/* Edje signaling interface. Note: This API must be manually bound in other languages as this uses function pointers! This is by design, to keep the API simple. If function pointers really become allowed in EO this needs to be altered to match that. */ function EflLayoutSignalCb { [[EflLayoutSignalCb function that is called when a specifc pair of signal/emision is triggered @since 1.22 ]] params { @in object: Efl.Layout.Signal; [[The object the callback is being triggered from.]] @in emission: string; [[The name component of the signal.]] @in source: string; [[The source of a signal used as context.]] } }; interface Efl.Layout.Signal { [[Layouts asynchronous messaging and signaling interface. @since 1.22 ]] methods { // FIXME: There is no message_handler in EO! message_send { [[Sends an (Edje) message to a given Edje object This function sends an Edje message to obj and to all of its child objects, if it has any (swallowed objects are one kind of child object). Only a few types are supported: - int, - float/double, - string/stringshare, - arrays of int, float, double or strings. Messages can go both ways, from code to theme, or theme to code. The id argument as a form of code and theme defining a common interface on message communication. One should define the same IDs on both code and EDC declaration, to individualize messages (binding them to a given context). ]] params { @in id: int; [[A identification number for the message to be sent]] @in msg: const(any_value); [[The message's payload]] } } signal_callback_add { [[Adds a callback for an arriving Edje signal, emitted by a given Edje object. Edje signals are one of the communication interfaces between code and a given Edje object's theme. With signals, one can communicate two string values at a time, which are: - "emission" value: the name of the signal, in general - "source" value: a name for the signal's context, in general Signals can go both ways, from code to theme, or theme to code. Though there are those common uses for the two strings, one is free to use them however they like. Signal callback registration is powerful, in the way that blobs may be used to match multiple signals at once. All the "*?[\" set of $fnmatch() operators can be used, both for emission and source. Edje has internal signals it will emit, automatically, on various actions taking place on group parts. For example, the mouse cursor being moved, pressed, released, etc., over a given part's area, all generate individual signals. With something like emission = "mouse,down,*", source = "button.*" where "button.*" is the pattern for the names of parts implementing buttons on an interface, you'd be registering for notifications on events of mouse buttons being pressed down on either of those parts (those events all have the "mouse,down," common prefix on their names, with a suffix giving the button number). The actual emission and source strings of an event will be passed in as the emission and source parameters of the callback function (e.g. "mouse,down,2" and "button.close"), for each of those events. See also the Edje Data Collection Reference for EDC files. See @.signal_emit on how to emit signals from code to a an object See @.signal_callback_del. ]] params { @in emission: string; [[The signal's "emission" string]] @in source: string; [[The signal's "source" string]] @in func: EflLayoutSignalCb; [[The callback function to be executed when the signal is emitted.]] } return: bool; [[$true in case of success, $false in case of error.]] } signal_callback_del { [[Removes a signal-triggered callback from an object. This function removes a callback, previously attached to the emission of a signal, from the object obj. The parameters emission, source and func must match exactly those passed to a previous call to @.signal_callback_add(). See @.signal_callback_add. ]] params { @in emission: string; [[The signal's "emission" string]] @in source: string; [[The signal's "source" string]] @in func: EflLayoutSignalCb; [[The callback function to be executed when the signal is emitted.]] } return: bool; [[$true in case of success, $false in case of error.]] } signal_emit { [[Sends/emits an Edje signal to this layout. This function sends a signal to the object. An Edje program, at the EDC specification level, can respond to a signal by having declared matching "signal" and "source" fields on its block. See also the Edje Data Collection Reference for EDC files. See @.signal_callback_add() for more on Edje signals. ]] params { @in emission: string; [[The signal's "emission" string]] @in source: string; [[The signal's "source" string]] } } signal_process { [[Processes an object's messages and signals queue. This function goes through the object message queue processing the pending messages for this specific Edje object. Normally they'd be processed only at idle time. If $recurse is $true, this function will be called recursively on all subobjects. ]] // FIXME: Should be $true by default! params { recurse: bool @optional; [[Whether to process messages on children objects.]] } } } }