/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et: */ #include "Efreet.h" #include "efreet_private.h" #if 0 static void efreet_xml_dump(Efreet_Xml *xml, int level); #endif static Efreet_Xml *efreet_xml_parse(char **data, int *size); static int efreet_xml_tag_parse(char **data, int *size, const char **tag); static void efreet_xml_attributes_parse(char **data, int *size, Efreet_Xml_Attribute ***attributes); static void efreet_xml_text_parse(char **data, int *size, char **text); static int efreet_xml_tag_empty(char **data, int *size); static int efreet_xml_tag_close(char **data, int *size, const char *tag); static void efreet_xml_cb_attribute_free(void *data); static void efreet_xml_comment_skip(char **data, int *size); static int error = 0; static int init = 0; /** * @internal * @return Returns > 0 on success or 0 on failure * @brief Initialize the XML parser subsystem */ int efreet_xml_init(void) { if (init++) return init; if (!eina_stringshare_init()) return --init; return init; } /** * @internal * @returns the number of initializations left for this system * @brief Attempts to shut down the subsystem if nothing else is using it */ int efreet_xml_shutdown(void) { if (--init) return init; eina_stringshare_shutdown(); return init; } /** * @internal * @param file: The file to parse * @return Returns an Efreet_Xml structure for the given file @a file or * NULL on failure * @brief Parses the given file into an Efreet_Xml structure. */ Efreet_Xml * efreet_xml_new(const char *file) { Efreet_Xml *xml = NULL; int size, fd = -1; char *data = (void *)-1; if (!file) return NULL; size = ecore_file_size(file); if (size <= 0) goto ERROR; fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) goto ERROR; data = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == (void *)-1) goto ERROR; error = 0; xml = efreet_xml_parse(&data, &size); if (error) goto ERROR; munmap(data, size); close(fd); return xml; ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: could not parse xml file\n"); if (data != (void *)-1) munmap(data, size); if (fd != -1) close(fd); if (xml) efreet_xml_del(xml); return NULL; } /** * @internal * @param xml: The Efree_Xml to free * @return Returns no value * @brief Frees up the given Efreet_Xml structure */ void efreet_xml_del(Efreet_Xml *xml) { if (xml->children) ecore_dlist_destroy(xml->children); xml->children = NULL; if (xml->tag) eina_stringshare_del(xml->tag); if (xml->attributes) { Efreet_Xml_Attribute **curr; curr = xml->attributes; while (*curr) { eina_stringshare_del((*curr)->key); eina_stringshare_del((*curr)->value); FREE(*curr); curr++; } FREE(xml->attributes); } IF_FREE(xml->text); FREE(xml); } /** * @param xml: The xml struct to work with * @param key: The attribute key to look for * @return Returns the value for the given key, or NULL if none found * @brief Retrieves the value for the given attribute key */ const char * efreet_xml_attribute_get(Efreet_Xml *xml, const char *key) { Efreet_Xml_Attribute **curr; if (!xml || !key || !xml->attributes) return NULL; for (curr = xml->attributes; *curr; curr++) { if (!strcmp((*curr)->key, key)) return (*curr)->value; } return NULL; } static void efreet_xml_cb_attribute_free(void *data) { efreet_xml_del(data); } #if 0 static void efreet_xml_dump(Efreet_Xml *xml, int level) { int i; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) printf("\t"); printf("<%s", xml->tag); if (xml->attributes) { Efreet_Xml_Attribute **curr; for (curr = xml->attributes; *curr; curr++) printf(" %s=\"%s\"", (*curr)->key, (*curr)->value); } if (xml->children) { Efreet_Xml *child; printf(">\n"); ecore_dlist_first_goto(xml->children); while ((child = ecore_dlist_next(xml->children))) efreet_xml_dump(child, level + 1); for (i = 0; i < level; i++) printf("\t"); printf("\n", xml->tag); } else if (xml->text) printf(">%s\n", xml->text, xml->tag); else printf("/>\n"); } #endif static Efreet_Xml * efreet_xml_parse(char **data, int *size) { Efreet_Xml *xml, *sub_xml; const char *tag = NULL; /* parse this tag */ if (!efreet_xml_tag_parse(data, size, &(tag))) return NULL; xml = NEW(Efreet_Xml, 1); if (!xml) { eina_stringshare_del(tag); return NULL; } xml->children = ecore_dlist_new(); ecore_dlist_free_cb_set(xml->children, efreet_xml_cb_attribute_free); xml->tag = tag; efreet_xml_attributes_parse(data, size, &(xml->attributes)); /* Check wether element is empty */ if (efreet_xml_tag_empty(data, size)) return xml; efreet_xml_text_parse(data, size, &(xml->text)); /* Check wether element is closed */ if (efreet_xml_tag_close(data, size, xml->tag)) return xml; while ((sub_xml = efreet_xml_parse(data, size))) ecore_dlist_append(xml->children, sub_xml); efreet_xml_tag_close(data, size, xml->tag); return xml; } static int efreet_xml_tag_parse(char **data, int *size, const char **tag) { const char *start = NULL, *end = NULL; char buf[256]; int buf_size; /* Search for tag */ while (*size > 1) { /* Check for tag start */ if (**data == '<') { /* Check for end tag */ if (*(*data + 1) == '/') return 0; /* skip comments */ if (*size > 3 && *(*data + 