; evas_gl_common_image_native_enable(im); } } # endif #endif } else if (ns->type == EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL) { if (native) { n = calloc(1, sizeof(Native)); if (n) { memcpy(&(n->ns), ns, sizeof(Evas_Native_Surface)); eina_hash_add(re->win->gl_context->shared->native_tex_hash, &texid, im); n->pixmap = 0; n->visual = 0; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) n->egl_surface = 0; #else n->fbc = 0; n->glx_pixmap = 0; #endif im->native.yinvert = 0; im->native.loose = 0; im->native.data = n; im->native.func.data = re; im->native.func.bind = _native_bind_cb; im->native.func.unbind = _native_unbind_cb; im->native.func.free = _native_free_cb; im->native.target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; im->native.mipmap = 0; // FIXME: need to implement mapping sub texture regions // x, y, w, h for possible texture atlasing evas_gl_common_image_native_enable(im); } } } return im; } static void * eng_image_native_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *im = image; Native *n; if (!im) return NULL; n = im->native.data; if (!n) return NULL; return &(n->ns); } static void eng_image_draw_filtered(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, Evas_Filter_Info *filter) { Render_Engine *re = data; if (!image) return; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_gl_common_filter_draw(re->win->gl_context, image, filter); } static Filtered_Image * eng_image_filtered_get(void *im, uint8_t *key, size_t keylen) { return evas_gl_common_image_filtered_get(im, key, keylen); } static Filtered_Image * eng_image_filtered_save(void *im, void *fim, uint8_t *key, size_t keylen) { return evas_gl_common_image_filtered_save(im, fim, key, keylen); } static void eng_image_filtered_free(void *im, Filtered_Image *fim) { evas_gl_common_image_filtered_free(im, fim); } // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void * eng_image_load(void *data, const char *file, const char *key, int *error, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; eng_window_use(re->win); return evas_gl_common_image_load(re->win->gl_context, file, key, lo, error); } static void * eng_image_new_from_data(void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, int cspace) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); return evas_gl_common_image_new_from_data(re->win->gl_context, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } static void * eng_image_new_from_copied_data(void *data, int w, int h, DATA32 *image_data, int alpha, int cspace) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); return evas_gl_common_image_new_from_copied_data(re->win->gl_context, w, h, image_data, alpha, cspace); } static void eng_image_free(void *data, void *image) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_image_free(image); } static void eng_image_size_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int *w, int *h) { if (!image) { *w = 0; *h = 0; return; } if (w) *w = ((Evas_GL_Image *)image)->w; if (h) *h = ((Evas_GL_Image *)image)->h; } static void * eng_image_size_set(void *data, void *image, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im = image; Evas_GL_Image *im_old; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!im) return NULL; if (im->native.data) { im->w = w; im->h = h; return image; } eng_window_use(re->win); if ((im->tex) && (im->tex->pt->dyn.img)) { evas_gl_common_texture_free(im->tex); im->tex = NULL; im->w = w; im->h = h; im->tex = evas_gl_common_texture_dynamic_new(im->gc, im); return image; } im_old = image; if ((eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image) == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL) || (eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image) == EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL)) w &= ~0x1; if ((im_old) && ((int)im_old->im->cache_entry.w == w) && ((int)im_old->im->cache_entry.h == h)) return image; if (im_old) { im = evas_gl_common_image_new(re->win->gl_context, w, h, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); /* evas_common_load_image_data_from_file(im_old->im); if (im_old->im->image->data) { evas_common_blit_rectangle(im_old->im, im->im, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0); evas_common_cpu_end_opt(); } */ evas_gl_common_image_free(im_old); } else im = evas_gl_common_image_new(re->win->gl_context, w, h, 1, EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888); return im; } static void * eng_image_dirty_region(void *data, void *image, int x, int y, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im = image; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return NULL; if (im->native.data) return image; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_image_dirty(image, x, y, w, h); return image; } static void * eng_image_data_get(void *data, void *image, int to_write, DATA32 **image_data) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) { *image_data = NULL; return NULL; } im = image; if (im->native.data) { *image_data = NULL; return im; } if ((im->tex) && (im->tex->pt) && (im->tex->pt->dyn.data)) { *image_data = im->tex->pt->dyn.data; return im; } eng_window_use(re->win); evas_cache_image_load_data(&im->im->cache_entry); switch (im->cs.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (to_write) { if (im->references > 1) { Evas_GL_Image *im_new; im_new = evas_gl_common_image_new_from_copied_data (im->gc, im->im->cache_entry.w, im->im->cache_entry.h, im->im->image.data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); if (!im_new) { *image_data = NULL; return im; } evas_gl_common_image_free(im); im = im_new; } else evas_gl_common_image_dirty(im, 0, 0, 0, 0); } *image_data = im->im->image.data; break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: *image_data = im->cs.data; break; default: abort(); break; } return im; } static void * eng_image_data_put(void *data, void *image, DATA32 *image_data) { Render_Engine *re; Evas_GL_Image *im, *im2; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return NULL; im = image; if (im->native.data) return image; eng_window_use(re->win); if ((im->tex) && (im->tex->pt) && (im->tex->pt->dyn.data)) { if (im->tex->pt->dyn.data == image_data) { return image; } else { int w, h; w = im->im->cache_entry.w; h = im->im->cache_entry.h; im2 = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, image_data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); if (!im2) return im; evas_gl_common_image_free(im); im = im2; evas_gl_common_image_dirty(im, 0, 0, 0, 0); return im; } } switch (im->cs.space) { case EVAS_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888: if (image_data != im->im->image.data) { int w, h; w = im->im->cache_entry.w; h = im->im->cache_entry.h; im2 = eng_image_new_from_data(data, w, h, image_data, eng_image_alpha_get(data, image), eng_image_colorspace_get(data, image)); if (!im2) return im; evas_gl_common_image_free(im); im = im2; } break; case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL: case EVAS_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL: if (image_data != im->cs.data) { if (im->cs.data) { if (!im->cs.no_free) free(im->cs.data); } im->cs.data = image_data; } break; default: abort(); break; } /* hmmm - but if we wrote... why bother? */ evas_gl_common_image_dirty(im, 0, 0, 0, 0); return im; } static void eng_image_data_preload_request(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, const void *target) { Evas_GL_Image *gim = image; RGBA_Image *im; if (!gim) return; if (gim->native.data) return; im = (RGBA_Image *)gim->im; if (!im) return; evas_cache_image_preload_data(&im->cache_entry, target); } static void eng_image_data_preload_cancel(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, const void *target) { Evas_GL_Image *gim = image; RGBA_Image *im; if (!gim) return; if (gim->native.data) return; im = (RGBA_Image *)gim->im; if (!im) return; evas_cache_image_preload_cancel(&im->cache_entry, target); } static void eng_image_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int smooth) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; evas_gl_common_image_draw(re->win->gl_context, image, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, smooth); } static void eng_image_scale_hint_set(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int hint) { if (image) evas_gl_common_image_scale_hint_set(image, hint); } static int eng_image_scale_hint_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *gim = image; if (!gim) return