class Evas_Table (Evas_Smart_Clipped) { legacy_prefix: evas_object_table; eo_prefix: evas_obj_table; properties { homogeneous { set { /*@ @brief Set how this table should layout children. @todo consider aspect hint and respect it. @par EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_NONE If table does not use homogeneous mode then columns and rows will be calculated based on hints of individual cells. This operation mode is more flexible, but more complex and heavy to calculate as well. @b Weight properties are handled as a boolean expand. Negative alignment will be considered as 0.5. This is the default. @todo @c EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_NONE should balance weight. @par EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_TABLE When homogeneous is relative to table the own table size is divided equally among children, filling the whole table area. That is, if table has @c WIDTH and @c COLUMNS, each cell will get WIDTH / COLUMNS pixels. If children have minimum size that is larger than this amount (including padding), then it will overflow and be aligned respecting the alignment hint, possible overlapping sibling cells. @b Weight hint is used as a boolean, if greater than zero it will make the child expand in that axis, taking as much space as possible (bounded to maximum size hint). Negative alignment will be considered as 0.5. @par EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_ITEM When homogeneous is relative to item it means the greatest minimum cell size will be used. That is, if no element is set to expand, the table will have its contents to a minimum size, the bounding box of all these children will be aligned relatively to the table object using evas_object_table_align_get(). If the table area is too small to hold this minimum bounding box, then the objects will keep their size and the bounding box will overflow the box area, still respecting the alignment. @b Weight hint is used as a boolean, if greater than zero it will make that cell expand in that axis, toggling the expand mode, which makes the table behave much like @b EVAS_OBJECT_TABLE_HOMOGENEOUS_TABLE, except that the bounding box will overflow and items will not overlap siblings. If no minimum size is provided at all then the table will fallback to expand mode as well. */ } get { /*@ Get the current layout homogeneous mode. @see evas_object_table_homogeneous_set() */ } values { Evas_Object_Table_Homogeneous_Mode homogeneous; } } align { set { /*@ Set the alignment of the whole bounding box of contents. */ } get { /*@ Get alignment of the whole bounding box of contents. */ } values { double horizontal; double vertical; } } padding { set { /*@ Set padding between cells. */ } get { /*@ Get padding between cells. */ } values { Evas_Coord horizontal; Evas_Coord vertical; } } mirrored { set { /*@ Sets the mirrored mode of the table. In mirrored mode the table items go from right to left instead of left to right. That is, 1,1 is top right, not top left. @since 1.1 */ } get { /*@ Gets the mirrored mode of the table. @return @c EINA_TRUE if it's a mirrored table, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise. @since 1.1 @see evas_object_table_mirrored_set() */ } values { Eina_Bool mirrored; /*@ the mirrored mode to set */ } } col_row_size { get { /*@ Get the number of columns and rows this table takes. @note columns and rows are virtual entities, one can specify a table with a single object that takes 4 columns and 5 rows. The only difference for a single cell table is that paddings will be accounted proportionally. */ } values { int cols; int rows; } } children { get { /*@ Get the list of children for the table. @note This is a duplicate of the list kept by the table internally. It's up to the user to destroy it when it no longer needs it. It's possible to remove objects from the table when walking this list, but these removals won't be reflected on it. */ return Eina_List * @warn_unused; } } child { get { /*@ Get the child of the table at the given coordinates @note This does not take into account col/row spanning*/ } keys { unsigned short col; unsigned short row; } values { Evas_Object *child; } } } methods { clear { /*@ Faster way to remove all child objects from a table object. */ params { @in Eina_Bool clear; /*@ if true, it will delete just removed children. */ } } accessor_new { /*@ Get an accessor to get random access to the list of children for the table. @note Do not remove or delete objects while walking the list. */ const; return Eina_Accessor * @warn_unused; } iterator_new { /*@ Get an iterator to walk the list of children for the table. @note Do not remove or delete objects while walking the list. */ const; return Eina_Iterator * @warn_unused; } add_to { /*@ @brief Create a table that is child of a given element @a parent. @see evas_object_table_add() */ return Evas_Object * @warn_unused; } pack_get { /*@ Get packing location of a child of table @return 1 on success, 0 on failure. @since 1.1 */ const; return Eina_Bool; params { @in Evas_Object *child; /*@ The child object to add. */ @out unsigned short col; /*@ pointer to store relative-horizontal position to place child. */ @out unsigned short row; /*@ pointer to store relative-vertical position to place child. */ @out unsigned short colspan; /*@ pointer to store how many relative-horizontal position to use for this child. */ @out unsigned short rowspan; /*@ pointer to store how many relative-vertical position to use for this child. */ } } pack { /*@ Add a new child to a table object or set its current packing. Note that columns and rows only guarantee 16bit unsigned values at best. That means that col + colspan AND row + rowspan must fit inside 16bit unsigned values cleanly. You will be warned once values exceed 15bit storage, and attempting to use values not able to fit in 16bits will result in failure. @return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ return Eina_Bool; params { @in Evas_Object *child @nonull; /*@ The child object to add. */ @in unsigned short col; /*@ relative-horizontal position to place child. */ @in unsigned short row; /*@ relative-vertical position to place child. */ @in unsigned short colspan; /*@ how many relative-horizontal position to use for this child. */ @in unsigned short rowspan; /*@ how many relative-vertical position to use for this child. */ } } unpack { /*@ Remove child from table. @note removing a child will immediately call a walk over children in order to recalculate numbers of columns and rows. If you plan to remove all children, use evas_object_table_clear() instead. @return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ return Eina_Bool; params { @in Evas_Object *child @nonull; } } } implements { class.constructor; Eo_Base.constructor; Evas_Object_Smart.add; Evas_Object_Smart.del; Evas_Object_Smart.calculate; Evas_Object_Smart.resize; } }