import efl_text_types; interface Efl.Text_Interactive (Efl.Text, Efl.Text_Font, Efl.Text_Format, Efl.Text_Style) { [[This is an interface interactive text inputs should implement]] methods { @property selection_allowed { [[Whether or not selection is allowed on this object]] set {} get {} values { allowed: bool; [[$true if enabled, $false otherwise]] } } @property selection_cursors { [[The cursors used for selection handling. If the cursors are equal there's no selection. You are allowed to retain and modify them. Modifying them modifies the selection of the object. ]] get {} values { start: ptr(Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor); [[The start of the selection]] end: ptr(Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor); [[The end of the selection]] } } @property editable { [[Whether the entry is editable. By default text interactives are editable. However setting this property to $false will make it so that key input will be disregarded. ]] set { } get { } values { editable: bool; [[If $true, user input will be inserted in the entry, if not, the entry is read-only and no user input is allowed.]] } } select_none { [[Clears the selection.]] } } events { selection,changed: void; [[The selection on the object has changed. Query using @.selection_cursors]] } }