/* FIXME: Move to Eina when we decide they are handled properly. */ struct @extern Eina.Rectangle { [[Eina Rectangle]] x: int; [[X coordinate of the rectangle]] y: int; [[Y coordinate of the rectangle]] w: int; [[Width of the rectangle]] h: int; [[Height of the rectangle]] } struct @extern Eina.File; [[Eina file data structure]] struct @extern Eina.Matrix3 { [[Eina 3x3 Matrix]] xx: double; [[XX matrix value]] xy: double; [[XY matrix value]] xz: double; [[XZ matrix value]] yx: double; [[YX matrix value]] yy: double; [[YY matrix value]] yz: double; [[YZ matrix value]] zx: double; [[ZX matrix value]] zy: double; [[ZY matrix value]] zz: double; [[ZZ matrix value]] } struct @extern Eina.Inarray; [[Eina inarray data structure]] type @extern Eina.Unicode: uint32; [[Eina unicode type]] struct @extern Eina.File.Direct.Info; [[Eina file direct information data structure]] /*{ path_lenght: size_t; [[Size of the whole path]] name_length: size_t; [[Size of the filename/basename component]] name_start: size_t; [[Start position of the filename/basename component]] type: Eina_File_Type; [[File type]] path: char[EINA_PATH_MAX]; [[The path]] };*/ enum @extern Eina.Xattr.Flags { [[Eina file extended attributes flags]] insert, [[This is the default behaviour, it will either create or replace the extended attribute]] replace, [[This will only succeed if the extended attribute previously existed]] created [[This will only succeed if the extended attribute wasn't previously set]] } type @extern Eina.Error: int; [[Eina error type]] struct @extern @free(eina_binbuf_free) Eina.Binbuf; [[Eina binbuf data structure]] struct @extern Eina.Slice { [[A linear, read-only, memory segment]] len: size; [[Length of the memory segment]] mem: const(void_ptr); [[Pointer to memory segment]] } struct @extern Eina.Rw_Slice { [[A linear, read-write, memory segment]] len: size; [[Length of the memory segment]] mem: void_ptr; [[Pointer to memory segment]] } struct @extern Eina.Value.Type; [[Eina value type]]