class @beta Efl.Ui.Radio extends Efl.Ui.Check implements Efl.Access.Widget.Action { [[Elementary radio button class. Radio buttons are like check boxes in that they can be either checked or unchecked. However, radio buttons are always bunched together in groups, and only one button in each group can be checked at any given time. Pressing a different button in the group will automatically uncheck any previously checked button. They are a common way to allow a user to select one option among a list. To handle button grouping, you can either use an @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group_Impl object or use more convenient widgets like @Efl.Ui.Radio_Box. ]] methods { @property state_value { [[Integer value that this radio button represents. Each radio button in a group must have a unique value. The selected button in a group can then be set or retrieved through the @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.selected_value property. This value is also informed through the @[Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.value,changed] event. All non-negative values are legal but keep in mind that 0 is the starting value for all new groups: If no button in the group has this value, then no button in the group is initially selected. -1 is the value that @Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.selected_value returns when no button is selected and therefore cannot be used. ]] set {} get {} values { value: int; [[The value to use when this radio button is selected. Any value can be used but 0 and -1 have special meanings as described above.]] } } } implements { Efl.Object.constructor; Efl.Object.destructor; Efl.Ui.Widget.theme_apply; Efl.Ui.Widget.on_access_activate; Efl.Ui.Widget.widget_input_event_handler; Efl.Access.Object.state_set { get; } Efl.Access.Widget.Action.elm_actions { get; } Efl.Ui.Selectable.selected {set;} } }