1) == '!' && *(*data + 2) == '-' && *(*data + 3) == '-') { (*data) += 3; (*size) -= 3; efreet_xml_comment_skip(data, size); continue; } /* Check for xml directives (and ignore them) */ else if ((*(*data + 1) != '!') && (*(*data + 1) != '?')) { (*size)--; (*data)++; start = *data; break; } } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!start) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: missing start tag\n"); error = 1; return 0; } while (*size > 0) { if (!isalpha(**data)) { end = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!end) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: no end of tag\n"); error = 1; return 0; } buf_size = end - start + 1; if (buf_size <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: no tag name\n"); error = 1; return 0; } if (buf_size > 256) buf_size = 256; memcpy(buf, start, buf_size - 1); buf[buf_size - 1] = '\0'; *tag = eina_stringshare_add(buf); return 1; } static void efreet_xml_attributes_parse(char **data, int *size, Efreet_Xml_Attribute ***attributes) { Efreet_Xml_Attribute attr[10]; int i, count = 0; while (*size > 0) { if (**data == '>') { (*size)++; (*data)--; break; } else if ((count < 10) && (isalpha(**data))) { /* beginning of key */ const char *start = NULL, *end = NULL; char buf[256]; int buf_size; attr[count].key = NULL; attr[count].value = NULL; start = *data; while ((*size > 0) && ((isalpha(**data)) || (**data == '_'))) { (*size)--; (*data)++; } end = *data; buf_size = end - start + 1; if (buf_size <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: zero length key\n"); goto ERROR; } if (buf_size > 256) buf_size = 256; memcpy(buf, start, buf_size - 1); buf[buf_size - 1] = '\0'; attr[count].key = eina_stringshare_add(buf); /* search for '=', key/value seperator */ start = NULL; while (*size > 0) { if (**data == '=') { start = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!start) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: missing value for attribute!\n"); goto ERROR; } /* search for '"', beginning of value */ start = NULL; while (*size > 0) { if (**data == '"') { start = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!start) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: erroneous value for attribute!\n"); goto ERROR; } /* skip '"' */ start++; (*size)--; (*data)++; /* search for '"', end of value */ end = NULL; while (*size > 0) { if (**data == '"') { end = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!end) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: erroneous value for attribute!\n"); goto ERROR; } buf_size = end - start + 1; if (buf_size <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: zero length value\n"); goto ERROR; } if (buf_size > 256) buf_size = 256; memcpy(buf, start, buf_size - 1); buf[buf_size - 1] = '\0'; attr[count].value = eina_stringshare_add(buf); count++; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } *attributes = NEW(Efreet_Xml_Attribute *, count + 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { (*attributes)[i] = malloc(sizeof(Efreet_Xml_Attribute)); (*attributes)[i]->key = attr[i].key; (*attributes)[i]->value = attr[i].value; } return; ERROR: while (count >= 0) { if (attr[count].key) eina_stringshare_del(attr[count].key); if (attr[count].value) eina_stringshare_del(attr[count].value); count--; } error = 1; return; } static void efreet_xml_text_parse(char **data, int *size, char **text) { const char *start = NULL, *end = NULL; int buf_size; /* skip leading whitespace */ while (*size > 0) { if (!isspace(**data)) { start = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!start) return; /* find next tag */ while (*size > 0) { if (**data == '<') { end = *data; break; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } if (!end) return; /* skip trailing whitespace */ while (isspace(*(end - 1))) end--; /* copy text */ buf_size = end - start + 1; if (buf_size <= 1) return; *text = malloc(buf_size); memcpy(*text, start, buf_size - 1); (*text)[buf_size - 1] = '\0'; } static int efreet_xml_tag_empty(char **data, int *size) { while (*size > 1) { if (**data == '/') { (*size)--; (*data)++; if (**data == '>') { (*size)--; (*data)++; return 1; } } else if (**data == '>') { (*size)--; (*data)++; return 0; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: missing end of tag\n"); error = 1; return 1; } static int efreet_xml_tag_close(char **data, int *size, const char *tag) { while (*size > 1) { if (**data == '<') { if (*(*data + 1) == '/') { (*size) -= 2; (*data) += 2; if ((int)strlen(tag) > *size) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: wrong end tag\n"); error = 1; return 1; } else { char *tmp; tmp = *data; while ((*tag) && (*tmp == *tag)) { tmp++; tag++; } if (*tag) { fprintf(stderr, "[efreet]: wrong end tag\n"); error = 1; return 1; } } return 1; } else return 0; } (*size)--; (*data)++; } return 0; } static void efreet_xml_comment_skip(char **data, int *size) { while (*size > 2) { if (**data == '-' && *(*data + 1) == '-' && *(*data + 2) == '>') { (*data) += 3; (*size) -= 3; return; } (*data)++; (*size)--; } }