/* * Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Globalization; namespace TestSuite { class TestStrings { /* The managed call is still owner of the sent string */ public static void in_string() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); String sent = "in_string"; String returned = obj.InString(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, returned); } System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed call must not keep ownership of the C string after the * call */ public static void in_own_string() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); String sent = "in_own_string"; String returned = obj.InOwnString(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, returned); } System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed call must not take ownership of the returned string */ public static void return_string() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); Test.AssertEquals("string", obj.ReturnString()); } System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed call is free to own the returned string */ public static void return_own_string() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); Test.AssertEquals("own_string", obj.ReturnOwnString()); } System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed call is *not* the owner of the string put in the out argument */ public static void out_string() { { String str = String.Empty; var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); obj.OutString(out str); Test.AssertEquals("out_string", str); } System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed call is the owner of the string in the out parameter */ public static void out_own_string() { { String str = String.Empty; var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); obj.OutOwnString(out str); Test.AssertEquals(str.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), "out_own_string"); } System.GC.Collect(); } private class StringReturner : Dummy.TestObject { public String received_in; public String received_in_own; public StringReturner() : base(null) { received_in = String.Empty; received_in_own = String.Empty; } public override String InString(String str) { received_in = str; return String.Empty; } public override String InOwnString(String str) { /* Console.WriteLine("Called my own virtual"); */ received_in_own = str; return String.Empty; } public override String ReturnString() { return "inherited"; } public override String ReturnOwnString() { return "own_inherited"; } public override void OutString(out String str) { str = "out_inherited"; } public override void OutOwnString(out System.String str) { str = "out_own_inherited"; } } /* The managed wrapper must not take ownership of the in parameter */ public static void in_string_from_virtual() { StringReturner obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { */ String sent = "in_inherited"; obj.CallInString(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, obj.received_in); /* } */ System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed wrapper should take ownership of the in parameter */ public static void in_own_string_from_virtual() { StringReturner obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { */ String sent = "in_own_inherited"; obj.CallInOwnString(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, obj.received_in_own); /* } */ System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed wrapper still owns the returned C string. We need to cache it until * some time in the future */ public static void return_string_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. */ Test.AssertEquals("inherited", obj.CallReturnString()); System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed wrapper must surrender the ownership to the C after the virtual call. */ public static void return_own_string_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. */ Test.AssertEquals("own_inherited", obj.CallReturnOwnString()); System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed wrapper still owns the C string after the call. Like return without own, we may * need to cache it until some time in the future. */ public static void out_string_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. */ Test.AssertEquals("out_inherited", obj.CallOutString()); System.GC.Collect(); } /* The managed wrapper gives C the ownership of the filled out parameter */ public static void out_own_string_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringReturner(); /* for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. */ Test.AssertEquals("out_own_inherited", obj.CallOutOwnString()); System.GC.Collect(); } } class TestStringshare { public static void in_stringshare() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); String sent = "in_stringshare"; String returned = obj.InStringshare(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, returned); } System.GC.Collect(); } public static void in_own_stringshare() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); String sent = "in_own_stringshare"; String returned = obj.InOwnStringshare(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, returned); } System.GC.Collect(); } public static void return_stringshare() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); Test.AssertEquals("stringshare", obj.ReturnStringshare()); } System.GC.Collect(); } public static void return_own_stringshare() { { var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); Test.AssertEquals("own_stringshare", obj.ReturnOwnStringshare()); } System.GC.Collect(); } public static void out_stringshare() { { String str = String.Empty; var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); obj.OutStringshare(out str); Test.AssertEquals("out_stringshare", str); } System.GC.Collect(); } public static void out_own_stringshare() { { String str = String.Empty; var obj = new Dummy.TestObject(); obj.OutOwnStringshare(out str); Test.AssertEquals(str.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), "out_own_stringshare"); } System.GC.Collect(); } private class StringshareReturner : Dummy.TestObject { public String received_in; public String received_in_own; public StringshareReturner() : base(null) { received_in = String.Empty; received_in_own = String.Empty; } public override String InStringshare(String str) { received_in = str; return String.Empty; } public override String InOwnStringshare(String str) { received_in_own = str; return String.Empty; } public override String ReturnStringshare() { return "inherited"; } public override String ReturnOwnStringshare() { return "own_inherited"; } public override void OutStringshare(out String str) { str = "out_inherited"; } public override void OutOwnStringshare(out System.String str) { str = "out_own_inherited"; } } public static void in_stringshare_from_virtual() { StringshareReturner obj = new StringshareReturner(); String sent = "in_inherited"; obj.CallInStringshare(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, obj.received_in); } public static void in_own_stringshare_from_virtual() { StringshareReturner obj = new StringshareReturner(); String sent = "in_own_inherited"; obj.CallInOwnStringshare(sent); Test.AssertEquals(sent, obj.received_in_own); } public static void return_stringshare_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringshareReturner(); // for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. Test.AssertEquals("inherited", obj.CallReturnStringshare()); } public static void return_own_stringshare_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringshareReturner(); // for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. Test.AssertEquals("own_inherited", obj.CallReturnOwnStringshare()); } public static void out_stringshare_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringshareReturner(); // for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. Test.AssertEquals("out_inherited", obj.CallOutStringshare()); } public static void out_own_stringshare_from_virtual() { var obj = new StringshareReturner(); // for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++) // Uncomment this to check for memory leaks. Test.AssertEquals("out_own_inherited", obj.CallOutOwnStringshare()); } } }