EVAS_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_NONE; return gim->scale_hint; } static void eng_image_map_draw(void *data __UNUSED__, void *context, void *surface, void *image, int npoints, RGBA_Map_Point *p, int smooth, int level) { Evas_GL_Image *gim = image; Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; if (!image) return; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; if (npoints != 4) { // FIXME: nash - you didnt fix this abort(); } if ((p[0].x == p[3].x) && (p[1].x == p[2].x) && (p[0].y == p[1].y) && (p[3].y == p[2].y) && (p[0].x <= p[1].x) && (p[0].y <= p[2].y) && (p[0].u == 0) && (p[0].v == 0) && (p[1].u == (gim->w << FP)) && (p[1].v == 0) && (p[2].u == (gim->w << FP)) && (p[2].v == (gim->h << FP)) && (p[3].u == 0) && (p[3].v == (gim->h << FP)) && (p[0].col == 0xffffffff) && (p[1].col == 0xffffffff) && (p[2].col == 0xffffffff) && (p[3].col == 0xffffffff)) { int dx, dy, dw, dh; dx = p[0].x >> FP; dy = p[0].y >> FP; dw = (p[2].x >> FP) - dx; dh = (p[2].y >> FP) - dy; eng_image_draw(data, context, surface, image, 0, 0, gim->w, gim->h, dx, dy, dw, dh, smooth); } else { evas_gl_common_image_map_draw(re->win->gl_context, image, npoints, p, smooth, level); } } static void * eng_image_map_surface_new(void *data __UNUSED__, int w, int h, int alpha) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; return evas_gl_common_image_surface_new(re->win->gl_context, w, h, alpha); } static void eng_image_map_surface_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *surface) { evas_gl_common_image_free(surface); } static void eng_image_content_hint_set(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int hint) { if (image) evas_gl_common_image_content_hint_set(image, hint); } static int eng_image_content_hint_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image) { Evas_GL_Image *gim = image; if (!gim) return EVAS_IMAGE_CONTENT_HINT_NONE; return gim->content_hint; } static void eng_image_cache_flush(void *data __UNUSED__) { Render_Engine *re; int tmp_size; re = (Render_Engine *)data; tmp_size = evas_common_image_get_cache(); evas_common_image_set_cache(0); evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_flush(); evas_gl_common_image_cache_flush(re->win->gl_context); evas_common_image_set_cache(tmp_size); } static void eng_image_cache_set(void *data __UNUSED__, int bytes) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; evas_common_image_set_cache(bytes); evas_common_rgba_image_scalecache_size_set(bytes); evas_gl_common_image_cache_flush(re->win->gl_context); } static int eng_image_cache_get(void *data __UNUSED__) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; return evas_common_image_get_cache(); } static void eng_image_stride_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *image, int *stride) { Evas_GL_Image *im = image; *stride = im->w * 4; if ((im->tex) && (im->tex->pt->dyn.img)) { *stride = im->tex->pt->dyn.w * 4; // FIXME: for other image formats (yuv etc.) different stride needed } } static void eng_font_draw(void *data, void *context, void *surface, void *font, int x, int y, int w __UNUSED__, int h __UNUSED__, int ow __UNUSED__, int oh __UNUSED__, const Evas_Text_Props *intl_props) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; eng_window_use(re->win); evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(re->win->gl_context, surface); re->win->gl_context->dc = context; { // FIXME: put im into context so we can free it static RGBA_Image *im = NULL; if (!im) im = (RGBA_Image *)evas_cache_image_empty(evas_common_image_cache_get()); im->cache_entry.w = re->win->w; im->cache_entry.h = re->win->h; evas_common_draw_context_font_ext_set(context, re->win->gl_context, evas_gl_font_texture_new, evas_gl_font_texture_free, evas_gl_font_texture_draw); evas_common_font_draw(im, context, font, x, y, intl_props); evas_common_draw_context_font_ext_set(context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } static Eina_Bool eng_canvas_alpha_get(void *data __UNUSED__, void *info __UNUSED__) { // FIXME: support ARGB gl targets!!! return EINA_FALSE; } static int _set_internal_config(Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc, Evas_GL_Config *cfg) { // Also initialize pixel format here as well... switch(cfg->color_format) { case