struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Request_Range { [[Representing the range of a request.]] start_id : uint; [[The first item that must be filled into the passed slice.]] end_id : uint; [[The last item that must be filled into the passed slice.]] } struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Entity{ [[Struct that is getting filled by the object function callback.]] entity : Efl.Gfx.Entity; [[The canvas object.]] element_depth : ubyte; [[The depth change in this returned entity. Every Element has a depth, if the parent is $null the depth is 0. Every step deeper into the hierarchy is exactly one depth deeper. If this depth has been different to the previous item, then this element can be seen as the group leader. The following elements with the same depth are in the same group.]] depth_leader : bool; [[$true if this is the leader of a group]] } struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Entity{ [[Struct that is getting filled by the size function callback.]] size : Eina.Size2D; [[The size of the element.]] element_depth : ubyte; [[The depth change in this returned entity. Every Element has a depth, if the parent is $null the depth is 0. Every step deeper into the hierarchy is exactly one depth deeper. If this depth has been different to the previous item, then this element can be seen as the group leader. The following elements with the same depth are in the same group.]] depth_leader : bool; [[$true if this is the leader of a group]] } struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Result { [[Struct returned by the size access callback.]] parent_size : Eina.Size2D; [[The group size of the group where the first item is part of.]] parent_depth : ubyte; [[The depth of the parent]] filled_items : uint; [[The number of items that are filled into the slice.]] } struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Call_Config { [[Struct that is returned by the function callbacks.]] range : Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Request_Range; [[The range of items to fill into @.memory. The length of memory must be bigger or equal to the requested items]] // This struct does not contain a @.memory field. cache_request : bool; [[Indicate if this request is made for caching or displaying. If it's for caching, the data-provider will fill in approximations, instead of doing heavy lifting from some back-end. If this is not a caching call, the exact size should be requested and delivered at some later point.]] } struct @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Result { [[Struct returned by the object access callback]] group : Efl.Ui.Item; [[The group where the first item is part of]] parent_depth : ubyte; [[The depth of the parent]] filled_items : uint; [[The number of items that are filled into the slice]] } function @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Callback { [[ Function callback for getting a batch of items.]] params { range : Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Request_Range; [[The range of items to fill into @.memory. The length of memory must be bigger or equal to the requested items]] memory : rw_slice; [[The slice to fill the information in, the full slice will be filled if there are enough items. ]] } return: Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Result; [[The returned stats of this function call.]] }; function @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Callback { [[ Function callback for getting sizes of a batch of items.]] params { conf : Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Call_Config; [[The configuration for this call.]] memory : rw_slice; [[The slice to fill the information in, the full slice will be filled if there are enough items.]] } return: Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Result; [[The returned stats of this function call]] }; interface @beta Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Data_Access_V1 { [[Interface for abstracting the data access of the position managers. The idea here is that a data-provider calls @.data_access on the position manager object and passes the functions that are defined here. Later, the position manager can call these function callbacks to get sizes or objects. A data-provider should always fill all requested items. If an item is not available $null should be inserted. If a size is not available, an as-close-as-possible approximation should be inserted. The Size callback is equipped with a parameter to specify caching requests. This flag can be used to differentiate between two use cases: When the size is being requested to build up a cache over all items, and when the size is being requested to apply it to the object. Since the data-provider might need to do expensive operations to find the exact size, the as-close-as-possible approximation is usually enough when building caches. If real object placement is happening, then real sizes must be requested. If a size changes after it was returned due to batching, this change still should be announced with the @Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Entity.item_size_changed function. The depth of the items is used to express a hierarchical structure on the items themselves. Any given depth might or might not have a $depth_leader. A group is ended when there is either a lower depth, or another $depth_leader. ]] methods { @property data_access { [[This gives access to items to be managed. The manager reads this information and modifies the retrieved items' positions and sizes. $obj_access gives access to the graphical entities to manage. Some of them might be $NULL, meaning they are not yet ready to be displayed. Their size in the $size_access array will be correct, though, so other entities can still be positioned correctly. Typically, only entities inside the viewport will be retrieved. $size_access gives access to the 2D sizes for the items to manage. All sizes will always be valid, and might change over time (indicated through the @Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Entity.item_size_changed method). The whole range might need to be traversed in order to calculate the position of all items in some arrangements. You can access a batch of objects or sizes by calling the here passed function callbacks. Further details can be found at the function definitions. ]] set { } values { obj_access : Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Callback; [[Function callback for canvas objects, even if the start_id is valid, the returned objects may be $NULL.]] size_access : Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Callback; [[Function callback for the size, returned values are always valid, but might be changed later on. ]] size : int; [[valid size for start_id, 0 <= i < size]] } } } }