// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All the below types are for Evas 3D type @beta Evas.Real: double; [[A type for floating value]] enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Object_Type { [[Type of 3D Object @since 1.10]] invalid = 0, [[Evas 3D type: invalid]] scene, [[Evas 3D type: scene]] node, [[Evas 3D type: node]] camera, [[Evas 3D type: camera]] light, [[Evas 3D type: light]] model, [[Evas 3D type: model]] mesh, [[Evas 3D type: mesh]] texture, [[Evas 3D type: texture]] material, [[Evas 3D type: material]] primitive [[Evas 3D type: primitive @since 1.15]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.State { [[State of the Evas 3D @since 1.10]] max = 16, [[Evas 3D state: max]] any = 0, [[Evas 3D state: any]] scene_root_node = 1, [[Evas 3D state: scene root node]] scene_camera_node, [[Evas 3D state: scene camera node]] scene_background_color, [[Evas 3D state: scene background color]] scene_size, [[Evas 3D state: scene size]] scene_shadows_enabled, [[Evas 3D state: scene shadows enabled]] scene_updated, [[Evas 3D state: scene updated @since 1.14]] scene_shadows_depth, [[Evas 3D state: scene shadows depth]] scene_render_to_texture, [[Evas 3D state: scene render to texture]] texture_data = 1, [[Evas 3D state: texture data]] texture_wrap, [[Evas 3D state: texture wrap]] texture_filter, [[Evas 3D state: texture filter]] material_id = 1, [[Evas 3D state: material ID]] material_color, [[Evas 3D state: material color]] material_texture, [[Evas 3D state: material texture]] mesh_vertex_count = 1, [[Evas 3D state: mesh vertex count]] mesh_frame, [[Evas 3D state: mesh frame]] mesh_material, [[Evas 3D state: mesh material]] mesh_transform, [[Evas 3D state: mesh transform]] mesh_vertex_data, [[Evas 3D state: mesh vertex data]] mesh_index_data, [[Evas 3D state: mesh index data]] mesh_vertex_assembly, [[Evas 3D state: mesh vertex assembly]] mesh_shader_mode, [[Evas 3D state: mesh shader mode]] mesh_fog, [[Evas 3D state: mesh fog]] mesh_blending, [[Evas 3D state: mesh blending]] mesh_alpha_test, [[Evas 3D state: mesh alpha test]] mesh_color_pick, [[Evas 3D state: mesh color pick]] mesh_shadows_edges_filtering, [[Evas 3D state: mesh shadows edges filtering]] mesh_shadows_constant_bias, [[Evas 3D state: mesh shadows constant bias]] camera_projection = 1, [[Evas 3D state: camera projection]] light_ambient = 1, [[Evas 3D state: light ambient]] light_diffuse, [[Evas 3D state: light diffuse]] light_specular, [[Evas 3D state: light specular]] light_spot_dir, [[Evas 3D state: light spot dir]] light_spot_exp, [[Evas 3D state: light spot exp]] light_spot_cutoff, [[Evas 3D state: light spot cutoff]] light_attenuation, [[Evas 3D state: light attenuation]] light_projection, [[Evas 3D state: light projection]] node_transform_position = 1, [[Evas 3D state: node transform position]] node_transform_orientation, [[Evas 3D state: node transform orientation]] node_transform_scale, [[Evas 3D state: node transform scale]] node_mesh_geometry, [[Evas 3D state: node mesh geometry]] node_mesh_material, [[Evas 3D state: node mesh material]] node_mesh_frame, [[Evas 3D state: node mesh frame]] node_mesh_shader_mode, [[Evas 3D state: node mesh shader mode]] node_mesh_material_id, [[Evas 3D state: node mesh material ID]] node_light, [[Evas 3D state: node light]] node_camera, [[Evas 3D state: node camera]] node_parent_position, [[Evas 3D state: node parent position]] node_parent_orientation, [[Evas 3D state: node parent orientation]] node_parent_scale, [[Evas 3D state: node parent scale]] node_member, [[Evas 3D state: node member]] node_parent_billboard, [[Evas 3D state: node parent billboard @since 1.14]] node_lod [[Evas 3D state: node lod @since 1.18]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Space { [[Transform space @since 1.10]] local = 0, [[Local coordinate space]] parent, [[Parent coordinate space]] world [[World coordinate space]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Node_Type { [[Types of a node @since 1.10]] unknown = -1, [[Unknown node type @since 1.21]] node = 0, [[Node with no items]] camera, [[Node which can contain camera object]] light, [[Node which can contain light object]] mesh [[Node which can contain mesh objects]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Node_Orientation_Type { [[Types of node orientation @since 1.13]] none = 0, [[Node with no orientation properties]] look_at, [[Node orientation is given as a point to look at and a vector that indicates the angle at which the subject is looking at the point]] look_to, [[Node orientation is given as id of another part to look at and a vector that indicates the angle at which the subject is looking at the part]] angle_axis, [[Node orientation is given as an angle and an axis to rotate around]] quaternion [[Node orientation is given as a quaternion]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Index_Format { [[Index formats @since 1.10]] none = 0, [[Indexing is not used]] unsigned_byte, [[Index is of type unsigned byte]] unsigned_short [[Index is of type unsigned short]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Frustum_Mode { [[Frustum modes @since 1.12]] bsphere, [[Bounding sphere]] aabb, [[Axis-aligned bounding box]] central_point [[Central point]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Vertex_Assembly { [[Vertex assembly modes. Vertex assembly represents how the vertices are organized