import efl_net_http_types; enum @beta Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode { [[Primary HTTP mode]] auto, [[HTTP auto mode]] download, [[HTTP download mode]] upload, [[HTTP upload mode]] } class @beta Efl.Net.Dialer_Http extends Efl.Loop_Consumer implements Efl.Net.Dialer, Efl.Io.Sizer { [[HTTP Dialer (Client). The effective URL in use, if @.allow_redirects is $true will be available as @Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote. The @Efl.Net.Socket.address_local is an IP:PORT pair. The dialer can perform bi-directional information exchanges. It can also do a PUT and upload a file, or GET and download one. It can also do a POST with some form values, including a file, and retrieve its headers and body response. To make usage more streamlined, choose your area of interest with @.primary_mode then get some properties such as @Efl.Io.Sizer.size to report or use the information you need. If @.allow_redirects is $true, multiple "connected" and "resolved" signals will be dispatched, one for each connection. In this case @.response_status and @.response_headers_get will keep changing. Using @.response_headers_all_get one can see the whole history of headers and connections. To enable debugging use EINA_LOG_LEVELS=ecore_con:4 environment variable. If the proxy is $NULL (default), then the system proxy will be used. On UNIX that's the environment variable $http_proxy (or '$all_proxy') is used if the given address doesn't match $no_proxy patterns. To disable proxy use an empty string. If provided, the proxy must use one of the following protocols: - http://username:password\@proxyserver:port - http://username\@proxyserver:port - http://proxyserver:port - http://proxyserver (default port 1080) - socks5://username:password\@proxyserver:port (SOCKSv5) - socks5h://username\@proxyserver:port (let socks server to resolve domain) - socks5://proxyserver:port - socks5://proxyserver (default port 1080) - socks4a://proxyserver:port (SOCKSv4 and let socks server to resolve domain) - socks4://proxyserver:port (SOCKSv4) ]] methods { @property method { [[The HTTP method to use. A string representing the HTTP method to use, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE... This should be set before dialing. ]] get { } set { } values { method: string; [[HTTP method]] } } @property primary_mode { [[Is this request primarily a download or upload? This property will change the behavior of @Efl.Io.Sizer: - If, then or @Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode.upload will be chosen based on the @.method: if "PUT", then it's upload, otherwise it's download. - If @Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode.upload, applying a new size with @Efl.Io.Sizer.resize or @Efl.Io.Sizer.size.set will specify the "Content-Length" to upload. If no size is previously set, then the upload will happen in "Transfer-encoding: chunked". - If, then @Efl.Io.Sizer.size.get will report the "Content-Length" provided by the server, if any. You can also provide and retrieve these values using @.request_headers_get (to send) and @.response_headers_get (what was received), as well as using the specific properties @.request_content_length (upload) and @.response_content_length (download). ]] get { [[The effective primary mode. This will return one of or @Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode.upload. If "auto" was set (the default), then it will pick the best based on the @.method in use. ]] } set { } values { primary_mode: Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode; [[Primary HTTP mode]] } } @property user_agent { [[The User-Agent to specify. This should be set before dialing. ]] get { } set { } values { ser_agent: string; [[User-agent]] } } @property http_version { [[The HTTP version to use. This should be set before dialing. Once connected, it will change to the actual connection HTTP version, so check after "connected" event. ]] get { } set { } values { http_version: Efl.Net.Http.Version; [[HTTP version]] } } @property authentication { [[HTTP authentication to use. This should be set before dialing. ]] get { } set { } values { username: string; [[HTTP authentication username]] password: string; [[HTTP authentication password]] method: Efl.Net.Http.Authentication_Method @optional; [[Authentication method to use. Defaults to @Efl.Net.Http.Authentication_Method.basic]] restricted: bool @optional; [[Restrict method]] } } @property allow_redirects { [[Allows HTTP redirects to be followed. This should be set before dialing. ]] get { } set { } values { allow_redirects: bool; [[$true if redirects are followed, $false otherwise]] } } request_header_add { [[Adds a request header 'key: value'. See @.request_headers_clear This should be called before dialing. ]] params { @in key: string; [[Request header key]] @in value: string; [[Request header value]] } } request_headers_clear { [[Clears all request headers. See @.request_header_add This should be called before dialing. ]] } request_headers_get { [[Returns an iterator to the key-value pairs for request headers]] return: iterator @move @no_unused; [[Iterator for request headers]] } @property request_content_length { [["Content-Length:" Header used for uploading/sending. To unset use -1 ]] get { } set { } values { length: int64; [[Length value]] } } @property response_content_length { [["Content-Length:" Header used for downloading/receiving. If unset is -1. ]] get { } set @protected { } values { length: