import eina_types; function EflIoFilter { [[EflIoFilter function]] params { @in model: Efl.Io.Model; @in entry: ptr(Eina.File_Direct_Info); } return: int; }; class @beta Efl.Io.Model extends Efl.Loop_Model { [[Efl Io model class]] methods { children_filter_set { [[Set children filter callback. This function sets, along with user's private data userdata, the Eio's Eio_Filter_Direct_Cb which is a mid-step before receiving the real data. Once in filter callback we can decide, by returning either EINA_FALSE, to abort the notification or EINA_TRUE to keep it. See also @Efl.Model.children_slice_get. @since 1.11 ]] params { filter: EflIoFilter; [[Filter callback]] } } @property path { [[ Define the root path of a model. @since 1.11 ]] set { [[ Only possible during construction. ]] } get { } values { path: string; [[ Root path of the model. ]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.invalidate; Efl.Object.destructor; { get; } { set; get; } Efl.Model.child_add; Efl.Model.child_del; Efl.Model.children_slice_get; Efl.Model.children_count { get; } } }