class Ecore_Poller (Eo_Base) { eo_prefix: ecore_poller; constructors { constructor { /*@ Contructor with parameters for Ecore Poller. */ params { @in Ecore_Poller_Type type; @in int interval; @in Ecore_Task_Cb func; @in const(void)* data; } } } properties { interval { set { /*@ @brief Changes the polling interval rate of @p poller. @return Returns true on success, false on failure. This allows the changing of a poller's polling interval. It is useful when you want to alter a poll rate without deleting and re-creating a poller. */ legacy ecore_poller_poller_interval_set; return Eina_Bool; } get { /*@ @brief Gets the polling interval rate of @p poller. @return Returns the interval, in ticks, that @p poller polls at. This returns a poller's polling interval, or 0 on error. */ legacy ecore_poller_poller_interval_get; } values { int interval; /*@ The tick interval to set; must be a power of 2 and <= 32768. */ } } } implements { Eo_Base.constructor; Eo_Base.destructor; } }