/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #ifndef _EET_PRIVATE_H #define _EET_PRIVATE_H #include typedef enum _Eet_Convert_Type Eet_Convert_Type; enum _Eet_Convert_Type { EET_D_NOT_CONVERTED, EET_D_FLOAT, EET_D_DOUBLE, EET_D_FIXED_POINT }; typedef struct _Eet_String Eet_String; struct _Eet_String { const char *mmap; char *str; int hash; int len; int next; int prev; union { float f; double d; Eina_F32p32 fp; } convert; Eet_Convert_Type type; }; struct _Eet_Dictionary { Eet_String *all; int size; int offset; int hash[256]; int count; int total; const char *start; const char *end; }; struct _Eet_Node { int type; int count; const char *name; const char *key; Eet_Node *values; Eet_Node *next; Eet_Node *parent; union { char c; short s; int i; long long l; float f; double d; unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long long ul; const char *str; } data; }; /* * variable and macros used for the eina_log module */ extern int _eet_log_dom_global; /* * Macros that are used everywhere * * the first four macros are the general macros for the lib */ #ifdef EET_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR # undef EET_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR #endif #define EET_DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR EINA_COLOR_CYAN #ifdef ERR # undef ERR #endif #define ERR(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(_eet_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef DBG # undef DBG #endif #define DBG(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(_eet_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef INF # undef INF #endif #define INF(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(_eet_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef WRN # undef WRN #endif #define WRN(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(_eet_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef CRIT # undef CRIT #endif #define CRIT(...) EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(_eet_log_dom_global, __VA_ARGS__) Eet_Dictionary *eet_dictionary_add(void); void eet_dictionary_free(Eet_Dictionary *ed); int eet_dictionary_string_add(Eet_Dictionary *ed, const char *string); int eet_dictionary_string_get_size(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index); const char *eet_dictionary_string_get_char(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index); Eina_Bool eet_dictionary_string_get_float(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index, float *result); Eina_Bool eet_dictionary_string_get_double(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index, double *result); Eina_Bool eet_dictionary_string_get_fp(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index, Eina_F32p32 *result); int eet_dictionary_string_get_hash(const Eet_Dictionary *ed, int index); int _eet_hash_gen(const char *key, int hash_size); const void* eet_identity_check(const void *data_base, unsigned int data_length, void **sha1, int *sha1_length, const void *signature_base, unsigned int signature_length, const void **raw_signature_base, unsigned int *raw_signature_length, int *x509_length); void *eet_identity_compute_sha1(const void *data_base, unsigned int data_length, int *sha1_length); Eet_Error eet_cipher(const void *data, unsigned int size, const char *key, unsigned int length, void **result, unsigned int *result_length); Eet_Error eet_decipher(const void *data, unsigned int size, const char *key, unsigned int length, void **result, unsigned int *result_length); Eet_Error eet_identity_sign(FILE *fp, Eet_Key *key); void eet_identity_unref(Eet_Key *key); void eet_identity_ref(Eet_Key *key); #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif #ifdef DNDEBUG #define EET_ASSERT(Test, Do) if (Test == 0) Do; #else #define EET_ASSERT(Test, Do) if (Test == 0) abort(); #endif #endif