enum Efl.Net.Control.Technology.Type { [[Technology types @since 1.19 ]] unknown, [[Type: unknown]] system, [[Type: system]] ethernet, [[Type: ethernet]] wifi, [[Type: WiFi]] bluetooth, [[Type: Bluetooth]] cellular, [[Type: cellular/mobile]] gps, [[Type: GPS]] vpn, [[Type: Virtual Private Network]] gadget, [[Type: USB gadget]] p2p, [[Type: Peer-2-Peer]] } class Efl.Net.Control.Technology (Efl.Loop_User) { [[A technology that enables network access points to be controlled. The @Efl.Net.Control is composed of multiple technologies, each can be disabled/enabled with @.powered property. When powered, the technology will dynamically add and delete access points to be available in @Efl.Net.Control.access_points. @since 1.19 ]] events { changed; [[Called when some properties were changed.]] } methods { @property powered { [[If $true the technology is available. If $false technology is disabled and if possible rfkill is used.]] get { } set { } values { powered: bool; [[$true if technology is powered, $false otherwise]] } } @property tethering { [[Tethering allows the default access point to be bridged to all clients connected through the technology. A common case is to use the device as a router, such as a phone doing tethering allows a laptop to connect to 4G network. ]] get { } set { } values { enabled: bool; [[Whenever to enable or disable tethering for this technology]] identifier: string @optional; [[The name to identify this tethering, in WiFi it will translate to SSID.]] passphrase: string @optional; [[The passphrase for this tethering access, in WiFi it will translate to WPA passphrase.]] } } @property connected { [[If $true the technology has at least one access point connected.]] get { } values { connected: bool; [[$true if technology is connected, $false otherwise]] } } @property name { [[The user-friendly technology name]] get { } values { name: string; [[Technology name]] } } @property type { [[The technology type, such as "ethernet" or "wifi"]] get { } values { type: Efl.Net.Control.Technology.Type; [[Technology type]] } } scan { [[Explicitly trigger a scan. The scan will happen asynchronously in the background, with the results being delivered by events in the technology, @Efl.Net.Control or @Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point associated with the technology. For example, scan on WiFi will add and delete access points. It is worth to mention that explicit scans should be avoided. Rare cases are when user requested them, like entering a configuration dialog which demands fresh state. Otherwise prefer to let the system passively do scans in a timely manner. ]] return: future; [[Future return for finished background scan]] /* NOTE: This should be future */ } } implements { Efl.Object.destructor; } }