#define EFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT 1 #include #include #include #include "efl_ui_grid_view.eo.h" static Ecore_Evas *ee; static Eina_Value _deliverty_cb(void *data, const Eina_Value value, const Eina_Future *dead_future EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer buffer = (intptr_t)data; Eina_Content *content; if (eina_value_type_get(&value) != EINA_VALUE_TYPE_CONTENT) { char *error = eina_value_to_string(&value); printf("Value not a content, message: \"%s\"\n", error); return EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; } content = eina_value_to_content(&value); printf("Got Content of selection %d with type %s\n", buffer, eina_content_type_get(content)); if (eina_str_has_prefix(eina_content_type_get(content),"text")) { printf("Content: %s\n", (char*)eina_content_data_get(content).mem); } return EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; } static void _selection_changed(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection) { printf("Selection %d of %p has changed\n", selection, ee); } static void _request_selection(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, Ecore_Evas_Selection_Buffer selection) { const char *types[] = {eina_stringshare_add("text/plain"), eina_stringshare_add("text/plain;charset=utf-8")}; printf("Selection %d of %p has changed\n", selection, ee); Eina_Future *future = ecore_evas_selection_get(ee, 0, selection, EINA_C_ARRAY_ITERATOR_NEW(types)); eina_future_then(future, _deliverty_cb, .data = ((void*)(intptr_t)selection)); } static void _motion_cb(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Position2D p) { printf("Drag and Drop has moved on the window %p (%d, %d)\n", ee, p.x, p.y); } static void _enter_state_change_cb(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Position2D p, Eina_Bool inside) { if (inside) printf("Drag and Drop has entered the window %p (%d, %d)\n", ee, p.x, p.y); else printf("Drag and Drop has left the window %p (%d, %d)\n", ee, p.x, p.y); } static void _drop_cb(Ecore_Evas *ee, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, Eina_Position2D p, const char *action EINA_UNUSED) { const char *types[] = {eina_stringshare_add("text/plain")}; printf("Drag and Drop has droped on the window %p (%d, %d)\n", ee, p.x, p.y); Eina_Future *f = ecore_evas_selection_get(ee, 0, ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER, EINA_C_ARRAY_ITERATOR_NEW(types)); eina_future_then(f, _deliverty_cb, .data = ((void*)(intptr_t)ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_DRAG_AND_DROP_BUFFER)); } static void _efl_ui_terminated(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED, unsigned int seat EINA_UNUSED, void *data, Eina_Bool accepted EINA_UNUSED) { efl_del(data); } static Eo* _start_dnd(Ecore_Evas *ee) { Ecore_Evas *ee2; Eina_Content *content = eina_content_new((Eina_Slice)EINA_SLICE_STR_FULL("This is sample content"), "text/plain"); Efl_Ui_Win *win; Efl_Ui_Button *btn; win = efl_add(EFL_UI_WIN_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get()); ee2 = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(win)); btn = efl_add(EFL_UI_BUTTON_CLASS, win); efl_text_set(btn, "Test"); efl_content_set(win, btn); evas_object_geometry_set(win, 0, 0, 100, 100); ecore_evas_drag_start(ee, 0, content, ee2, "copy", _efl_ui_terminated, win); return win; } static void _start_op(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) { _start_dnd(data); } static Eina_Value _delete_cb(Eo *obj, void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Eina_Value value EINA_UNUSED) { Ecore_Evas *ee ; ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(obj)); ecore_evas_drag_cancel(ee, 0); return EINA_VALUE_EMPTY; } static void _start_delayed_del_op(void *data, const Efl_Event *ev EINA_UNUSED) { _start_dnd(data); efl_future_then(ev->object, efl_loop_timeout(efl_main_loop_get(), 2.0), _delete_cb); } EAPI_MAIN void efl_main(void *data EINA_UNUSED, const Efl_Event *ev) { Efl_Ui_Textbox *txt, *win, *bx, *btn; Efl_Loop_Arguments *args = ev->info; char *goal; win = efl_add(EFL_UI_WIN_CLASS, efl_main_loop_get()); ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(win)); bx = efl_add(EFL_UI_BOX_CLASS, win); txt = efl_add(EFL_UI_TEXTBOX_CLASS, win); efl_text_set(txt, "Sample for CNP and DND interaction"); efl_pack_end(bx, txt); btn = efl_add(EFL_UI_BUTTON_CLASS, win); efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(btn, 1.0, 0.0); efl_event_callback_add(btn, EFL_INPUT_EVENT_PRESSED, _start_op, ee); efl_text_set(btn, "Start DND op"); efl_pack_end(bx, btn); btn = efl_add(EFL_UI_BUTTON_CLASS, win); efl_gfx_hint_weight_set(btn, 1.0, 0.0); efl_event_callback_add(btn, EFL_INPUT_EVENT_PRESSED, _start_delayed_del_op, ee); efl_text_set(btn, "Start DND op self destroy after 2 sec"); efl_pack_end(bx, btn); efl_content_set(win, bx); efl_gfx_entity_size_set(win, EINA_SIZE2D(320, 320)); goal = eina_array_data_get(args->argv, 1); if (eina_streq(goal, "--monitor")) { ecore_evas_callback_selection_changed_set(ee, _selection_changed); ecore_evas_callback_drop_drop_set(ee, _drop_cb); ecore_evas_callback_drop_motion_set(ee, _motion_cb); ecore_evas_callback_drop_state_changed_set(ee, _enter_state_change_cb); } else if (eina_streq(goal, "--show-selections")) { ecore_evas_callback_selection_changed_set(ee, _request_selection); } else if (eina_streq(goal, "--set-selection")) { if (eina_array_count(args->argv) < 3) { printf("Error, --set-selection only requires exactly 1 keyword (The selection to set).\n"); return; } char *selection = eina_array_data_get(args->argv, 2); Eina_Content *content = eina_content_new((Eina_Slice)EINA_SLICE_STR_FULL(selection), "text/plain"); ecore_evas_selection_set(ee, 0, ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_COPY_AND_PASTE_BUFFER, content); } else if (eina_streq(goal, "--show-owner")) { for (int i = 0; i < ECORE_EVAS_SELECTION_BUFFER_LAST; ++i) { printf("Selection buffer %d : %d\n", i, ecore_evas_selection_exists(ee, 0, i)); } } else { printf("Error, goal %s not found\n", goal); } } EFL_MAIN()