#import "ecore_cocoa_app.h" #import "ecore_cocoa_window.h" #include "ecore_cocoa_private.h" static Eina_Bool _ecore_cocoa_run_loop_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { @try { NSEvent *e; do { e = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSApp eventExpirationDate] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; if (e != nil) { //NSLog(@"Catching event %@", e); [NSApp sendEvent:e]; /* Update (en/disable) the services menu's items */ NSEventType type = [e type]; if (type != NSPeriodic && type != NSMouseMoved) { [NSApp internalUpdate]; } } } while (e != nil); } @catch (NSException *except) { NSLog(@"EXCEPTION: %@: %@", [except name], [except reason]); /* Show the "fancy" annoying report panel */ [NSApp reportException:except]; // XXX Maybe use Eina_Log to report the error instead } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } @implementation Ecore_Cocoa_Application + (Ecore_Cocoa_Application *)sharedApplication { return (Ecore_Cocoa_Application *)[super sharedApplication]; } - (void)internalUpdate { [_mainMenu update]; // FIXME Will not compile with GNUStep (member is named "_main_menu") } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self == nil) { CRI("Failed to [super init]"); return nil; } NSApp = self; // NSApp is used EVERYWHERE! Set it right now! /* Set the process to be a foreground process, * without that it prevents the window to become the key window and * receive all mouse mouve events. */ [NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular]; [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; return NSApp; } - (NSDate *)eventExpirationDate { return _expiration; } - (void)run { [self finishLaunching]; _running = 1; _expiration = [NSDate distantPast]; _timer = ecore_timer_add(ECORE_COCOA_MAINLOOP_PERIOD, _ecore_cocoa_run_loop_cb, NULL); } - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent { Eina_Bool to_super; /* Some events shall be handled by Ecore (like single non-command keys). * If we dispatch all events right to NSApplication, it will complain * with NSBeep() when an event is not authorized */ to_super = _ecore_cocoa_feed_events(anEvent); if (to_super) [super sendEvent:anEvent]; } - (void) pauseNSRunLoopMonitoring { /* * After calling this method, we will run an iteration of * the main loop. We don't want this timer to be fired while * calling manually the ecore loop, because it will query the * NSRunLoop, which blocks during live resize. */ ecore_timer_freeze(_timer); } - (void) resumeNSRunLoopMonitoring { ecore_timer_thaw(_timer); } @end static Ecore_Cocoa_AppDelegate *_appDelegate = nil; @implementation Ecore_Cocoa_AppDelegate + (Ecore_Cocoa_AppDelegate *)appDelegate { if (_appDelegate == nil) { _appDelegate = [[self alloc] init]; } return _appDelegate; } - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *) EINA_UNUSED sender { // XXX This should be alterable (by Elm_Window policy) return YES; } @end