int64; [[Length value]] } } @property response_content_type { [["Content-Type:" Header used for downloading/receiving]] get { } set @protected { } values { content_type: string; [[Content type header string]] } } @property response_status { [[The HTTP response status of this request. This will be 0 if not connected, otherwise it'll be whatever is returned by the server. See This will be usable after the "connected" event is dispatched. ]] get { } values { status_code: Efl.Net.Http.Status; [[HTTP status]] } } response_headers_get { [[Returns an iterator to the key-value pairs for the last response headers. Since multiple requests can occur if @.allow_redirects is true, then all headers will be accumulated. This method returns only the headers for the last request. To list all the headers, check @.response_headers_all_get. This will be usable after the "headers,done" event is dispatched. ]] return: iterator @move @no_unused; [[Iterator for response headers]] } response_headers_all_get { [[Returns an iterator to the key-value pairs for all response headers. Since multiple requests can occur if @.allow_redirects is true, then all headers will be accumulated. To know when a new request's been started, check for headers with keys being $NULL. The value will be the "HTTP/VERSION RESPONSE" string received from the host, such as: - key=NULL, value="HTTP/1.1 302 Found" - key="Location", value="" - key=NULL, value="HTTP/1.1 200 Ok" - key="Content-Type", value="text/html" This means the original request had a redirect to To receive an iterator to only the last request, use @.response_headers_get This will be usable after the "headers,done" event is dispatched. ]] return: iterator @move @no_unused; [[Iterator for all response headers]] } response_headers_clear { [[Saves memory by disposing of the received headers]] } @property progress_download { [[How many bytes were downloaded and how many were expected.]] get { } values { downloaded: uint64 @optional; [[Downloaded bytes so far]] total: uint64 @optional; [[Download total in bytes, 0 if unknown]] } } @property progress_upload { [[How many bytes were uploaded and how many were expected.]] get { } values { uploaded: uint64 @optional; [[Uploaded bytes so far]] total: uint64 @optional; [[Upload total in bytes, 0 if unknown]] } } @property cookie_jar { [[This property sets the filename to read and write cookies. By setting a file to load and store cookies, the internal cookie system will be activated, automatically handling HTTP headers such as 'Set-cookie:' and sending the appropriate cookies for the server. If a new, empty session is to be used, start with an empty or non-existent file such as created with mkstemp() or tmpfile(). Alternatively use an empty string ("") to store it in memory. If you want to start from a pre-existing cookie jar but do not want to modify it, first copy that file and then pass the new, temporary file. Likewise, if you want to add cookies to the system, create a cookie jar and pass its path to this property. Note: that whenever this property is set, even if to the same value, it will flush all cookies to the previously set file, then erase all known cookies. It will then use the new file (if any). ]] get { } set { } values { path: string; [[Path to cookie jar]] } } @property ssl_verify { [[If remote peer's SSL certificate should be verified. Defaults to both peer and hostname verification (all $true). ]] values { peer: bool; [[If $true, SSL certificate will be verified. If $false, untrusted certificates (including self signed) will be accepted.]] hostname: bool; [[If $true, in addition to SSL certificate validation the server name will be matched to certificate DNS entries]] } } @property ssl_certificate_authority { [[Overrides the CA (Certificate Authority) path or directory. Defaults to system setup. ]] values { path: string; [[Directory or file path to use for Certificate Authority]] } } @property ssl_certificate_revocation_list { [[Defines a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) path to use.]] values { file: string; [[File path to use for CRL]] } } date_parse @static { [[Parses the given string as time in seconds since 1/1/1970. This method is useful to parse header values such as "Last-Modified". ]] params { str: string; [[String in HTTP text format: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT]] } return: int64; [[Seconds since 1/1/1970]] } date_serialize @static { [[Serializes the given GMT time in seconds since 1/1/1970. The timezone must be GMT (ie: gmtime()). ]] params { epochtime: int64; [[UNIX Epoch time - seconds since 1/1/1970]] } return: mstring @move @no_unused; [[Newly allocated null-terminated string on success or $NULL on errors]] } } events { headers,done: void; [[Notifies all headers were parsed and are available.]] } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Net.Dialer.dial; Efl.Net.Dialer.address_dial { get; set; } Efl.Net.Dialer.connected { get; set; } Efl.Net.Dialer.proxy { get; set; } Efl.Net.Dialer.timeout_dial { get; set; } Efl.Net.Socket.address_local { get; set; } Efl.Net.Socket.address_remote { get; set; }; Efl.Io.Reader.can_read { get; set; } Efl.Io.Reader.eos { get; set; } Efl.Io.Writer.write; Efl.Io.Writer.can_write { get; set; } Efl.Io.Closer.close; Efl.Io.Closer.closed { get; } Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_exec { get; set; } Efl.Io.Closer.close_on_invalidate { get; set; } Efl.Io.Sizer.resize; Efl.Io.Sizer.size { get; } } }