enum Efl.Canvas.Vg.Fill_Mode { [[Enumeration that defines how viewbox will be filled int the vg canvs's viewport. default Fill_Mode is $none]] none, [[Don't scale the viewbox. Placed it inside viewport taking align property into account]] stretch, [[Scale the viewbox so that it matches the canvas viewport. Aaspect ratio might be changed.]] meet, [[Scale the viewbox so that it fits inside canvas viewport while maintaining the aspect ratio. At least one of the dimensions of the viewbox should be equal to the corresponding dimension of the viewport.]] slice [[Scale the viewbox so that it covers the entire canvas viewport while maintaining the aspect ratio. At least one of the dimensions of the viewbox should be equal to the corresponding dimension of the viewport.]] } class @beta Efl.Canvas.Vg.Object extends Efl.Canvas.Object implements Efl.File, Efl.File_Save { [[Efl vector graphics class]] methods { @property fill_mode { [[Control how the viewbox is mapped to the vg canvas's viewport.]] values { fill_mode: Efl.Canvas.Vg.Fill_Mode; [[Fill mode type]] } } @property viewbox { get { [[Get the current viewbox from the evas_object_vg]] } set { [[Sets the viewbox for the evas vg canvas. viewbox if set should be mapped to the canvas geometry when rendering the vg tree.]] } values { viewbox: Eina.Rect; [[viewbox for the vg canvas]] } } @property viewbox_align { [[Control how the viewbox is positioned inside the viewport.]] values { align_x: double(0.0); [[Alignment in the horizontal axis (0 <= align_x <= 1).]] align_y: double(0.0); [[Alignment in the vertical axis (0 <= align_y <= 1).]] } } @property root_node { get { [[Get the root node of the evas_object_vg. @since 1.14]] } set { [[Set the root node of the evas_object_vg. Note: To manually create the shape object and show in the Vg object canvas you must create the hierarchy and set as root node. It takes the ownership of the root node. ]] } values { root: Efl.Canvas.Vg.Node; [[Root node of the VG canvas.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.finalize; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.File.load; Efl.File.unload; Efl.File.loaded { get; } Efl.File_Save.save; } }