/* * Copyright 2019 by its authors. See AUTHORS. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef EOLIAN_MONO_MARSHALL_TYPE_IMPL_HH #define EOLIAN_MONO_MARSHALL_TYPE_IMPL_HH #include "grammar/generator.hpp" #include "grammar/klass_def.hpp" #include "grammar/case.hpp" #include "helpers.hh" #include "name_helpers.hh" #include "type_impl.hh" #include "generation_contexts.hh" #include "blacklist.hh" namespace eolian_mono { namespace eina = efl::eina; namespace detail { template struct marshall_type_visitor_generate { mutable OutputIterator sink; Context const* context; std::string c_type; bool is_out; bool is_return; bool is_ptr; bool is_special_subtype; typedef marshall_type_visitor_generate visitor_type; typedef bool result_type; bool operator()(attributes::regular_type_def const& regular) const { using attributes::regular_type_def; struct match { eina::optional name; eina::optional has_own; std::function function; } const match_table[] = { // signed primitives {"string", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"string", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"mstring", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"mstring", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"stringshare", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; if (is_special_subtype) return replace_base_type(r, "Eina.Stringshare"); return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"stringshare", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; if (is_special_subtype) return replace_base_type(r, "Eina.Stringshare"); return replace_base_type(r, "System.String"); }} , {"strbuf", nullptr, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_qualifier.qualifier ^= qualifier_info::is_ref; return replace_base_type(r, "Eina.Strbuf"); }} , {"Binbuf", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_type = "System.IntPtr"; r.namespaces.clear(); return r; }} , {"Binbuf", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_type = "System.IntPtr"; r.namespaces.clear(); return r; }} , {"binbuf", nullptr, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_type = "System.IntPtr"; r.namespaces.clear(); return r; }} , {"event", nullptr, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_type = "Efl.Event.NativeStruct"; r.namespaces.clear(); return r; }} , {"any_value", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); if (is_ptr) r.base_type = "Eina.Value"; else r.base_type = "Eina.ValueNative"; return r; }} , {"any_value", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); if (is_ptr) r.base_type = "Eina.Value"; else r.base_type = "Eina.ValueNative"; return r; }} , {"any_value_ref", true, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); r.base_type = "Eina.Value"; return r; }} , {"any_value_ref", false, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); r.base_type = "Eina.Value"; return r; }} , {"void", nullptr, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); if (is_out) // @inout too r.base_type = "System.IntPtr"; else r.base_type = "void"; return r; }} , {"Value_Type", nullptr, [&] { regular_type_def r = regular; r.namespaces.clear(); r.base_type = "Eina.ValueTypeBox"; return r; }} }; if (regular.is_struct() && !blacklist::is_struct_blacklisted(regular) && !(bool)(regular.base_qualifier & qualifier_info::is_own)) { if ((is_out || is_return) && is_ptr) return as_generator("System.IntPtr").generate(sink, attributes::unused, *context); return as_generator(string << ".NativeStruct") .generate(sink, name_helpers::type_full_managed_name(regular), *context); } else if (eina::optional b = call_match (match_table , [&] (match const& m) { return (!m.name || *m.name == regular.base_type) && (!m.has_own || *m.has_own == (bool)(regular.base_qualifier & qualifier_info::is_own)) ; } , [&] (attributes::type_def::variant_type const& v) { return v.visit(visitor_regular_type_def_printer{sink, context}); // we want to keep is_out info })) { return *b; } else if (is_ptr && helpers::need_pointer_conversion(®ular)) { regular_type_def r = regular; r.base_type = "System.IntPtr"; r.namespaces.clear(); return visitor_generate{ sink , context , c_type , is_out , is_return , is_ptr , false , is_special_subtype }(r); } else { return visitor_generate{ sink , context , c_type , is_out , is_return , is_ptr , false , is_special_subtype }(regular); } } bool operator()(attributes::klass_name klass_name) const { return visitor_generate{ sink , context , c_type , is_out , is_return , is_ptr , false , is_special_subtype }(klass_name); } bool operator()(attributes::complex_type_def const& complex) const { using attributes::regular_type_def; using attributes::qualifier_info; struct match { eina::optional name; eina::optional has_own; eina::optional is_const; std::function function; } const matches[] = { {"array", nullptr, nullptr, [&] { return regular_type_def{"System.IntPtr", complex.outer.base_qualifier, {}}; } } ,{"list", nullptr, nullptr, [&] { return regular_type_def{"System.IntPtr", complex.outer.base_qualifier, {}}; } } ,{"hash", nullptr, nullptr, [&] { return regular_type_def{"System.IntPtr", complex.outer.base_qualifier, {}}; } } ,{"iterator", nullptr, nullptr, [&] { return regular_type_def{"System.IntPtr", complex.outer.base_qualifier, {}}; } } ,{"accessor", nullptr, nullptr, [&] { return regular_type_def{"System.IntPtr", complex.outer.base_qualifier, {}}; } } }; auto default_match = [&] (attributes::complex_type_def const& complex) { regular_type_def no_pointer_regular = complex.outer; return visitor_type{sink, context, c_type, false, false, false, false}(no_pointer_regular) && as_generator("<" << (type(false, false, true) % ", ") << ">").generate(sink, complex.subtypes, *context); }; if(eina::optional b = call_match (matches , [&] (match const& m) { return (!m.name || *m.name == complex.outer.base_type) && (!m.has_own || *m.has_own == bool(complex.outer.base_qualifier & qualifier_info::is_own)) && (!m.is_const || *m.is_const == bool(complex.outer.base_qualifier & qualifier_info::is_const)); } , [&] (attributes::type_def::variant_type const& v) { if(v.empty()) return true; else if(attributes::complex_type_def const* complex = eina::get(&v)) return default_match(*complex); else return v.visit(*this); })) { return *b; } return visitor_generate{ sink , context , c_type , is_out , is_return , is_ptr , false , is_special_subtype }(complex); } }; } } #endif