into geometric primitives. @since 1.10]] points = 0, [[A vertex is rendered as a point]] lines, [[Two vertices are organized as a line]] line_strip, [[Vertices are organized as a connected line path]] line_loop, [[Vertices are organized as a closed line path]] triangles, [[Three vertices are organized as a triangle]] triangle_strip, [[Vertices are organized as connected triangles]] triangle_fan [[Vertices are organized as a triangle fan]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Comparison { [[Comparsion functions for testing(alpha, depth, stencil) in fragment shader @since 1.14]] never, [[Never passes]] less, [[Passes if the incoming value is less than the reference value]] equal, [[Passes if the incoming value is equal to the reference value]] lequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is less than or equal to the reference value]] greater, [[Passes if the incoming value is greater than the reference value]] notequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is not equal to the reference value]] gequal, [[Passes if the incoming value is greater than or equal to the reference value]] always [[Always passes (initial value)]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Wrap_Mode { [[Wrap modes for texture units @since 1.14]] clamp = 0, [[Values will be clamped to be in range (min, max)]] repeat, [[Values will be repeated]] reflect [[Values will be repeated in a reflected manner]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Texture_Filter { [[Filters for texture units @since 1.14]] nearest = 0, [[Samples nearest texel]] linear, [[Lineary interpolate nearby texels]] nearest_mipmap_nearest, [[Nearest sampling mipmap]] linear_mipmap_nearest, [[Nearest sampling mipmap and interpolate]] nearest_mipmap_linear, [[Linear sampling in nearest mipmap]] linear_mipmap_linear [[Linear sampling in mipmap and interpolate]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Mesh_Primitive { [[Mesh primitive @since 1.12]] none = 0, [[An empty space]] square, [[One sided square]] cube, [[Cube primitive]] cylinder, [[Cylinder (can use precision and texture scale)]] cone, [[Cone (can use precision and texture scale)]] sphere, [[Sphere (can use precision and texture scale)]] torus, [[Torus (can use ratio, precision and texture scale)]] surface, [[Custom surface (can use pointer to users function, precision and texture scale)]] terrain, [[Terrain as surface with pointer to perlin's noise function]] count [[Sentinel value to indicate last enum field during iteration]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Primitive_Mode { [[Mode of mesh primitive @since 1.15]] default = 0, [[Default mode of primitive]] without_base, [[Primitive without base (supported for cylinder and cone)]] alternative_uv [[Ptimitive with alternative uv (supported for sphere)]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Shader_Mode { [[Shader shade modes @since 1.10]] vertex_color = 0, [[Shaded using vertex color attribute]] diffuse, [[Shaded using material diffuse term]] flat, [[Per-vertex flat lighting]] phong, [[Per-pixel phong shading]] normal_map, [[Per-pixel normal map shading]] shadow_map_render, [[Fragment color is defined by its z-coord]] color_pick, [[Rendering to additional frame bufer]] parallax_occlusion, [[Per-pixel parallax occlusion map shading]] post_processing_FXAA [[Render full screen quard]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Vertex_Attrib { [[Vertex attribute IDs @since 1.10]] position = 0, [[vertex position]] normal, [[vertex normal]] tangent, [[vertex tangent (for normal mapping)]] color, [[vertex color]] texcoord [[vertex texture coordinate]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Blend_Func { [[Blending function @since 1.14]] zero = 0, [[The scale factors for color components is (0, 0, 0, 0)]] one, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1)]] src_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rs/kr, gs/kg, bs/kb, as/ka)]] one_minus_src_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rs/kr, gs/kg, bs/kb, as/ka)]] dst_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rd/kr, gd/kg, bd/kb, ad/ka)]] one_minus_dst_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rd/kr, gd/kg, bd/kb, ad/ka)]] src_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (as/ka, as/ka, as/ka, as/ka)]] one_minus_src_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (as/ka, as/ka, as/ka, as/ka)]] dst_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka)]] one_minus_dst_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka, ad/ka)]] constant_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (rc, gc, bc, ac)]] one_minus_constant_color, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (rc, gc, bc, ac)]] constant_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (ac, ac, ac, ac)]] one_minus_constant_alpha, [[The scale factors for color components is (1, 1, 1, 1) - (ac, ac, ac, ac)]] src_alpha_saturate [[The scale factors for color components is (i, i, i, 1) where i = min(as, ka, ad)/ka]] } enum @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Material_Attrib { [[Material attributes @since 1.10]] ambient = 0, [[ambient term]] diffuse, [[diffuse term]] specular, [[specular term]] emission, [[emission term]] normal [[Normal map term]] } type @beta Evas.Canvas3D.Surface_Func: __undefined_type; [[Evas 3D canvas surface function type]]