import efl_gfx_types; enum @beta Efl.Text_Font_Weight { [[Type of font weight]] normal, [[Normal font weight]] thin, [[Thin font weight]] ultralight, [[Ultralight font weight]] extralight, [[Extralight font weight]] light, [[Light font weight]] book, [[Book font weight]] medium, [[Medium font weight]] semibold, [[Semibold font weight]] bold, [[Bold font weight]] ultrabold, [[Ultrabold font weight]] extrabold, [[Extrabold font weight]] black, [[Black font weight]] extrablack, [[Extrablack font weight]] } enum @beta Efl.Text_Font_Width { [[Type of font width]] normal, [[Normal font width]] ultracondensed, [[Ultracondensed font width]] extracondensed, [[Extracondensed font width]] condensed, [[Condensed font width]] semicondensed, [[Semicondensed font width]] semiexpanded, [[Semiexpanded font width]] expanded, [[Expanded font width]] extraexpanded, [[Extraexpanded font width]] ultraexpanded, [[Ultraexpanded font width]] } enum @beta Efl.Text_Font_Slant { [[Type of font slant]] normal, [[Normal font slant]] oblique, [[Oblique font slant]] italic, [[Italic font slant]] } /* FIXME: It needs to support "normal" option for non-color bitmap font. For supporting "normal" option, S/W glyph drawing engine should be updated. */ enum @beta Efl.Text_Font_Bitmap_Scalable { [[Scalable of bitmap fonts ]] none = 0, [[Disable scalable feature for bitmap fonts.]] color = (1 << 0), [[Enable scalable feature for color bitmap fonts.]] } interface @beta Efl.Text_Font { [[Font settings of the text ]] c_prefix: efl_text; methods { @property font_family { [[The font family, filename for a given text object. This property controls the font name of a text object. The font string has to follow fontconfig's convention for naming fonts, as it's the underlying library used to query system fonts by EFL (see the $[fc-list] command's output, on your system, to get an idea). Alternatively, you can use the full path to a font file. When reading it, the font name string is still owned by EFL and should not be freed. See also @.font_source. ]] set { } get { } values { font: string; [[The font family name or filename.]] } } @property font_size { [[The font size for a given text object. This property controls the font size of a text object. ]] set {} get {} values { size: Efl.Font.Size; [[The font size, in points.]] } } @property font_source { [[The font (source) file to be used on a given text object. This function allows the font file to be explicitly set for a given text object, overriding system lookup, which will first occur in the given file's contents. See also @.font_family. ]] set { } get { } values { font_source: string; [[The font file's path.]] } } @property font_fallbacks { [[Comma-separated list of font fallbacks Will be used in case the primary font isn't available. ]] values { font_fallbacks: string; [[Font name fallbacks]] } } @property font_weight { [[Type of weight of the displayed font Default is @Efl.Text_Font_Weight.normal\. ]] values { font_weight: Efl.Text_Font_Weight; [[Font weight]] } } @property font_slant { [[Type of slant of the displayed font Default is @Efl.Text_Font_Slant.normal\. ]] values { style: Efl.Text_Font_Slant; [[Font slant]] } } @property font_width { [[Type of width of the displayed font Default is @Efl.Text_Font_Width.normal\. ]] values { width: Efl.Text_Font_Width; [[Font width]] } } @property font_lang { [[Specific language of the displayed font This is used to lookup fonts suitable to the specified language, as well as helping the font shaper backend. The language $lang can be either a code e.g "en_US", "auto" to use the system locale, or "none". ]] values { lang: string; [[Language]] } } @property font_bitmap_scalable { [[The bitmap fonts have fixed size glyphs for several available sizes. Basically, it is not scalable. But, it needs to be scalable for some use cases. (ex. colorful emoji fonts) Default is @Efl.Text_Font_Bitmap_Scalable.none\. ]] values { scalable: Efl.Text_Font_Bitmap_Scalable; [[Scalable]] } } } }