EVAS_GL_RGB_8: sfc->rt_fmt = GL_RGB; sfc->rt_internal_fmt = GL_RGB; break; case EVAS_GL_RGBA_8: sfc->rt_fmt = GL_RGBA; sfc->rt_internal_fmt = GL_RGBA; break; case EVAS_GL_RGB_32: // Only supported on some hw // Fill it in later... case EVAS_GL_RGBA_32: // Only supported on some hw // Fill it in later... default: ERR("Invalid Color Format!"); return 0; } switch(cfg->depth_bits) { case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_NONE: break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_8: case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_16: case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_24: #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // 24 bit doesn't work... just cover it with 16 for now.. sfc->rb_depth_fmt = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16; #else sfc->rb_depth_fmt = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT; #endif break; case EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_32: default: ERR("Unsupported Depth Bits Format!"); return 0; } switch(cfg->stencil_bits) { case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_NONE: break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_1: case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_2: case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_4: case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_8: #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) sfc->rb_stencil_fmt = GL_STENCIL_INDEX8; #else sfc->rb_stencil_fmt = GL_STENCIL_INDEX; #endif break; case EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_16: default: ERR("Unsupported Stencil Bits Format!"); return 0; } // Do Packed Depth24_Stencil8 Later... return 1; } static int _create_rt_buffers(Render_Engine *data __UNUSED__, Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc) { // Render Target texture glGenTextures(1, &sfc->rt_tex ); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sfc->rt_tex ); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, sfc->w, sfc->h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // Depth RenderBuffer - Create storage here... if (sfc->depth_bits != EVAS_GL_DEPTH_NONE) { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &sfc->rb_depth); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_depth); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_depth_fmt, sfc->w, sfc->h); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } // Stencil RenderBuffer - Create Storage here... if (sfc->stencil_bits != EVAS_GL_STENCIL_NONE) { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &sfc->rb_stencil); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_stencil); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_stencil_fmt, sfc->w, sfc->h); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } return 1; } static int _attach_fbo_surface(Render_Engine *data __UNUSED__, Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc, Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx) { int fb_status; // FBO glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, ctx->fbo); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sfc->rt_tex, 0); // Depth RenderBuffer - Attach it to FBO if (sfc->depth_bits != EVAS_GL_DEPTH_NONE) { glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_depth); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_depth); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } // Stencil RenderBuffer - Attach it to FBO if (sfc->stencil_bits != EVAS_GL_STENCIL_NONE) { glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_stencil); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, sfc->rb_stencil); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } // Check FBO for completeness fb_status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (fb_status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { ERR("FBO not complete!"); return 0; } return 1; } static void * eng_gl_surface_create(void *data, void *config, int w, int h) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Evas_GL_Config *cfg; int ret; sfc = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine_GL_Surface)); if (!sfc) return NULL; re = (Render_Engine *)data; cfg = (Evas_GL_Config *)config; sfc->initialized = 0; sfc->fbo_attached = 0; sfc->w = w; sfc->h = h; sfc->depth_bits = cfg->depth_bits; sfc->stencil_bits = cfg->stencil_bits; sfc->rt_tex = 0; sfc->rb_depth = 0; sfc->rb_stencil = 0; // Set the internal format based on the config if (!