#ifndef _EMBRYO_PRIVATE_H #define _EMBRYO_PRIVATE_H #include "Embryo.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_ALLOCA_H #include #endif typedef enum _Embryo_Opcode Embryo_Opcode; enum _Embryo_Opcode { EMBRYO_OP_NONE, EMBRYO_OP_LOAD_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_LOAD_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_LOAD_S_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_LOAD_S_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_LREF_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_LREF_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_LREF_S_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_LREF_S_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_LOAD_I, EMBRYO_OP_LODB_I, EMBRYO_OP_CONST_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_CONST_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_ADDR_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_ADDR_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_STOR_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_STOR_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_STOR_S_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_STOR_S_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_SREF_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SREF_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_SREF_S_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SREF_S_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_STOR_I, EMBRYO_OP_STRB_I, EMBRYO_OP_LIDX, EMBRYO_OP_LIDX_B, EMBRYO_OP_IDXADDR, EMBRYO_OP_IDXADDR_B, EMBRYO_OP_ALIGN_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_ALIGN_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_LCTRL, EMBRYO_OP_SCTRL, EMBRYO_OP_MOVE_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_MOVE_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_XCHG, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH_R, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH_C, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH, EMBRYO_OP_PUSH_S, EMBRYO_OP_POP_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_POP_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_STACK, EMBRYO_OP_HEAP, EMBRYO_OP_PROC, EMBRYO_OP_RET, EMBRYO_OP_RETN, EMBRYO_OP_CALL, EMBRYO_OP_CALL_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_JUMP, EMBRYO_OP_JREL, EMBRYO_OP_JZER, EMBRYO_OP_JNZ, EMBRYO_OP_JEQ, EMBRYO_OP_JNEQ, EMBRYO_OP_JLESS, EMBRYO_OP_JLEQ, EMBRYO_OP_JGRTR, EMBRYO_OP_JGEQ, EMBRYO_OP_JSLESS, EMBRYO_OP_JSLEQ, EMBRYO_OP_JSGRTR, EMBRYO_OP_JSGEQ, EMBRYO_OP_SHL, EMBRYO_OP_SHR, EMBRYO_OP_SSHR, EMBRYO_OP_SHL_C_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SHL_C_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_SHR_C_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SHR_C_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_SMUL, EMBRYO_OP_SDIV, EMBRYO_OP_SDIV_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_UMUL, EMBRYO_OP_UDIV, EMBRYO_OP_UDIV_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_ADD, EMBRYO_OP_SUB, EMBRYO_OP_SUB_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_AND, EMBRYO_OP_OR, EMBRYO_OP_XOR, EMBRYO_OP_NOT, EMBRYO_OP_NEG, EMBRYO_OP_INVERT, EMBRYO_OP_ADD_C, EMBRYO_OP_SMUL_C, EMBRYO_OP_ZERO_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_ZERO_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_ZERO, EMBRYO_OP_ZERO_S, EMBRYO_OP_SIGN_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SIGN_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_EQ, EMBRYO_OP_NEQ, EMBRYO_OP_LESS, EMBRYO_OP_LEQ, EMBRYO_OP_GRTR, EMBRYO_OP_GEQ, EMBRYO_OP_SLESS, EMBRYO_OP_SLEQ, EMBRYO_OP_SGRTR, EMBRYO_OP_SGEQ, EMBRYO_OP_EQ_C_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_EQ_C_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_INC_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_INC_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_INC, EMBRYO_OP_INC_S, EMBRYO_OP_INC_I, EMBRYO_OP_DEC_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_DEC_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_DEC, EMBRYO_OP_DEC_S, EMBRYO_OP_DEC_I, EMBRYO_OP_MOVS, EMBRYO_OP_CMPS, EMBRYO_OP_FILL, EMBRYO_OP_HALT, EMBRYO_OP_BOUNDS, EMBRYO_OP_SYSREQ_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SYSREQ_C, EMBRYO_OP_FILE, EMBRYO_OP_LINE, EMBRYO_OP_SYMBOL, EMBRYO_OP_SRANGE, EMBRYO_OP_JUMP_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SWITCH, EMBRYO_OP_CASETBL, EMBRYO_OP_SWAP_PRI, EMBRYO_OP_SWAP_ALT, EMBRYO_OP_PUSHADDR, EMBRYO_OP_NOP, EMBRYO_OP_SYSREQ_D, EMBRYO_OP_SYMTAG, /* ----- */ EMBRYO_OP_NUM_OPCODES }; #define NUMENTRIES(hdr, field, nextfield) \ (int)(((hdr)->nextfield - (hdr)->field) / (hdr)->defsize) #define GETENTRY(hdr, table, index) \ (Embryo_Func_Stub *)((unsigned char*)(hdr) + \ (int)(hdr)->table + index * (hdr)->defsize) #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN static int __inline __entryswap32(int v) {int vv; vv = v; embryo_swap_32((unsigned int *)&vv); return vv;} # define GETENTRYNAME(hdr, entry) \ (((hdr)->defsize == 2 * sizeof(unsigned int)) \ ? (char *)((unsigned char*)(hdr) + \ __entryswap32(*((unsigned int *)(entry) + 1))) \ : (entry)->name) #else # define GETENTRYNAME(hdr, entry) \ (((hdr)->defsize == 2 * sizeof(unsigned int)) \ ? (char *)((unsigned char*)(hdr) + *((unsigned int *)(entry) + 1)) \ : (entry)->name) #endif #define CUR_FILE_VERSION 7 /* current file version; also the current Embryo_Program version */ #define MIN_FILE_VERSION 7 /* lowest supported file format version for the current Embryo_Program version */ #define MIN_AMX_VERSION 7 /* minimum Embryo_Program version needed to support the current file format */ #define sEXPMAX 19 /* maximum name length for file version <= 6 */ #define sNAMEMAX 31 /* maximum name length of symbol name */ #define EMBRYO_MAGIC 0xf1e0 /* magic byte pattern */ #define EMBRYO_FLAG_COMPACT 0x04 /* compact encoding */ #define EMBRYO_FLAG_RELOC 0x8000 /* jump/call addresses relocated */ #define GETPARAM(v) (v = *(Embryo_Cell *)cip++) #define PUSH(v) (stk -= sizeof(Embryo_Cell), *(Embryo_Cell *)(data + (int)stk) = v) #define POP(v) (v = *(Embryo_Cell *)(data + (int)stk), stk += sizeof(Embryo_Cell)) #define ABORT(ep,v) {(ep)->stk = reset_stk; (ep)->hea = reset_hea; ep->run_count--; ep->error = v; return 0;} #define OK(ep,v) {(ep)->stk = reset_stk; (ep)->hea = reset_hea; ep->run_count--; ep->error = v; return 1;} #define STKMARGIN ((Embryo_Cell)(16 * sizeof(Embryo_Cell))) #define CHKMARGIN() if ((hea + STKMARGIN) > stk) {ep->error = EMBRYO_ERROR_STACKERR; return 0;} #define CHKSTACK() if (stk > ep->stp) {ep->run_count--; ep->error = EMBRYO_ERROR_STACKLOW; return 0;} #define CHKHEAP() if (hea < ep->hlw) {ep->run_count--; ep->error = EMBRYO_ERROR_HEAPLOW; return 0;} #define CHKMEM(x) if ((((x) >= hea) && ((x) < stk)) || ((Embryo_UCell)(x) >= (Embryo_UCell)ep->stp)) ABORT(ep, EMBRYO_ERROR_MEMACCESS); typedef struct _Embryo_Param Embryo_Param; typedef struct _Embryo_Header Embryo_Header; typedef struct _Embryo_Func_Stub Embryo_Func_Stub; typedef Embryo_Cell (*Embryo_Native)(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params); struct _Embryo_Param { char *string; Embryo_Cell *cell_array; int cell_array_size; Embryo_Cell cell; }; struct _Embryo_Program { unsigned char *base; /* points to the Embryo_Program header ("ephdr") plus the code, optionally also the data */ /* for external functions a few registers must be accessible from the outside */ Embryo_Cell cip; /* instruction pointer: relative to base + ephdr->cod */ Embryo_Cell frm; /* stack frame base: relative to base + ephdr->dat */ Embryo_Cell hea; /* top of the heap: relative to base + ephdr->dat */ Embryo_Cell hlw; /* bottom of the heap: relative to base + ephdr->dat */ Embryo_Cell stk; /* stack pointer: relative to base + ephdr->dat */ Embryo_Cell stp; /* top of the stack: relative to base + ephdr->dat */ int flags; /* current status */ /* native functions can raise an error */ int error; /* the sleep opcode needs to store the full Embryo_Program status */ Embryo_Cell pri; Embryo_Cell alt; Embryo_Cell reset_stk; Embryo_Cell reset_hea; Embryo_Cell *syscall_d; /* relocated value/address for the SYSCALL.D opcode */ /* extended stuff */ Embryo_Native *native_calls; int native_calls_size; int native_calls_alloc; unsigned char *code; unsigned char dont_free_code : 1; Embryo_Cell retval; Embryo_Param *params; int params_size; int params_alloc; int run_count; void *data; }; struct _Embryo_Func_Stub { int address; char name[sEXPMAX+1]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct _Embryo_Header { unsigned int size; /* size of the "file" */ unsigned short magic; /* signature */ char file_version; /* file format version */ char ep_version; /* required version of the Embryo_Program */ short flags; short defsize; /* size of a definition record */ int cod; /* initial value of COD - code block */ int dat; /* initial value of DAT - data block */ int hea; /* initial value of HEA - start of the heap */ int stp; /* initial value of STP - stack top */ int cip; /* initial value of CIP - the instruction pointer */ int publics; /* offset to the "public functions" table */ int natives; /* offset to the "native functions" table */ int libraries; /* offset to the table of libraries */ int pubvars; /* the "public variables" table */ int tags; /* the "public tagnames" table */ int nametable; /* name table, file version 7 only */ } __attribute__((packed)); void _embryo_fp_init(Embryo_Program *ep); void _embryo_rand_init(Embryo_Program *ep); void _embryo_str_init(Embryo_Program *ep); void _embryo_time_init(Embryo_Program *ep); #endif