class @beta Efl.Ui.Widget_Factory extends Efl.Loop_Consumer implements Efl.Ui.Factory { [[Efl Ui Factory that provides @Efl.Ui.Widget. This factory is designed to build @Efl.Ui.Widget and optionally set their if it was connected with @Efl.Ui.Property_Bind.property_bind "$style". ]] methods { @property item_class { [[Define the class of the item returned by this factory.]] get {} set {} values { klass: const(Efl.Class); [[The class identifier to create item from.]] } } } implements { Efl.Ui.Factory.create; Efl.Ui.Factory.release; Efl.Ui.Property_Bind.property_bind; } constructors { .item_class @optional; } }