_set_internal_config(sfc, cfg)) { ERR("Unsupported Format!"); free(sfc); return NULL; } // Create Render Target Texture/Buffers if not initialized if (!sfc->initialized) { // I'm using evas's original context to create the render target texture // This is to prevent awkwardness in using native_surface_get() function // If the rt texture creation is deferred till the context is created and // make_current called, the user can't call native_surface_get() right // after the surface is created. hence this is done here using evas' context. #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_context[0]); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, re->win->win, re->win->context); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); free(sfc); return NULL; } // Create Render texture if (!_create_rt_buffers(re, sfc)) { ERR("_create_rt_buffers() failed."); free(sfc); return NULL; } #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, None, NULL); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); free(sfc); return 0; } sfc->initialized = 1; } return sfc; } static int eng_gl_surface_destroy(void *data, void *surface) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; int ret; re = (Render_Engine *)data; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; // I'm using evas's original context to delete the created fbo and texture // This is because the fbo/texture was created in the user created context // but the context can be destroyed already... // I don't think this is the best way but at least for now this is A WAY. #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_context[0]); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, re->win->win, re->win->context); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } // Delete FBO/RBO and Texture here if (glIsTexture(sfc->rt_tex)) glDeleteTextures(1, &sfc->rt_tex); if (glIsBuffer(sfc->rb_depth)) glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &sfc->rb_depth); if (glIsBuffer(sfc->rb_stencil)) glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &sfc->rb_stencil); #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, None, NULL); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } free(sfc); surface = NULL; return 1; } static void * eng_gl_context_create(void *data, void *share_context) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; Render_Engine_GL_Context *share_ctx; #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) int context_attrs[3]; #endif ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(Render_Engine_GL_Context)); if (!ctx) return NULL; re = (Render_Engine *)data; share_ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context *)share_context; // Set the share context to Evas' GL context if share_context is NULL. // Otherwise set it to the given share_context. #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) // EGL context_attrs[0] = EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION; context_attrs[1] = 2; context_attrs[2] = EGL_NONE; if (share_ctx) { ctx->context = eglCreateContext(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_config, share_ctx->context, // Share Context context_attrs); } else { ctx->context = eglCreateContext(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_config, re->win->egl_context[0], // Evas' GL Context context_attrs); } if (!ctx->context) { ERR("eglCreateContext() fail. code=%#x", eglGetError()); return NULL; } #else // GLX if (share_context) { ctx->context = glXCreateContext(re->info->info.display, re->win->visualinfo, share_ctx->context, // Share Context 1); } else { ctx->context = glXCreateContext(re->info->info.display, re->win->visualinfo, re->win->context, // Evas' GL Context 1); } if (!ctx->context) { ERR("glXCreateContext() fail."); return NULL; } #endif ctx->initialized = 0; ctx->fbo = 0; ctx->current_sfc = NULL; return ctx; } static int eng_gl_context_destroy(void *data, void *context) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; int ret; re = (Render_Engine *)data; ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context*)context; // 1. Do a make current with the given context #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_surface[0], ctx->context); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, re->win->win, ctx->context); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } // 2. Delete the FBO if (glIsBuffer(ctx->fbo)) glDeleteBuffers(1, &ctx->fbo); // 3. Destroy the Context #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) eglDestroyContext(re->win->egl_disp, ctx->context); ctx->context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); #else glXDestroyContext(re->info->info.display, ctx->context); ctx->context = 0; ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, None, NULL); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } free(ctx); context = NULL; return 1; } static int eng_gl_make_current(void *data, void *surface, void *context) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Render_Engine_GL_Context *ctx; int ret; re = (Render_Engine *)data; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; ctx = (Render_Engine_GL_Context*)context; // Flush remainder of what's in Evas' pipeline if (re->win) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if ((eglGetCurrentContext() == re->win->egl_context[0]) || (eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_READ) == re->win->egl_surface[0]) || (eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW) == re->win->egl_surface[0])) { evas_gl_common_context_use(re->win->gl_context); evas_gl_common_context_flush(re->win->gl_context); } #else if (glXGetCurrentContext() == re->win->context) { evas_gl_common_context_use(re->win->gl_context); evas_gl_common_context_flush(re->win->gl_context); } #endif } // Unset surface/context if ((!sfc) || (!ctx)) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); #else ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, None, NULL); #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } return ret; } // Don't do a make current if it's already current #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if ((eglGetCurrentContext() != ctx->context)) { ret = eglMakeCurrent(re->win->egl_disp, re->win->egl_surface[0], re->win->egl_surface[0], ctx->context); } #else if (glXGetCurrentContext() != ctx->context) { ret = glXMakeCurrent(re->info->info.display, re->win->win, ctx->context); } #endif if (!ret) { ERR("xxxMakeCurrent() failed!"); return 0; } // Create FBO if not already created if (!ctx->initialized) { glGenFramebuffers(1, &ctx->fbo); ctx->initialized = 1; } // Attach FBO if it hasn't been attached or if surface changed if ( (!sfc->fbo_attached) || (ctx != sfc->current_ctx)) { if (!_attach_fbo_surface(re, sfc, ctx)) { ERR("_attach_fbo_surface() failed."); return 0; } sfc->fbo_attached = 1; } // Set the current surface/context ctx->current_sfc = sfc; sfc->current_ctx = ctx; // Bind FBO glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, ctx->fbo); #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) #else //glDrawBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0); #endif return 1; } static void * eng_gl_proc_address_get(void *data __UNUSED__, const char *name) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) if (glsym_eglGetProcAddress) return glsym_eglGetProcAddress(name); return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name); #else if (glsym_glXGetProcAddress) return glsym_glXGetProcAddress(name); return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name); #endif } static int eng_gl_native_surface_get(void *data, void *surface, void *native_surface) { Render_Engine *re; Render_Engine_GL_Surface *sfc; Evas_Native_Surface *ns; re = (Render_Engine *)data; sfc = (Render_Engine_GL_Surface*)surface; ns = (Evas_Native_Surface*)native_surface; ns->type = EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_OPENGL; ns->version = EVAS_NATIVE_SURFACE_VERSION; ns->data.opengl.texture_id = sfc->rt_tex; //ns->data.opengl.framebuffer_id = sfc->fbo; //ns->data.opengl.framebuffer_id = ctx->fbo; ns->data.opengl.x = 0; ns->data.opengl.y = 0; ns->data.opengl.w = sfc->w; ns->data.opengl.h = sfc->h; return 1; } #if 1 static void