#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #include "Elementary.h" #include "elm_code_private.h" static Elm_Code_Line *_elm_code_file_line_blank_create(Elm_Code_File *file, int line, void *data) { Elm_Code_Line *ecl; ecl = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Code_Line)); if (!ecl) return NULL; ecl->file = file; ecl->number = line; ecl->status = ELM_CODE_STATUS_TYPE_DEFAULT; ecl->data = data; return ecl; } static Elm_Code_File_Line_Ending _elm_code_line_ending_get(const char *ending) { switch (*ending) { case '\r': return ELM_CODE_FILE_LINE_ENDING_WINDOWS; default: return ELM_CODE_FILE_LINE_ENDING_UNIX; } } static void _elm_code_file_line_insert_data(Elm_Code_File *file, const char *content, unsigned int length, unsigned int row, Eina_Bool mapped, void *data) { Elm_Code_Line *line, *after; line = _elm_code_file_line_blank_create(file, row, data); if (!line) return; if (mapped) { line->content = content; line->length = length; } else { line->modified = malloc(sizeof(char)*(length+1)); strncpy(line->modified, content, length); line->modified[length] = 0; line->length = length; } if (row == 1) file->lines = eina_list_prepend(file->lines, line); else if (row == eina_list_count(file->lines) + 1) file->lines = eina_list_append(file->lines, line); else { after = eina_list_nth(file->lines, row - 2); file->lines = eina_list_append_relative(file->lines, line, after); } if (file->parent) { _elm_code_parse_line(file->parent, line); elm_code_callback_fire(file->parent, &ELM_CODE_EVENT_LINE_LOAD_DONE, line); } } EAPI const char *elm_code_file_filename_get(Elm_Code_File *file) { return basename((char *)eina_file_filename_get(file->file)); } EAPI const char *elm_code_file_path_get(Elm_Code_File *file) { return eina_file_filename_get(file->file); } EAPI char *_elm_code_file_tmp_path_get(Elm_Code_File *file) { const char *name, *path; char *tmp; size_t dirlen; path = elm_code_file_path_get(file); name = elm_code_file_filename_get(file); dirlen = strlen(path) - strlen(name); tmp = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(path) + 6)); snprintf(tmp, dirlen + 1, "%s", path); snprintf(tmp + dirlen, strlen(name) + 6, ".%s.tmp", name); return tmp; } EAPI Elm_Code_File *elm_code_file_new(Elm_Code *code) { Elm_Code_File *ret; if (code->file) elm_code_file_free(code->file); ret = calloc(1, sizeof(Elm_Code_File)); code->file = ret; ret->parent = code; return ret; } EAPI Elm_Code_File *elm_code_file_open(Elm_Code *code, const char *path) { Elm_Code_File *ret; Eina_File *file; Eina_File_Line *line; Eina_Iterator *it; unsigned int lastindex; ret = elm_code_file_new(code); file = eina_file_open(path, EINA_FALSE); ret->file = file; lastindex = 1; ret->map = eina_file_map_all(file, EINA_FILE_POPULATE); it = eina_file_map_lines(file); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, line) { Elm_Code_Line *ecl; if (lastindex == 1) ret->line_ending = _elm_code_line_ending_get(line->start + line->length); /* Working around the issue that eina_file_map_lines does not trigger an item for empty lines */ /* This was fixed in 1.13.99 so once we depend on 1.14 minimum this can go */ while (lastindex < line->index - 1) { ecl = _elm_code_file_line_blank_create(ret, ++lastindex, NULL); if (!ecl) continue; ret->lines = eina_list_append(ret->lines, ecl); } _elm_code_file_line_insert_data(ret, line->start, line->length, lastindex = line->index, EINA_TRUE, NULL); } eina_iterator_free(it); if (ret->parent) { _elm_code_parse_file(ret->parent, ret); elm_code_callback_fire(ret->parent, &ELM_CODE_EVENT_FILE_LOAD_DONE, ret); } return ret; } EAPI void elm_code_file_save(Elm_Code_File *file) { Eina_List *item; Elm_Code *code; Elm_Code_Line *line_item; const char *path, *content, *crchars; char *tmp; unsigned int length; short crlength; FILE *out; code = file->parent; path = elm_code_file_path_get(file); tmp = _elm_code_file_tmp_path_get(file); crchars = elm_code_file_line_ending_chars_get(file, &crlength); out = fopen(tmp, "w"); if (out == NULL) { free(tmp); return; } EINA_LIST_FOREACH(file->lines, item, line_item) { if (code && code->config.trim_whitespace && !elm_code_line_contains_widget_cursor(line_item)) elm_code_line_text_trailing_whitespace_strip(line_item); content = elm_code_line_text_get(line_item, &length); fwrite(content, sizeof(char), length, out); fwrite(crchars, sizeof(char), crlength, out); } fclose(out); ecore_file_mv(tmp, path); free(tmp); if (file->parent) { _elm_code_parse_reset_file(file->parent, file); _elm_code_parse_file(file->parent, file); elm_code_callback_fire(file->parent, &ELM_CODE_EVENT_FILE_LOAD_DONE, file); } } EAPI void elm_code_file_free(Elm_Code_File *file) { Elm_Code_Line *l; EINA_LIST_FREE(file->lines, l) { elm_code_line_free(l); } elm_code_file_close(file); free(file); } EAPI void elm_code_file_close(Elm_Code_File *file) { if (!file->file) return; if (file->map) eina_file_map_free(file->file, file->map); eina_file_close(file->file); file->file = NULL; } EAPI Elm_Code_File_Line_Ending elm_code_file_line_ending_get(Elm_Code_File *file) { return file->line_ending; } EAPI const char *elm_code_file_line_ending_chars_get(Elm_Code_File *file, short *length) { if (length) { if (elm_code_file_line_ending_get(file) == ELM_CODE_FILE_LINE_ENDING_WINDOWS) *length = 2; else *length = 1; } if (elm_code_file_line_ending_get(file) == ELM_CODE_FILE_LINE_ENDING_WINDOWS) return "\r\n"; return "\n"; } EAPI void elm_code_file_clear(Elm_Code_File *file) { Elm_Code_Line *l; EINA_LIST_FREE(file->lines, l) { elm_code_line_free(l); } if (file->parent) elm_code_callback_fire(file->parent, &ELM_CODE_EVENT_FILE_LOAD_DONE, file); } EAPI unsigned int elm_code_file_lines_get(Elm_Code_File *file) { return eina_list_count(file->lines); } EAPI void elm_code_file_line_append(Elm_Code_File *file, const char *line, int length, void *data) { int row; row = elm_code_file_lines_get(file) + 1; _elm_code_file_line_insert_data(file, line, length, row, EINA_FALSE, data); } EAPI void elm_code_file_line_insert(Elm_Code_File *file, unsigned int row, const char *line, int length, void *data) { Eina_List *item; Elm_Code_Line *line_item; unsigned int r; _elm_code_file_line_insert_data(file, line, length, row, EINA_FALSE, data); r = row; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(file->lines, item, line_item) { if (line_item->number < row) continue; line_item->number = r++; } } EAPI void elm_code_file_line_remove(Elm_Code_File *file, unsigned int row) { Eina_List *item, *next; Elm_Code_Line *line_item, *tofree = NULL; unsigned int r; r = row; EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(file->lines, item, next, line_item) { if (line_item->number < row) continue; else if (line_item->number == row) { tofree = line_item; file->lines = eina_list_remove_list(file->lines, item); continue; } line_item->number = r++; } if (tofree) elm_code_line_free(tofree); } EAPI Elm_Code_Line *elm_code_file_line_get(Elm_Code_File *file, unsigned int number) { return eina_list_nth(file->lines, number - 1); }