evgl_glBindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) { // Add logic to take care when framebuffer=0 glBindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer); } static void evgl_glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) { // Add logic to take care when renderbuffer=0 glBindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer); } static void evgl_glClearDepthf(GLclampf depth) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) glClearDepthf(depth); #else glClearDepth(depth); #endif } static void evgl_glDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) glDepthRangef(zNear, zFar); #else glDepthRange(zNear, zFar); #endif } static void evgl_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision); #else if (range) { range[0] = -126; // floor(log2(FLT_MIN)) range[1] = 127; // floor(log2(FLT_MAX)) } if (precision) { precision[0] = 24; // floor(-log2((1.0/16777218.0))); } return; shadertype = precisiontype = 0; #endif } static void evgl_glReleaseShaderCompiler(void) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) glReleaseShaderCompiler(); #else #endif } static void evgl_glShaderBinary(GLsizei n, const GLuint* shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const void* binary, GLsizei length) { #if defined (GLES_VARIETY_S3C6410) || defined (GLES_VARIETY_SGX) glShaderBinary(n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length); #else // FIXME: need to dlsym/getprocaddress for this return; n = binaryformat = length = 0; shaders = binary = 0; #endif } #endif static void * eng_gl_api_get(void *data) { Render_Engine *re; re = (Render_Engine *)data; gl_funcs.version = EVAS_GL_API_VERSION; #if 1 #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &gl_funcs, ) ORD(glActiveTexture); ORD(glAttachShader); ORD(glBindAttribLocation); ORD(glBindBuffer); ORD(glBindTexture); ORD(glBlendColor); ORD(glBlendEquation); ORD(glBlendEquationSeparate); ORD(glBlendFunc); ORD(glBlendFuncSeparate); ORD(glBufferData); ORD(glBufferSubData); ORD(glCheckFramebufferStatus); ORD(glClear); ORD(glClearColor); // ORD(glClearDepthf); ORD(glClearStencil); ORD(glColorMask); ORD(glCompileShader); ORD(glCompressedTexImage2D); ORD(glCompressedTexSubImage2D); ORD(glCopyTexImage2D); ORD(glCopyTexSubImage2D); ORD(glCreateProgram); ORD(glCreateShader); ORD(glCullFace); ORD(glDeleteBuffers); ORD(glDeleteFramebuffers); ORD(glDeleteProgram); ORD(glDeleteRenderbuffers); ORD(glDeleteShader); ORD(glDeleteTextures); ORD(glDepthFunc); ORD(glDepthMask); // ORD(glDepthRangef); ORD(glDetachShader); ORD(glDisable); ORD(glDisableVertexAttribArray); ORD(glDrawArrays); ORD(glDrawElements); ORD(glEnable); ORD(glEnableVertexAttribArray); ORD(glFinish); ORD(glFlush); ORD(glFramebufferRenderbuffer); ORD(glFramebufferTexture2D); ORD(glFrontFace); ORD(glGenBuffers); ORD(glGenerateMipmap); ORD(glGenFramebuffers); ORD(glGenRenderbuffers); ORD(glGenTextures); ORD(glGetActiveAttrib); ORD(glGetActiveUniform); ORD(glGetAttachedShaders); ORD(glGetAttribLocation); ORD(glGetBooleanv); ORD(glGetBufferParameteriv); ORD(glGetError); ORD(glGetFloatv); ORD(glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv); ORD(glGetIntegerv); ORD(glGetProgramiv); ORD(glGetProgramInfoLog); ORD(glGetRenderbufferParameteriv); ORD(glGetShaderiv); ORD(glGetShaderInfoLog); // ORD(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat); ORD(glGetShaderSource); ORD(glGetString); ORD(glGetTexParameterfv); ORD(glGetTexParameteriv); ORD(glGetUniformfv); ORD(glGetUniformiv); ORD(glGetUniformLocation); ORD(glGetVertexAttribfv); ORD(glGetVertexAttribiv); ORD(glGetVertexAttribPointerv); ORD(glHint); ORD(glIsBuffer); ORD(glIsEnabled); ORD(glIsFramebuffer); ORD(glIsProgram); ORD(glIsRenderbuffer); ORD(glIsShader); ORD(glIsTexture); ORD(glLineWidth); ORD(glLinkProgram); ORD(glPixelStorei); ORD(glPolygonOffset); ORD(glReadPixels); // ORD(glReleaseShaderCompiler); ORD(glRenderbufferStorage); ORD(glSampleCoverage); ORD(glScissor); // ORD(glShaderBinary); ORD(glShaderSource); ORD(glStencilFunc); ORD(glStencilFuncSeparate); ORD(glStencilMask); ORD(glStencilMaskSeparate); ORD(glStencilOp); ORD(glStencilOpSeparate); ORD(glTexImage2D); ORD(glTexParameterf); ORD(glTexParameterfv); ORD(glTexParameteri); ORD(glTexParameteriv); ORD(glTexSubImage2D); ORD(glUniform1f); ORD(glUniform1fv); ORD(glUniform1i); ORD(glUniform1iv); ORD(glUniform2f); ORD(glUniform2fv); ORD(glUniform2i); ORD(glUniform2iv); ORD(glUniform3f); ORD(glUniform3fv); ORD(glUniform3i); ORD(glUniform3iv); ORD(glUniform4f); ORD(glUniform4fv); ORD(glUniform4i); ORD(glUniform4iv); ORD(glUniformMatrix2fv); ORD(glUniformMatrix3fv); ORD(glUniformMatrix4fv); ORD(glUseProgram); ORD(glValidateProgram); ORD(glVertexAttrib1f); ORD(glVertexAttrib1fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib2f); ORD(glVertexAttrib2fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib3f); ORD(glVertexAttrib3fv); ORD(glVertexAttrib4f); ORD(glVertexAttrib4fv); ORD(glVertexAttribPointer); ORD(glViewport); #undef ORD // Override functions wrapped by Evas_GL #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &gl_funcs, evgl_) ORD(glBindFramebuffer); ORD(glBindRenderbuffer); // GLES2.0 API compat on top of desktop gl ORD(glClearDepthf); ORD(glDepthRangef); ORD(glGetShaderPrecisionFormat); ORD(glReleaseShaderCompiler); ORD(glShaderBinary); #undef ORD #endif return &gl_funcs; } static int module_open(Evas_Module *em) { static Eina_Bool xrm_inited = EINA_FALSE; if (!xrm_inited) { xrm_inited = EINA_TRUE; XrmInitialize(); } if (!em) return 0; if (!evas_gl_common_module_open()) return 0; /* get whatever engine module we inherit from */ if (!_evas_module_engine_inherit(&pfunc, "software_generic")) return 0; if (_evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom < 0) _evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom = eina_log_domain_register ("evas-gl_x11", EVAS_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR); if (_evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom < 0) { EINA_LOG_ERR("Can not create a module log domain."); return 0; } /* store it for later use */ func = pfunc; /* now to override methods */ #define ORD(f) EVAS_API_OVERRIDE(f, &func, eng_) ORD(info); ORD(info_free); ORD(setup); ORD(canvas_alpha_get); ORD(output_free); ORD(output_resize); ORD(output_tile_size_set); ORD(output_redraws_rect_add); ORD(output_redraws_rect_del); ORD(output_redraws_clear); ORD(output_redraws_next_update_get); ORD(output_redraws_next_update_push); ORD(context_cutout_add); ORD(context_cutout_clear); ORD(output_flush); ORD(output_idle_flush); ORD(output_dump); ORD(rectangle_draw); ORD(line_draw); ORD(polygon_point_add); ORD(polygon_points_clear); ORD(polygon_draw); ORD(image_load); ORD(image_new_from_data); ORD(image_new_from_copied_data); ORD(image_free); ORD(image_size_get); ORD(image_size_set); ORD(image_dirty_region); ORD(image_data_get); ORD(image_data_put); ORD(image_data_preload_request); ORD(image_data_preload_cancel); ORD(image_alpha_set); ORD(image_alpha_get); ORD(image_border_set); ORD(image_border_get); ORD(image_draw); ORD(image_comment_get); ORD(image_format_get); ORD(image_colorspace_set); ORD(image_colorspace_get); ORD(image_mask_create); ORD(image_native_set); ORD(image_native_get); ORD(image_draw_filtered); ORD(image_filtered_get); ORD(image_filtered_save); ORD(image_filtered_free); ORD(font_draw); ORD(image_scale_hint_set); ORD(image_scale_hint_get); ORD(image_stride_get); ORD(image_map_draw); ORD(image_map_surface_new); ORD(image_map_surface_free); ORD(image_content_hint_set); ORD(image_content_hint_get); ORD(image_cache_flush); ORD(image_cache_set); ORD(image_cache_get); ORD(gl_surface_create); ORD(gl_surface_destroy); ORD(gl_context_create); ORD(gl_context_destroy); ORD(gl_make_current); ORD(gl_proc_address_get); ORD(gl_native_surface_get); ORD(gl_api_get); /* now advertise out own api */ em->functions = (void *)(&func); return 1; } static void module_close(Evas_Module *em __UNUSED__) { eina_log_domain_unregister(_evas_engine_GL_X11_log_dom); if (xrdb_user.db) { XrmDestroyDatabase(xrdb_user.db); xrdb_user.last_stat = 0; xrdb_user.last_mtime = 0; xrdb_user.db = NULL; } evas_gl_common_module_close(); } static Evas_Module_Api evas_modapi = { EVAS_MODULE_API_VERSION, "gl_x11", "none", { module_open, module_close } }; EVAS_MODULE_DEFINE(EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE, engine, gl_x11); #ifndef EVAS_STATIC_BUILD_GL_X11 EVAS_EINA_MODULE_DEFINE(engine, gl_x11); #endif /* vim:set ts=8 sw=3 sts=3 expandtab cino=>5n-2f0^-2{2(0W1st0 :*/